Fertility 'breakthrough' as human eggs grown in lab for first time

Roasties btfo

Scientists crack elusive technique for maturing eggs outside the ovaries

>Human eggs with the potential to become fertilised embryos have been grown in a laboratory for the first time in a breakthrough that could unlock future fertility treatments.

>In a landmark development, scientists have been able to replicate the process where egg cells mature in the ovaries outside of the body.

>Using strips of ovarian tissue removed in a biopsy, it represents an advance on IVF (in vitro fertilisation), where a mature egg is fused with a sperm in the lab and the fertilised embryo is implanted.


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its dangerous to begin becoming reliant on technology for reproduction

>t. ayylmao

t. Roastie

Its more dangerous to be reliant on women.

Good. Between sex robots and lab-grown eggs, women are becoming more obsolete (which is why they are becoming more frenzied, i.e. feminism). Once we rid ourselves of them completely the world will be better off.

if our evolutionary strategy starts to become dependant on technology, either that technology has the potencial to enslave us or if we loose that technology we could face a mass extinction in the future. Its worth thinking about at the least.

>helps women retain their fertility for longer, thus eliminating The Wall
>roasties btfo

Lol that ship's long since sailed mate.

We Ayylmaos now

spot the space faggot

Yeah let’s rely on family courts and alimony judgements instead. Those have worked out great.

I’d rather be enslaved by the cold calculations of a computer intelligence than the whims and fancies of women. At least an AI is logical and can be reasoned with.

its not too late to stop progressing in that direction though, we can biologically correct ourselves through sexual selection. Its only when our entire species starts to become less responsible for our own flaws. its dysgenic

Holy shit catgirls when

This is nothing new, it's been around for decades.

That computer intelligence once self aware will not have any need for you or any of us. Females still require males.

> all tech is the same
I think you are confusing AGI with a bunch of novel lab techniques.

Superhuman clan society here we come.

My point is it is very dysgenic to practice such things.

No more dangerous than relying on irrational, untrustworthy women.

We have a 50% single parent household rate and you are worried about disgenics now.

Where was your ilk during the “no fault divorce” legislative battles? Oh yes, you were cheering them on.

See this is what TradCucks do in real life.


You stab men in the back.

what the fuck are you talking about? I'm 20 I had nothing to do with any of that. I'm not even traditional ideologically. I base my beliefs around eugenics and weigh up the effects things have on our future genes. If what you are talking about is dysgenic then I'd be against it. Stop trying to box me into one of the things on your ideological frames list of possible interpretations. Things aren't that black and white.

Good thing we have reserved the falcon-holding-a-sword thing a couple hundred years ago. Now we can really larp to the max when we start issuing batchalls, quiaff?

>he wants to be a single dad to something created in a lab

I'll never understand you faggots

This. Literally learned 5 techniques for cloning my first semester at university.

Who's the qt3.14?

>I'll never understand you faggots

They are just kike faggots attacking the nuclear family again...well the white nuclear family

This. I’m convinced these threads are all started by faggots who want to dock their dicks together and grow their dissolute spawn in a plastic bag. Artificial wombs don’t make the nuclear family obsolete. The child still needs a well-rounded upbringing. Even if I were married I would opt for an artificial womb so my wife doesn’t have to wreck her body giving birth to multiple children

without clothes her boobs look like a stretch armstrong left in the sun on the roof of chernobyl

> muh nuclear family

How are you able to post from 1950?

Most that size do. Still curious...

>implying The Wall has anything to do with fertility

> well rounded upbringing


Good luck.


>he wants to be on the whims of an irrational creature who thinks of men as utilities

Perhaps you have a point, but it will be awesome if the roastie holocaust begins in my lifetime.

this why not keep that dickhole tight and grow a bebe outside?

What happens if we get hit by a massive emp wave from space or via a weapon?

you know, genetic engineering and this is the solution for a white utopia. only jew religions like
christianity held us back from starting this way sooner.

Better than a faggot marriage or raising the children alone

>what is online dating

ayyy lmao detected

fuck off space nigger

Yeah it will, you can make directives at the core of its programming.

Single dads are better than single moms.

You sure are retarded.

