Nefertiti was 'whitewashed' and people aren't happy

American morning show The Today Show has gone under fire for "whitewashing" the Ancient Egyptian queen Nefertiti.

Paleoartist Elisabeth Daynès recently created a replica of Nefertiti's head based on the legendary ruler's DNA remains and revealed it on the show.

Featuring light skin and hazel eyes, the replica has drawn plenty of negative feedback online, with many social media users accusing Daynès of wrongly portraying the North African ruler as a white woman.

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Maybe if niggers didn't stick around banging rocks and fucking cows in the ass they would have at least a couple of relevant historical figures....but no, now is time nogs take the reality pill and fuck off.

WU WUZ is the saddest and most pathetic thing of the 21st century so far. It's just painful to watch blacks go on about this.

Nefertiti was not white. She was of Middle Eastern descent. We don't know her exact skin tone, but she wasn't black.

She looks like Adam Driver

It's sad in the sense that you're seeing a people steal history because they have none of their own. But it's also fucking hilarious. I was pissing my pants laughing at the Tariq Nasheed vs Jared Taylor debate from last night.

They really do believe blacks made Egypt?

So Coaldusting a British skeleton is obviously all ok and correct, but the opposite is untrue? Of course.

That bust is more ‘European’ looking than the reconstruction 2bh. What are they talking about.

How is that white?

umm wypipo srsly? Do you even know where EGYPT is? It's in AFRICA, okay whyteboi?
Alright, u know what they called the land of egypt, my man?
They called it KEMET. That means BLACK LAND, muh nigga

I was in a history of the Roman Empire class in college and when it was revealed that cleopatra was not a sub-Saharan nigress, the tokens in class started chimpin out about “how da most booiffle woman eva wudnt black den whymy spose ta cur?”
That was my redpill on niggers. If they aren’t being praised they couldn’t give a fuck

>this is a white woman to americans

According to who, Farakhan? Blacks are and were never able to create anything.

"I'm tired of your facts and science whiteboi, keep lying to yourself"

great pic

That's not white. That's North African. Do niggers have to we wuz kingz all the royalty when they actually wuz kingz from time to time?

The mayor of London is a Muslim. You don't get to mock us.

Hopefully this redpills Josh Gates

>first Brit was a nig
> Egyptian royalty was white
Maybe we're all on the wrong continent lads

Egyptians weren't "white" in the modern sense of european, but they were neolithic farmer type, which were the people of the levant and europe. Southern Europe in particular still has quite a large amount of neolithic farmer ancestry even after the indo-european migrations. Juts bear in mind that the ancient peoples of the levant weren't completely the arab shitskins that they are today, after thousands of years of mixing and conquest and genocide and rape.

The closest living representation of what the ancient egyptians looked like is probably the Sardinians, who are almost completely neolithic farmer ancestry.

>Niggers literally discounting DNA evidence

Lol. You can look at the bone structure on that bust alone an tell she wasn't black. Also, Egypt is on the Mediterranean. Why wouldn't they look like meds?

us INDIGENOUS MOORISH AMERICANS ruled da earth while you wypipo wuz still in caves. The snow turned yo skin white and Yakub gave you them alkaline noses and y'all left yo caves and enslaved the earth with yo WHITE SUPREMACY enslavin us indigenous moorish americans n shit and faking all these statues and stealin OUR history, man

Nobody is saying Egypt was white (sans say Cleopatra, who was Greek). The reasonable and legit opinion is Egypt was populated by middle eastern people who may or may not exist today. The only certain thing is they weren't niggers.


> The Ptolemaic dynasty (/ˌtɒləˈmeJ.Jk/; Ancient Greek: Πτολεμαῖοι, Ptolemaioi) was a Macedonian Greek royal family, which ruled the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt during the Hellenistic period.


Egyptians weren't huwhite but the ruling dynasty of Hellenistic Egypt were basically Greeks.

Do they know that she was the living definition of a roastie?

That’s not Sub-Saharan and neither is that Nefertiti bust white.

>tfw you realize the great migration was real but it was whites fleeing Africa for arable land and blacks fleeing Briton for gibs

>Yakub gave you them alkaline noses
What the fuck are those?

It's interesting how environment shapes racial perceptions. Black Americans think the Nefertiti reconstruction looks "white" and "like Susan from Connecticut". To me she looks like a Mediterranean type, like a Spaniard, but could also be a mixed race latina. Regardless she looks nothing at all like I'd picture a stereotypical American white woman.

I wasn't referring to the Ptolemaics. They were fully white as in european. I'm referring to the ancient egyptians from 3000 BC. They were neolithic farmer type, and DNA testing confirmed this. The closest representation to what they would've looked like are modern sardinians, who are almost pure neolithic farmer

She would have preferred they waited until March?

Dumb bitch

lmao ‘alkaline’


Blacks do this thing where they count all non-blacks as white in order to fit their "global white supremacy" narrative. That's why Tariq last night was calling Arabs and Japanese white. So even though what we know indicates that ancient egyptians would've looked like other ancient Mediterranean peoples from the time, they still claim it's a white supremacist scheme. Even though if it were a white supremacy scheme, we would probably be making her look like a blonde swede.

