Little Witch Academia

Image Limit Reached while Translator user posting his translation.

Trigger should hire an Hentai Doujin Artist to Draw LWA 2017 Manga.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ok well anyways, last 5 pages, 4 of which you've already seen before.

>D: According to my calculations, the amount Luna Nova has paid far exceeds the initial debt. Since the interest has been invalidated, then it would seem the rest of the debt is also
>D: cleared, right?

>D: The matter of repaying the overpayments on the interest will be handled more formally at another time.

>D: And with the new information now provided, we request the immediate return of the Magical Conductor Stone?

>tfw no Sucy Threesome

>D: Mister Fafnir! (Jew)

>Jew: Hmph. Nowadays there's no need for dragons or magic or any of that crap...

Is it possible to be smugger than that left diana?

>that Lukic

>Jew: In this age of science...magic is soon fated to disappear.
>A: That won't happen!

>A: Even now, magic can still move people!

>Jew: It's been a while since I've heard someone say something like that.
>A: Watch me! Someday I'll become an amazing which that makes everyone in the world gasp in awe!

>Jew: Is that your dream you were talking about?

>A: Yeah!
>Jew: Hmph, you'll learn soon enough that you can't survive off dreams alone.
>A: Sheesh, what's with you!!

>A: Take care old man, be sure to control that greed of yours.
>L: Akko! Everyone's leaving!

Best girl even bester.
Sasuga Diana

>Jew: To think there were still people around with that kind of cheery face...

>Am: In the end we still have to do them!?
>A: Whyyyyyyyy!?

>As punishment for leaving the school grounds without permission, they had to do the laundry.

And that's it. I also liked Asenshi's translation where it's more "with that kind of look in their eye", probably a better localization honestly.

I'll get to chapter 7 whenever.

Thanks a lot, user.

Thank you, kind translatorkun

>Teri Terio
>Hentai Doujin Artist

Out-jewing a jew is something to be very smug over.

LN Diana

>you will never get a higher test score than diana
>she will never become so frustrated she starts having barely repressed sexual feelings for you

Is that Sucy's mom? What happened to pic related?

Neither is canon.

Terio Manga SucyMom is OVA canon
TV LWA SucyMom is scrapped

I thought the Terio manga was cannon?
I know the one posted in here is, but isn't the Terio one also? Like an alternate?

>Sucy's mom
No such thing, Sucy is an orphan.

Did they confirm that at some point?

No, it's not canon to either format

Yes, its based before & after OVA1

OVA story
Terio manga story
TV story
TV manga story

They're all separate.

I remember Tattun said a while ago Terio Manga is canon to the OVAs


OVA 1&2 = Terio Manga
TV = 2017 Manga

TV anime and TV manga slightly contradict each other though.

Manga is added some stuff (like volley chapter) & alter some stuff (legendary broom chapter) but the context is still the same as TV

It's Sucy's mom in the Terio adaption.

>TV Diana: Chihaya Kisaragi
fix'd that for you, seriously, I'm surprised there isn't any crossover art
>is highly skilled, which everyone around her greatly respects her for (this is more overt for Diana since her name also carries weight)
>has incredibly high standards
>doesn't suffer fools gladly
>is driven and serious
>is socially quite awkward
>is shown to have been a happy child, but this changes after the death of a close relative (which has a permanent damaging effect on the family: Chihaya's parents divorce, Diana's family is left in financial ruin)
>now she is left with a heavy, self-imposed burden that causes her to focus autistically on this one particular aspect of her life
>this is revealed in a story arc that takes place at the same point in the show
>in this arc, Akko/Haruka learns all this and sets out to help her, at first Diana/Chihaya is actually angry at her for doing this, but after events unfold, she comes to a revelation that she was maybe slightly focusing on the wrong thing (Chihaya - she should be enjoying herself while singing, Diana - her family being all about compassion, and maybe Akko's not so bad)
>in the following arc, Akko/Haruka is hit with a similar malaise and this time Diana/Chihaya is the one to help her out
The only notable difference in their characterisation is that Chihaya is overtly self conscious while Diana almost has no filter, she rags on Akko constantly whereas the biggest examples of Chihaya not suffering fools gladly are the cooking show and when Miki was wasting everyone's time. I guess we can chalk that up to Diana being... more well endowed. The only exception to this for Diana is wishing she could be honest about her love of Chariot but holding it back, which causes her to be even harsher to Akko.

I want to stick it in this disregarded Finn!

>The only notable difference in their characterisation is that Chihaya is overtly self conscious
You mean like everything about their entire personality and motivations.
Their backstories are nothing alike either
Stop trying to force this.

around a finn, the ice is thin

akko she be dabbin XD

Hahaha a :^) ya yeet! Wow funne!

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire

As much as Americans shit up threads, they keep them alive.

Keep them alive for what reason?

It really makes me wonder as to why there isn't an /ag/ as to contain these generals so the catalog wouldn't be as shit.

For people like me who can't let go.

When? I think we need to ask him again.

I wonder the same thing.
We could do without /s4s/ and /bant/...
/ag/ seems like it would be much more "useful" and have high poster traffic.

That's treating the symptom not the cause, also /vg/ was a mistake.

