Deport all white women to Africa, and replace them with asian qts to create a hybrid race of white and Asian to maximise IQ, strength, minimise degeneracy (mostly found in white women) and birth defects.
Meanwhile in Africa the half blacks half whites will take over in Africa and bring it out of the dark ages, so there will never be an immigration problem from there
How to save the west
Other urls found in this thread:
you will never have this
I will never want that.
Asian women look like dog shit though
>minimise degeneracy (mostly found in white women) and birth defects.
race mixing increases genetic problems you nonce
From niggers and jews.
>Look at this strawman I made fellow white men
>so we should race mix because all white women fuck Tyrone, this comic I made said so!
Daily reminder that white women are the racial group less likely to race mix and that you are a degenerate gook chaser.
Show me who they fuck.
Daily reminder that stormniggers never ever will admit that white women are the lowest trash.
Rice cookers pay the price, they are degenerate subhumans.
>Implying white women are inherently degenerate
>implying Asian women wouldn’t be degenerate if they too were influenced by the Jew
Westernized Asian women are just as degenerate as white women, and for precisely the same reason.
If you don’t solve the Jewish problem, on a long enough time scale, the problems will repeat if you simply replace white women with Asians. The only difference will be your scheme is the death of the white race. I would guess you are pro-mongralization because you yourself are a mongrel. Fuck off
Don't forget to sage folks
Wow you must have a lot of BBC porn on your computer, like most gook chasers you are attracted to degeneracy like a bee is to honey.
race mixing is degenerate
Thanks for proving my point with that compilation of scrawny betas fucking makeup coated gooks, but hey I'm just a white roastie for disagreeing with your retardation, right?
Stormniggers are the biggest cucks.
i agree
But stormniggers don't breed. They LARP.
Hey, Rabbi, whatcha doin?
Try the "fellow white people" line next time you make this stale bait.
No, civic nationalists are the biggest cucks.
gurr durr look at these cherrypicked images of ugly asian women
I can do that too
I agree with OP, but I think we should establish a planetary empire and kill everyone that isn't European or Oriental.
White women are coalburning trash, and stormniggers are the cucks that slurp Tyrone's cum from their vaginas.
what a strange question: "Would you strongly prefer to date someone..."
we need more qualifiers and variables in a yes no question.
i'm not a pagan
It would have negative effects on average height and penis size, as well as dinamicity and creativity.
The outcome would not be desirable.
Better to deport the niggers and go back to a patriarchal society.
Asians are ratlike, disgusting creatures,
I know occasionally one is kinda cute, but that isn't the norm and everyone knows it.
White women do not deserve the reputation they have here. They are statistically the least likely group on earth to race mix.
The point is your based Asian waifus that you always post in these threads are just makeup coated yellow piles of shit. Asian women aren't "waifu tier" they are just as bad as the white toasties you claim to hate. All they want from you is a green card and your money, and they'll put on as much makeup as they need to get that from you betaboi untermensch.
>white women
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>I know occasionally one is kinda cute, but that isn't the norm and everyone knows it.
Bullshit, I am yet to meet an asian exchange student I wouldn't impregnate
They fuck before marriage more than any other race of women. They only marry their race after they have a niglet or miles of Jamal's dick. You should stop cucking for them.
>white women are coalburning trash despite statistics saying otherwise
White men are actually more likely to be race traitor degenerates, despite what your r9kniggers tell you betabois.
>the same thread
>with the same pictures
>with the same posters
i'll change that
>muh dating
What do you stormniggers not understand about fucking before marriage?
You need to go into a gas chamber.
This is brilliant. But I want to make it clear that the mulatto hybrid race must never be allowed in the Hapa masterrace Reich ever again. Not even for travel. We also need to get rid of (((Christianity))) so it doesn't ruin the Hapa race like it did to the white race.
I didn't know you were a Britbong, PillEater.
That IS you, right?
Wut am I..?
What the..?
How in the..?
Fucking wut.
But that wont be the west then? that will be something else
>more and more cherrypixked examples
>no facts to prove that all white women are coal burners
>because those "facts" don't exist.
You guys are hypocritical degenerate who deserve the rope.
No one wants a roastie
>he uses an image from a dating website
>calls 30 years of government data cherrypicked
Top fucking kek. Stormniggers are huge cucks.
>all white women are roasties
>he would fuck a whore just because she's white
Nigger dick or white dick, stormniggers like used up women.
>there are approximately 545,241 Christian women in the US aged 18-29 who regularly attend Church, aren’t overweight or obese, are virgins at marriage, and are currently single.
>This is approximately 2.15% of the 18-29 total women population (545,241 / 25,332,752). In the US total population it is .17% (545,241 / 320,090,000)
thats her dad
wtf somi noooooooo
Literally nothing you posted suggests that white women are the most likely race to mudshark
You are only proving that BMWF couples are shit, something that isn't being debated.
Low-IQ gook chasers deserve the gas, don't forget it.
peridot thread? fuck yeah.
peridot and lapis, only good things of the show
Why the fuck is there Peridot posting? I'm not even mad, it's better than yellow fever fucktards, but why Peridot?
kpopfags are former bronies
Stormniggers are the newest of faggots and should go back to and stromniggerfront.