Her videos are very explicit and totally inappropiate for this age.
But it's not her fault . Who is doing this to the poor kid ? Her dumb cunt of a mother. Tell me, what is the difference between this and actual child pornography ?
And you wonder why society is a total shithole.
13 YO Prostitute
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd bang her.
Instead of punishing one person, everyone involved should receive equal justice, including the kid. That would solve the problem but it'll never happen in this faggot age
Can you point out the (((person))) paying and enabling this degeneracy? It’s fine to point singers at the girl and her mom, but we need to be lambasting the producers/company which promotes this as well.
A kike whore
Irish last name moron from rape capital
Fucking Jews everytime. They have no morals
I wonder what she would look like with cum all over her face
single mothers the post
>mom doesn’t let her go to parties with famous people because she’s young
>mom put her in Christian school
>mom won’t let her and her boyfriend be alone together
>mom won’t let her wear the outfits in normal life
Good god op you are the biggest faggot. Either that or you’re a self loathing pedo. Either way kys.
I don’t know who’s jewing who anymore
Also, Welcome to the Danielle effect. "That girl got a record deal for being a whore, what if I mimic that?"
Girls starting age 12-13 are perfectly breedable and already have a pussy fever for cock so stop with your moralist bullshit. A shy decent girl could well be a girl in her 20s but if it’s a whore she will start whoring as soon as she can
(((Cohn))), are you really that surprised?
Even buzzfeed posters seem to be disgusted.
>a 13 year old girl dancing is child pornography
Only because you're a pedo. Anyone else just laughs and says "ah, kids these days".
Is this the name of all wigger bitches everywhere?
Whores gonna whore. God bless you, Russia.
>mom still lets her daughter whore herself out on instagram
Hey guys what's going on in this thread?
I wholeheartedly agree
>inb4 the soyboys go crazy raving against this post
Kinda different when the mom is encouraging it. Kids are stupid.
Not only pedos. Jealous roasties too. I’m sure they’re the bulk of the buzzfeed comments
*grinds and twerks on a nigger at the club*
>ah, kids these days
I could raise way sluttier kids.
Get out of here, Hillary!
13 and already looks like a burned out roastie, disgusting.
>inappropiate for this age.
She is an adult.
>But it's not her fault .
Stop putting pussy on a pedestal.
>Who is doing this to the poor kid ?
You sure she isn't just in it for the attention?
she was first promoted through musical.ly
> an app called Musical.ly.
The app allows users to upload short videos of themselves lip-synching along to popular songs, and then share them with other users.
Probably also Instagram and Facebook participate in this. JTube also
Jews are descendants of the whores of Babylon, whether it be this hole, Laura Loomer and muh sex junk, Amy Schumer, Jazz Jennings, Jews are born to be immoral degenerates. They're not espousing one model and living a different one. They just normalize their own degeneracy through Hollywood and the media.
There is no creature on earth more decadent, nihilistic, and hedonistic than the New York/Los Angeles American kike.
>13 year old girl dressed like a slut
Ah kids these days
oh man
I'm sorry, *Rachel Bloom, and muh sex junk. I'm getting the Hebrews mixed up.
She's 13
Meh. It’s stupid but I wouldn’t call it whoring. Maybe you’re just a bitter roastie.
>13 year olds being allowed to into clubs
I'm a dude. It's definitely whoring to have her dressed like that. They know what kind of audience that attracts.
So, in your opinion, this is a normal life / education for a kid ?
Also, dressing her in revealing outfits and selling the pictures online for weirdos to masturbate at, is not in any way wrong ?
>be attractive
>famous for lip syncing
>get record deal
Does not compute.
>men sexualize a teenage girl for what she's wearing therefore its her fault
Also, dont get me wrong, I'd hit that as soon as it's legal.
I just don't think it is ok for her mother to sell her like that. And the part about Christian school and all that might be publicity bullshit
any of you supposed moralfags calling anyone a pedo should go take a look at her instagram. then (try) to objectively realize that she is selling herself in a sexual manner.
You're right, it's her mom's fault. She knows that the only reason she gets so many views is because of that.
It's pretty much on her mom at this point.
>It’s fine to point singers at the girl and her mom
>Single mother parenting
>Check the stats
It's talking about the mother
She could be doing far worse in Hollywood. I’m not seeing the outrage, sorry senpai.
