People said the artstyle in Akira is more realistic than other anime

People said the artstyle in Akira is more realistic than other anime.
And i have to admit, it portrays asians really well

noone fucking cares

You're like 28 years late to the party.

>it portrays asians really well
As degenerates?

See, the problem is, Sup Forums isn't what it once was. You get a selection of underage tards in here now who only care about the current/next boruto/yu-gi-oh/anyfuckingshonenshit and can't really comprehend much else (see )
Sorry about that

Akira is as shounenshit as it gets bud
it just looks prettier

Akira is seinen you fucking retard.

opinion discarded

Akira is hardly better than any shonenshit. The ending is literally HURR DURR SUPERPOWERS. The Kaneda vs Tetsuo fight was fucking retarded. Tetsuo should have ripped Kaneda apart but muh plot armor. The movie was only good until Tetsuo left the hospital.
Overrated anime and you're a faggot. Desu

Also, do not even try to compare Otomo to whoever the fuck writes Naruto.

>he watched the film for the plot
I thought everyone knew that the manga was where the actual story was.

OP here
...don't tell me none of you got the joke?

What, the slant eyes?

Op was trying to discuss the artstyle used in Akira.
Guess you missed that as OP contained slightly more than one sentence.

He should have said "depicts" instead of portrays if he wanted to talk about art style.

I warned you, OP.

the mouth and the hair(Which he had only during that scene to look 'nice') which makes him look like one of those old racist asian cartoon characters

ha ha ha
top comedy, OP.

I think you need to lurk more.

Oh uh wow HAHAHA
OP was actually a comedic genius and I didn't realize it

Is this the worst thread on Sup Forums?

No. There's like 3 Naruto threads up right now.

>Tetsuo should have ripped Kaneda apart but muh plot armor
Maybe he didn't want to kill him, but toy with him. Or he wanted his approval.