The statue looks whiter than the reconstruction desu

That's some big brained nibba shit right there
> niggers actually believe this

You mean she's not the Matriarch of the Didnu Nuffin Tribe?

pretty sure that’s a male

Obogo giving all those niggers phones was the worst thing to happen to the internet

It's extremely probable, human genome ain't that mysterious and a genius subsharan would explain a lot.


To be fair Connecticut is full of Italians. Not Midwest huwhite at all.

>niggers actually believe this

Her statue looks like Elliot Rodge


>cheddar man is supposedly "dark skin tone"
hahaha take that whitey we wuz tha first britons
>some egyptian bitch has light skin

Nefertiti wasn't from the Ptolemaic dynasty, idiot.

B-but... w-we wuz

>we wuz tha first britons

But back then middle westerners were white. So white in fact that they supposedly managed to dilute this skin tone into modern European colour after migrating here 7000 years ago

Cheddar man pic related
We eye manga but Mediterranean people could not possibly have been white

We wuz kangz. Stupid phone

That's supposed to be white? Looks like 56%

If I see that thing IRL I'd call her terrona

Yeah those were exactly my thoughts

>I'd call her terrona
I'd call it shaquiknavarious

anyone else find it suspicious a couple days after this broke and people yelled whitewash they said the first British were brown? seems like compensating

Checkmate niggers

they explode in water

You wouldn’t call her anything because you weren’t born yet.

>retardation: The post
Saudis have the most Neolithic Farmer admixture.

The fall of the Roman hold of Egypt by Arabs didn't make Egyptians less Egyptians, if anything it made them more Egyptian.

Of course, neither the Romans nor the Arabs had a significant input of their genes into the population as a result of the conquests.



>the closest representation to what they would've looked like are modern sardinians, who are almost pure neolithic farmer
Kek, you're a retard. Sardinians are mixed WHG with Neolithic farmers. They're not the population with the biggest amount of neolithic farmer admixture.

>statue is clearly a white woman
>reconstruction from her corpse is an uglier and slightly darker-skinned white woman
I understand them thinking that some fat-faced Nubian-Egyptian mutt statue was black, but Nefertiti has a clear PAINTED bust made of her. How in the world can they call her black??

Also pic related are two statues found near one of the earliest pyramids in Egypt. Clearly using body paint and makeup (as most rich Egyptians did) but the structure of their face is not black.

Are you assuming my mortality? I'm a trisexual vampire and I feel offended by your mortalsplaining

>ancient egyptians would've looked like other ancient Mediterranean peoples from the time
They had bronze skin. Greeks had lighter skin tones than Egyptians.

The Egyptians looked the most like West Asians like Yemenis.

They're irrational because they lack history. Nordcucks are just as dumb.

I could literally say the same about this but i don't, i don't deny science.

Genetically she was closer to modern ukrainians. Which doesnt speak very well for the ukrainians.

Stop niggerwashing history!
Find your own father first, before blatantly making shit up.

how is this guy not Jewish?

>transsexual vampire
hot tbqh

To be honest, he looks like a Slav/mongolian mix who had dark skin.

When Nefertiti gets Jew-washed, but Niggers think she looks White tho

Rob Schnieder?

>like yemenis
Egyptians were genetically closer to other levantines that days that now. Every black migration in their gene pool is post-Islam.

just wait until they find out about the Macedonian line of pharohs they'll lose their shit

Yea true, he doesn't even look like a nigger just has dark skin.

I bet "real" Pushkin looked like Busta Rhymes and had a full-blown afro.

>Cleary white
>darker skinned white

Both models resemble Copts or maybe Levantines.

she looks arab washed



Don’t they know what a Sub Sarharan African is?

It is embarrassing that there are seriously people who believe egypt was or has ever been a subsaharan african nation. It just boggles my mind.

How can such incorrect facts be so widespread? How can so many people believe something that is provably fiction? Egyptians are from the same stock as Iranians, Sumerians, and even throw it some Mediterranean too. They were not even remotely subsaharan african.

Science trumps delusions

We were all niggers once upon a time but they didn’t evolve and we did.


Scientists have just discovered what our ancestors looked like 500,000,000 years ago, and it's beautiful.


Yo nigga what is dat? Errbody know Anomalocaris was black, anudda try by whitey 2 undermine my history, ain't. it. a. shame.


>Egyptians were genetically closer to other levantines that days that now.
Wrong. Closest are modern day Egyptians. Look at the table of the study, it's an excel file. Smaller the number, closer the distance of the populations:
Go in supplementary information section and click on Supplementary Data 4
Here's a link of it:

The study claims that Ancient Egyptians are more closely related to Levantines of Neolithic and Bronze Age than the Modern Egyptians are to those groups. In other words, picture a house with two floors. One person on each floor. And it's 12:00 during the day. The person on the top floor is closer to the Sun than the other person. It doesn't mean the distance between the Sun and the person on top floor is smaller than the distance between the people.

Articles who took that study can't understand what it says.
Some think, for some weird reason, that skin color is the only indication of race.


>west african decendants in america
>every egyptian dynasty was nubian
>we wuz kangz of kush n shiet

When jews had two noses

put american hip-hop in it and must be true

Wait why do niggers get an entire month?