K so what happens when artificial semen comes out too


>artificial semen

It won't be human any longer.

lindsey pelas
ive never seen her nudes, i think the other user is lying

>Scientists crack elusive technique for maturing eggs outside the ovaries
I wonder how much more expensive this will be versus normal birthing procedures. No one ever talk about cost.

its over, we won

It will be irrelevant. Women have no trouble procuring actual semen at their leisure. Men have to submit to ridiculous legal subjugation for access to eggs. There's a demand for non-litigated eggs that currently has no supply. There's no such thing as litigated-sperm.

>the white race is so weak and impotent that it needs to be put on life support to have any chances of surviving

You know they're just going to build clone armies with this shit, right?

you can produce sperm from embroynal stem cells for years but why would anybody want to create a human with that

>implying The Wall has anything to do with fertility

It has. In Germany a 65 year old has given birth to a quartett (in vitro)

I think it's a bad idea to split reproduction from...two people.

An ertificial egg or sperm that was bred in an artificial womb. What kind of people will you get from that?

Cheaper than court+alimony+child support, I'll bet.

Other user is full of shit. She's the most genetically gifted woman on earth. Those monsters barely even sag.

rather wreck her body and get a sexdoll to grope. You can't imitate a pregnancy in the mothers body and it's very important for the psychological well being

Genetically superior ones.

This is less of a problem if radical life extension becomes a reality.

only slightly.
The problem with single parents is they don't teach their children a stable family life and how to live relationships and that there is no other parent to rely on.
The problem with single mothers is they can't let go often

Well its not going to be just larping.

If an artificial superintelligence were created, it could easily prevent this from happening and recreate the technology.

Shit your right white boys are so low test we need lab tech to do the impregnating for us. No wonder Turks are going to conquer Europe this century

artificial semen exists already for years but no emotional healthy woman would use it so nobody cares about it

One solution is to merge with the AI and become it ourselves. Google the Moravec Transfer.

>important for the psychological well being
Source: your ass.
Artificial wombs will be way comfier. We're gonna have genetically perfect kids that come out of the simuwomb knowing calculus and shit. You're going to be in massive debt to a woman and child you never get to see while Tyrone ibn Mamoud-de-Sanchez gets paid your tax dollars to fuck both of them.

> Imlying an AI wouldn't need stupid humans around for its amusement.

It doesn't need to be the a replacement just competition. The mere threat of robot sex maids and promethean test tube babies will act as a wake up call for women.

This is the second sexual revolution.

Why are Westerners so stupid and susceptible to propaganda?
This is due to the evangelization of technology, cultural Marxism or disgenicism?
For 25 years, scientists have talked about some breakthroughs in the field of reproduction, stem cells and gene therapy, and things are still there.

it's known that there is a bond between child and mother during pregnancy. The child feels everything she fells, hears her voice, feels her heartbeat etc.
If you take this away, after being this way for millions of years I don't know how humans who were made like this will be

You also can't breastfeed. This is another emotional bonding activity
or you want to invent this?

The in vitro deterrent, I like it. By getting the means of assured rejection towards the women, they need to change their ways and you actually don't have to use the deterrent at all.

The nuclear family was a 1950-1990 anomaly. The natural way to raise kids is the multi-generational household. Only leave when splintering to form a new multi-generational household.

AI, singularity, transhumanism are memes, not real thing.
The truth is that by the end of the century intelligent life will die out due to the African population bubble, the critical level of pollution of nature and disgenics.

The West destroyed progress in the 60s, choosing hedonism instead of progress.
And at the same time, humanity.
And we just follow you.

And Pregnancy literally changes the brains of women to become mothers.
And Pregnancy forces most women to stop be degenerates long enough to break the habit.

Correct, this is to scare people, much like nuclear armaments. If women don't get their act together men will simply find the need for offspring fulfilled in another way. If men can't get a woman, they will just fuck a sex doll/sex bot.

The days draw ever more closer that these insane left wing lunatic women start seeing that the utility is drying up.


>AI, singularity, transhumanism are memes, not real thing.
Not an argument. What makes makes you so sure that they will never become a reality?

Yeah, in the long run, but i'm talking about insurance companies fitting the bill for this. That could be a problem as well. Fucking normal child birth is between 30-50k

pregnancy also reduces the testosterone level of the father so he does stop being degenerate and become a docile father for a sensitive baby.
All these hormonal prosseses won't happen with artificial womb. All the hormones that spreading during and after birth.
It would just be like a c section just without any kind of preperation.

>take responsibility
Basically the entire next generation will be taught in marxist colleges that everything is relative and nothing is their fault.

I'm going to bio-engineer a race of super warriors