Is American Football the last vestige of masculinity in the West?
team sports are for commie fags.
Wrestling is the most red pilled sport. Not wwe.
maybe 20 years ago. i cant tell if im watching a gay pride parade or a football match anymore so i dont even bother
You focking wot m8?
OP is a faggot
American football is trash
>No fighting
Hockey though
>All whites
>gets to fight
NOPE hell nah...most of these dude aree assraper and gay faggot
most like a good hard dick in the asshole if you know what I mean
>masculinity in the west
i don't think so, nigger.
Hockey is way more masculine.
Don't you mean "Toxic Masculinity" you shitlord.
The average American football game is over 3+ hours long, yet only has a little over 13 minutes of actual plays, along with over 100 commercials.
So R U watching a football game or a series of commercials?
>american football
The only contact sport that penalizes players for contact. Right.
Niggerball is boring these days
I don't understand people who support American football or soccer. It's bread and circus full of niggers. Their agenda is against white people and if you watch your helping them. If you stop pumping so much money into this kind of sports and degenerate rap musics nigger will have no place to go.
>padded up like its an OHS issue just to touch the ball
no, what do you mean?
The correct answer to OP's question is hockey.
Everything else is faggoty ass circlejerking.
Grown men guzzling beer and eating chips, forsaking time spent teaching their sons to hunt, fish and farm....
Watching NFL is for bitches. Always has been, always will be... and the only reason you think otherwise is because the cucks in the NFL marketing team programmed you to think otherwise.
pic related
this is American football
you can not even tackle
Out of all the sports
You chose niggerball
No, that shit's for fags.
>in the West
the 'West' is a meme pushed by americans to feel good. the 'west' is a 3rd world country like the americas, don't fall for this meme
Watching sports is pure cuckoldry, same as watching porn.
>Low IQ lardasses sitting on the sofa drinking fermented swill and cheering on "their" guys on "their" team
If you're actually playing it can be alright (I played two years in high school) but otherwise football does very little to promote genuine masculinity in society OP. I'd be much happier if white men were playing in a local sports league a few times a week as opposed to watching football on TV.
You have to be retarded or have a deathwish to play. Is that masculine?
hocky isnt bad but fighting/MMA and things like BMX and skateboarding are in another league.
It all comes down to what you as an individual can make happen. Team sports are lame as fuck.
Hockey is more man and less showboating niggerdom.
Kys boomer trash.
Killing the American hybrid of Soccer/Rugby is necessary to demoralize the typical RBA. Obliterate the identities that bind us with each other.
Let’s see...Tom Brady is trying to hit a “tight end” but will settle for a “wide receiver”, or maybe a running back will hit “the hole” hard. And all of them are wearing skin-tight shiny silver pants with an oversized jock. Yup, totally not gay.
Hockey is a bunch of leaf fairies skating around on ice. Gay!
negroball :D
>Covered in safety equipment
>Have to stop and take a breather every 30 seconds
>Even 500 pound fatties can play
lol no
Yes, it proves that black men are naturally more masculine than whitey
>padded uniform
Football is legitimately gay, along with every other contact sport. The fact they you are tackling big sweaty guys into mud, getting yourselves dirty brings in a lot of questions.
Nope. Plenty of other ways to revitalize masculinity. Real men will know.
America is the least masculine country in the west. Absolute cucks full of delusion.
WTF? r u gay? Sports are inherently straight - especially strength base sports. the only point is to impress women
>watching rich niggers play a game
no thx
No. Only sports where you can drink and smoke while you play are masculine, like bowling and golf.
> America is the least masculine country
> coming from britain
> used to have an empire
> now lets muslims rape theyre little girls while look for sexist people to ban
Good point.
Yeah thats why women play it right?
Women can play both successfully
Not against men.
>American football
It's gay as fuck. No blood, no glory.
Pewaukee Boi
>Aaron Rogers is a closet homosexual
Especially if we are only considering sports that are played at a high school or university. Anyone with a son, put them in wrestling as early as possible.
He and Danica Patrick are now each others' beards.
No. It's one of the tools of the Jew. Rodeo is the last bastion of masculinity.
The real problem arises if you beat off to both!
lol, I don't watch sports anymore, but could you be more of a pussy faggot?
