i'm 3/8 a jew, my grandmother was a full jew and my grandfather was a half jew, but I've never been in a synagogue or really exposed to jewish culture. I was raised in Wisconsin. This never really bothered me before because I didn't know the significance of judaism. I got into white nationalism with the purest of intentions, fully believing myself to be a white man, but now I'm not so sure. Am i a dirty kike that should be shipped off to israel? i dont feel it so, I feel like and want to be a white american. I don't like jews or judaism in general, and I definitely don't like what they're doing with their power. But I can't ever wash that from my blood, can I? I dont know man.
Am i a kike
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Live your life.
When the day of the ovens eventually come, run.
Not your blog kike
This or volunteer for sonderkommando duty.
Use it to your advantage like Milo or drudge. They can't call you a Nazi if you're a Jew.
I just dont like niggers and jews and latin americans and don't want to be around them tho
Why are posting pictures of crying people? Grow the fuck up crybaby
Who does my friend? Anyway I wouldn't worry too much.
You are one of us now
Be that jewish-american that goes to events and BTFOs shabbas goys with questions about the JQ.
After gene editing gets advanced enough, you might be able to erase your kike genes from your DNA.
You're a self-loathing jew, like Larry David.
You're harmless but you're still not allowed in the ethnostate, sorry.
There comes a point where it’s too much of a grey area to determine genetically. Post nose, it’s the only way.
Do you look Jewish? Brady eyes, hook nose, bad skin/olive skin, curly hair, short, hairy, Jew voice?
Be honest.
Cuz I'm 12.5% Jewish and I exhibit none of these features.
Just don't tell anyone. Jews aren't a big deal here like in America so I never thought about it.
Plus my mother wasn't even raised Jewish. My grandfather especially didn't like religion/wanted to fit in. His funeral was in a town hall.
oh look, a self-hating jew
>letting retarded people on Sup Forums effect your self esteem
Do any of the complaints Sup Forums has about Jews seem true about you? If so be better. If not, keep going.
>inb4 all jews are in on the conspiracy
> and latin americans
Well fuck you too.
I'm a le 56% Hispanic and I won't live in a non white area. America used to be about integrating. People are no longer encouraged to do that. It can't last that way.
Post your nose faggot. Let's see who you really are.
Half the board is Jewish in some fashion, and the other half is shitskins.
He's right bro, average Honduran or Mexican coming here moves to a shit hole neighborhood just as bad as the place he came from, and lives and dies here without learning so much as basic English. Then their kids survive on gibs, which turn them to libs.
ian snow go back to your shitposting on faceberg.
Jews apparently are ethnicity.
So in case you'll accumulate giant wealth and you won't have any children or family Israeli jewry will claim what ever you left behind
Come home jew man