How the FUCK did Poland manage to convince the world that the holocaust was a German invention?
How the FUCK did Poland manage to convince the world that the holocaust was a German invention?
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I know, huh! There were not death camps in Germany, just in Poland.
Pay the Jew their Shekels, Poland!!
How th FUCK did Germany manage to convince the world not to exterminate them after all the shitstorms you've brought upon it?
Can poles and krauts work together this time? would be kino
Germany is too busy committing suicide to work with anyone.
Poles are stuck in 1950 - the only think saving them is their knee jerk racism. Thank Jesus for that! Because they're totally cucked on the whole Jewish Death camp scam.
How come you both fucking failed miserably at it?
Right? The holocaust was a Jewish invention.
How come the G*rmans push the only good thing they did in last millenium on other people?
Fucking rettarded eh?
How the FUCK did Germany manage to convince the world that cuckoldry was a German invention?
>lol @ name
Yes, the term comes from their ancestors throwing babies into the fire, and the zionist manufactured incendiaries burned a lot of babies in cities, the true holocaust
>Im contrarian and le edgy.
There's also a high probability youre black, or your grand kids will be.
Opinion discarded.
The Holocaust, More specifically, was a Zionist invention.
The Zionist literally didn't give a damn about the Jews in Europe. They wanted the Jews in Palestine. The Holocaust was invented to scare them into Palestine. The Jews who stayed could die for all the Zionist cared.
Any source to this info graphic?
Or did you pull it out of your gaping asshole?
Someone give it to me straight.
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being Sweden 10 being Auschwitz in its glory days, how based is Poland right now?
6 gorillion
>How the FUCK did Poland manage to convince the world that the holocaust was a German invention?
Have you read your MFA twitter? You are niggers of europe.
>Waaah!!! I want Death camps in muh country too!
Sorry German user. There were no death camps in Germany.
Seems The Germans were giving Jews a choice - move to Palestine and keep all your stuff, or we take it from you and make you work.
This desu. Its easy to draw things in paint about a 70 year old conflict
Lmao this
I've been trolling boomers and all sorts that the holocaust was actually the poles killing Germans and Jews and then they framed the Germans lol
The source is
It's a watermark on the image you mongoloids
either you post proofs and show your flag or fuck off kike
Warpigs, unlike wardogs, don't leave behind garbage to be discovered later.
>country gets invaded
>controlled by occupying force
>forced to do things
>jews say they wanted to do those things all along
Everybody knows poland is a jewish country
this map is just retarded
I'm pretty sure that the two anons who were in denial were not interested in the source. They were clearly triggered.
Poland has always been pretty Jewey.
Can't wait for kikes to demand Holocaust reparations from Japan, France and the U.S. next.
It's the official one
it's funny that they were expelled and not killed
>Western Poland
>Liberated by western allies
The Nazis lost deal with it.
>Started in 1941
great source faggot
Probably due to Jewish Christianity that says to forgive the Jews
Poland was running polish death camps long before german army stepped on polish land.
Tens of thousands of soviet POWs were brutally tortured and murdered by polish death squads, with many of these camps being prototypes for later built holocaust camps.
>official one
>made in fucking paint
>this inaccurate
off yourself faggot
It did for us you stupid faggot
Portugal actually killed them in massacres
When the Soviet Union fell and there was the era of Glasnost, the Soviets admitted the cut the holes in the ceilings of the showers and fabricated the whole "gas chamber showers" meme.
Sorry, there were no death camps. That was a Soviet lie because the Soviets were controlled by the Rothschilds.
Stalin shit bricks when The Rothschilds sent their agent, Rockerfeller (or was it JP Morgan?), to the Soviet Union.
we had one. fucking one and requested help from the ussr and france, because of the plague your "people" brought with the red army in 1920s.
Bereza Kartuska best day of my life. It was more of an animal shelter than camp for POWs but you didn't deserve any better...
It's used on Wikipedia in every single language
The majority of the victims were polish
>two years late into the party
>being proud of it
provide sources.
also "russians" added so stop blaming us.
and once again post sources
Why on earth do you think I care about a deluded Polish shit poster? All you guys do is chimp out when confronted with the truth.
I mean, good on Poland for staying Catholic when the Pope goes satanist, and for keeping out the Moslems, but beyond that... damn, the Polish jokes aren't wrong.
>it's actually true
state of the human civilisation
There on the road to extinction...
>confronted with the truth.
>few paint images, no sources, no reliable documents
>he claims this is truth
what kind of raging faggot are you?
>I'm Muh Polish joke.
This is too stereotypical. Have you no pride?
In France, the war is commonly called "la guerre de '40"
Jews are so arrogant and haughty they envisioned an imaginary man in the sky. Then they said that of all the people on earth, he loves them the best. No, it's not like that. God loves niggers the best, and if you bless niggers you will be blessed.
The proof is that nigger population has gone up 7 times since 1960. 7 times! If Whites had done the same, the population of Europe would have gone from 600 million to 4.2 billion. At this point, we either do something about it, our we get flooded.
Where is Bismarck expulsion of Poland jews?
>still nothing been proven
have i hurt your little goblin feelings?
because for you it lasted just a month in 40s.
we call '39 "september campaign"
i'm just pointing out creaturas ignorance
Still doesn't change the facts, cheers broski
The kikes never got gassed in Auschwitz. That's a lie because they are sympathy-farming. Their arrogant asses were put to productive wartime work, rather than loafing and collecting rent and interest on loans.
Fuck off juden.
So you found the poles killing jews in camps when you invaded them?
That graphic is solid proof that Shaperio is controlled opposition.
There's a reason why many of the right wing leaders are hypocritical jews... Chutzpah and money!
fuck the shills