The reason they penalize contact is because they hit each other so fucking hard they destroy their brains. Yeah, what wusses.
Football will probably die with the boomers.
Watching is one thing. You have to be a complete fucking cunt to not play in grade school, high school or college if you have the opportunity.
This sounds a lot like the typical faggot who shit talks wrestling. You do realize this just makes you sound like a faggot, right?
Yeah, cause when people think of your country they think of masculine men, right?LOL
You're the type of moron that blow a gasket when told that whites are more intelligent then blacks.
Fuck of nigger...the kikes have changed the rules to make you apes more athletic. You only excel at sports that require little to no thinking.... look at all those useless nigger QBs... useless...
You haven't played a down if you think there isn't any blood involved. Even at the high school level.
How many pussy ass faggots are on this board?
Watching sports as an adult is fucking gay because you should be spending that time bettering yourself.
Not playing sports when you are young IS FUCKING FAGGOT CITY
I watched it once it seemed to mainly consist of the refs throwing beanbags onto the field every time there was contact and 5 minute beaks between each play. I don't see the appeal
XFL will be the last one. No criminals and every one will stand for the anthem.
watching is gay. playing is fun.
>golf, bowling
Pick one you lazy fuck
are e-sports manly enough?
Yep, you nailed it.
I know about sports played many of them, watched some, mainly when I go to a bar. When I was with my ex for 6 years I didn't watch any. After the break up I found myself at a bar having a beer or two.... eventually I realized, "what the fuck, I'm waiting a perfectly good Sunday watching this shit" stopped...I would only stop for a quick beer after my 50km bike ride every Sunday after that realization.
Yep.... fapping is what I excel at.... gold medals 5 weeks in a row... I'm aiming for 6 weeks
>amateur hour
let me know when you're fapping while winning CS tournaments
Yes because long term brain damage is so masculine
for the spectator or the player?
WWE is
WWE wrestlers honestly deserve a lot more respect than they get.
alright mr. frog, give me the source.
>muh fights
I'd rather watch sweaty man drama.
>Purin-chans BoxingGym2 VR - YouTube
Imagine being this much of a soy
>be wrestler
>hit yourself for real
>get brain hemmorrage
t. Shibata
you're a good man
>be wrestler
>be able to fuck up basically anyone
Yeah, how gay
Kill yourself
I always knew you wrestling fucks had autism
Did they beat the shit out of you all the time.
You wouldn't understand unless you actually wrestled. It instills qualities in you that you won't get from Football, Basketball, Baseball, or Track.
Also lets see you go do bridal carries up stairs for an hour, bitch boi
Yes, but not White masculinity. This "football" thing is packed with anti-White nigger pets used as liberal talking heads.
I did wrestle for a time and honest to god everyone that wrestles/wrestled are weird fuckers.
>Also lets see you go do bridal carries up stairs for an hour, bitch boi
T.106 weightclass
>It instills qualities in you that you won't get from Football, Basketball, Baseball, or Track.
You are wrong
Yeah, it is a hard sport. Takes a bit of crazy to willingly put yourself through that. Every other sport I played was a complete joke compared to what wrestling demanded out you.
I was a heavyweight.
I am not wrong Did you guys still have the plastic sweatsuits when you wrestled?
Hockey has truly the toughest players.
Football player be out for season with this injury.
Hockey player gets stitched up and back on ice, or next game.
I had kids on my high school team that were getting weekly knee injections so they could put off surgery to play (granted those were all guys with D1 scholarships on the line). Hockey boys are tough for sure though.
Newsflash dumbass anysport that you want to be great at will take dedication, time and tons of effort. Wrestling is not exclusive in these qualities
The worst part is every wrestler acts as if they’re the QB on the football team. You guys take your sport and yourselves way to seriously
LOL, I wasn't a good wrestler. I was forced to wrestle by my football coach. I was much better at football than wrestling.
And you definitely had the shit beat out of you by some wrestlers. What a bitter faggot.
He’s totally making soyboy face.
Yes, it is why the left wants to kill it.
No its MMA gyms and weightlifting.
My city is ~40% black, but the MMA gyms are all ~95% white.