“Racism is a key indicator of an ignorant mind.”

“Racism is a key indicator of an ignorant mind.”

Donald John Trump

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Studies show the more intelligent you are, the more likely you are to be racist.
Even AI agents end up racist.

>a civic nationalist
>says something civic nationalisty

Holy shit I'm fucking shocked.

I'll take a civic nationalist over an Obama or a Hillary any day of the week.

Good thing I didn't vote for him then. I can't stand cuckservatives. He might have gotten my vote if he actually stood by the Muslim Ban he advocated for a few weeks during his candidacy, but he backed away from that, didn't he?

>please poison me slowly, i don't want to die all at once

Trump the CivNat is the best thing to happen to this country since Jackson. It isn't poison at all.

In your opinion, user. In actual fact, making statements like the one in O.P. are a lethal injection of Politically Correct poison.

Jackson was better, but like the others, I'll take a civic nationalist over a satanic globalist operative.

Wouldn't want to be a "racist" now, would we?

Who gives a shit what that nigger thinks.
He was a better option than Hiliary, that's all.

>making statements like the one in O.P.
you have to go back, shill
OP is a faggot and this thread is cancer

>using sodomite language while being the actual sodomite
Hell is for ever!

No, he wasn't. He was the same after all. Lied during his candidacy, user.

I agree Jackson was better that's why I said "since Jackson".

And yes OP is a stupid retard cuz between a civnat and a globalist the choice is easy. Let's be honest on here fellas an actual
Bootclapping seig-heilling natsoc Wikileaks never have been elected. We should take what we can get for now and wait patiently while the Overton window shifts.

>i'm obliged to vote
Not voting is of course a _vote_ of no confidence in the system, user.

Wikileaks == will never. Typo.

Yes it is, but between 2 choices: 1 is 0% your views, not good for you, and actively working in the exact opposite direction of your goals.

The other is ~70% of your views, and benefits you directly even if he benefits some other groups you don't like as well. He does not work directly against your goals on most fronts and he also normalizes some conversation that will allow an even more radical choice to come after him.

Not really biases just logical and critic thinking until New data proofs individually you are a good person, statistics don't lie.

Racist is such a strong word. I prefer "nigger-hater" myself.

L.O.L. by constantly using the anti-white meme "racism" with regard to pro-white activity and opinion, he is in fact working against my goals. There are words and phrases at either side of the spectrum from anti-white to pro-white.

I want people to use phrases like "third-world" "anti-white" and "diversity means chasing down white people" in order to expose the anti-white agenda. You and he are both respectable conservatives and are an embarassment.

>between two choices
I bet if I controlled the media the way the establishment does, I could get you to believe you only had two choices as well.

"J" is for John?