> Girls starting age 12-13 are perfectly breedable and already have a pussy fever for cock so stop with your moralist bullshit. A shy decent girl could well be a girl in her 20s but if it’s a whore she will start whoring as soon as she can
Thanks for translating your national anthem for us?
Yeah, but the issue is her 13 year old. The mom quit her job to promote her. She's the one that's doing shit on Instagram, not the mom. Which is why some people think its one inappropriate since she's a minor.
I'm sure she is already.
>Irish last name moron from rape capital
oh man, how many videos like that you have in China ?
shit, she's so annoying to watch.
anyone who wants to fugg a hebe has never actually tried to talk to one, or just pay her any attention besides those exciting 15 seconds.
it's physically exhausting.
No, she gets lots of views from other teenagers. No-one over the age of 15 probably even knows who she is aside from the wierdos on here.
(((Cohn))). She's not white, she's a kike!
She will never be an adult.
Most likely because she'll be raped and killed by some nigger before she hits 18.
Barring that, at least mentally and emotionally, she will never be an adult.
You fags are talking about fucking something that will never have more agency than a grilled cheese sandwich.
Do you go to convalescent homes to hit on nonfunctional retards there, too?
Ffs pedofags
Like the fist of an angry God.
>it's physically exhausting
Maybe they just know you're a beta bitch :)
> those exciting 15 seconds.
> it's physically exhausting.
Ah, Russia. Such alpha males!
You clearly don't know how the industry works. Sex sells bro. The music comes later (if it comes at all)
the fact that this has become the majority does not make it right
>white people
>le 56%
Sure thing. Teens masturbate you too know. 13 year old girls may think they it's because people she's cool or something, but that's not reason.
>I can suck up an underage's bullshit better than you
>I'm so alpha
>gets a lot of views from other teenagers
really dude? How deluded are you? Are you new to the internet?
>Single mothers
>Teens masturbate you too
I don't think it's still masturbation at that point.
When I said it's possible to sexualize 13 year olds and dress them sexy I was called pedo
I think it has an effect how you let a girl run around how men will see her. And I guess some 13 year olds get hit on more often than others.
It seems this cash me outside chavs lolitas are becoming a trend. I think it's a bad, dangerous idea
Jesus Christ I fucking choked on my pudding when I realized that was Ted Cruz
Post the fucking videos
and the mother doesn't function as a stop sign but encorages her daughter because it means she doesn't have to work
>being such a failure that even teens make fun of you
are you sure you meant to reply to me?
or did you refer to yourself? this board is 18+.
White men are to blame for this. It's the result of giving the women vote and letting them do whatever they want, it's the result of men not keeping their women in line and the result of men sleeping with sexy women and boosting their ego.
If she's not a literal whore yet she soon will be. Watch her Instagram for when you she goes to Emirates. Those fucking Dubai Mudslides man. They pay regular instawhores tens of thousands to use as toilets. They'd probably pay millions for this sluts virginity. Guaranteed she'll go to Emirates at some point and when she does you'll know she's an actual whore.
> men want to fuck 13 year old girls, which is totally naturally btw, so it is men's fault
Really powers up my watermelon.
link in the OP
Imagine being this naive and trying to function in day to day life.
She dresses like a gangbanger. Do not want.
The fuck are they putting in the food these days? That does not look like a 13 y o.
It's ok, pretty soon pedophilia will be legal in California so no worries brah. You bigots wouldn't want to stand in the way of progress would you?
>naive post check flag
>yup they check out
I swear there is a special type of Autism that makes people super naive for the rest of their life and makes them communist as well.
>34-year-old single mother,
There's your answer.
1. Why does pol care about this?
2. I skimmed through the videos on the article, it's literally just vine.
3. She isn't even dressing slutty
4. Her "dancing" is cheerleading.
Again, why does Sup Forums care about some middle school cheerleader?
I found her insta my nigga. She's always got the midriff going on.
She's literally a baby hahahaha, like go and play with your barbie doll little girl hahaha.
a (((lot))) more could be said, but I'm afraid someone will ban the thread for CP
I'm guessing she's gonna grow up to be either a stripper or prostitute.
Really? Are you sure about that?
Dammit Spade. Also what does he mean by the famous part?