LWA plays vidya

[s4s] is kinda useful as some kind of soft-Sup Forums and Sup Forums is basically the porn board at this point.
/bant/ is fucking redundant, though, because Sup Forums and Sup Forums were enough for that.
/trash/ is also redundant. Hiro created it for the sake of throwing at it the threads that didn't fit in other boards, but I think we need more boards for specific purposes.
And I agree that /ag/ is needed, besides I think we need a separate board for manga, as well.

I really don't know what else could be better. You can't really stop people from creating threads.

So sweet

That's how you get diabetes.

I really want to see TV Akko try to warm up to OVA Diana.
Her blind optimism and yay might prove to be too much for OVA Diana to handle, causing her "stacy" cheerleader-like attitude to crumble away.

OVA Diana is too prideful. Akko would need an opening like the end of OVA1. She would've needed to continue on pressing instead of just letting the situation go away.

Does anyone non-ironically ship Andrew x Akko?

Yes. They probably find their bromance appealing.

Why not Andrew x Frank?

Agreed about /bant/, same goes for /vip/, that one's just straight up jewing. /trash/ is really comfortable though.

Just Fuck Already

Would really the source for this pic.


Diana may be popular but it's only because of Akko, were the story about her and Akko didn
t exist people would call her a boring maary sue.

post lewd akko




Because him and Frank are already canon.

Well, that much is obvious.

It's kinda the same in Croix's case, with the difference that while Diana manages to be her own character, Croix revolves around Chariot. I'm surprised how some people are about double standards when it comes to Croix and Andrew, while both of them, in a way, are a bit similar from the storytelling point of view.

That's why I want S2 to have as minimun Croix possible, or if anything to have Croix to have significant moments with other characters.

Here's an obvious difference.

Croix is the driving force of the narrative, pushing a central conflict towards a climax.
Andrew meanwhile is tangential at best, contributing next to nothing to the overarching story.

I agree with that since that is, well, correct.

But I'm talking more about their individual characters. I've discussed with many people (apparently Croixfags), that most of the flashbacks are actually from Chariot's PoV, we barely know shit about Croix's motivations, nor we had introspection on her part(then again, we never had a lot of introspection from anyone in general). As much as superfluous Andrew ended up being, that never happened to him.

I think the hardest thing about continuing LWA is how to build the characters as interesting enough to carry themselves without Akko being mentioned or even being around them, the only way they accomplish what they need to do is because Akko's there to give them the push by ignoring logic and reason.

Pretty slow thread today it seems, only 41 posts while i was sleeping.

Wait until about 16/18:00 GMT. Usually that's when the majority of posters are awake and active.

and everyone around is like "could you please control your gay for one moment?"

>Akko's there to give them the push by ignoring logic and reason.
I hope start doing something different if season 2 happens.

I detest to bring MLP as an example, but the first seasons revolved around the MC's growth and flaws. I dropped the show years ago, but I managed to get around of one of the most recent episodes of the current season, I apparently the man PoV was from a secondary character, without the MC in sight.

My point is, that it's possible to work the characters without Akko around or around 100%, if they just sit calmly and do it properly.

Does your name begin with a H?

Yoh already stated that there would be less Akko in future installments if they fulfill their claim of 1 0 M O R E Y E A R S.

I think Croix's action and demeanor already tell you plenty about her though. Better tell than show.
I think Croix's natural progression was still much natural than Andrew's 180 change of attitude about magic despite barely involved in anything which demonstrate its useful purpose and role in society.

>the first seasons revolved around the MC's growth and flaws
Yet it was also about how others interacted with each other and how the MC learned from that, which LWA really should've done.

>if anything to have Croix to have significant moments with other characters.
I'm still mad.

>Better tell than show.
They didn't even tell or show us what her background was. At least with Andrew we know his character stems from being in a strict muggle aristocratic family.

Its like they knew we wanted this, but only managed to fit this at the very end for some reason.

They did have one off screen moment in episode 18

I still say that episode 16 and 17 should've been the time to develop Croix at the school since Akko was away from the school.

Not even a short scene with Croix's introduction or actually showing Cons asking Croix permission to be in the Wild Hunt.


>one off screen
That's what bothers me.

I guess they had plans for that, but netflix deadlines were too strict or something

>I've discussed with many people (apparently Croixfags), that most of the flashbacks are actually from Chariot's PoV,

Yeah, it's annoying (though it makes sense, since they are Croixfags and by extension, shipperfags) how biased are towards Croix. Most of the flashbacks are from Chariot's point of view. And well, it makes sense since producer already said that Croix served as a complement for Chariot's background. Chariot, on the other hand, doesn't revolve around Croix. Due to her background and her relationship with other characters, she can keep perfectly going and growing as character.

But I think the beauty with how things ended with Croix and Andrew's characters is the potential. Croix being gone the fuck off away means that they can have her have some moments of growth with other characters on her own.

Same with Andrew, now that he's not a romantic interest anymore, they can actually focus on him the normal human point of view they originally wanted him to be.

Yes, but for that Yoshinari needs to sit down and make a story bible to get around the worldbuilding and related details first.

It's easier to say that Trigger can't into pacing and writing.

Diana is popular in Japan due to her perfection.

That too.

Post these cuties doing cute things.

>Sucymom in the OP

Finally, a good thread.

>I think Croix's natural progression was still much natural than Andrew's 180 change of attitude about magic despite barely involved in anything which demonstrate its useful purpose and role in society.

user, don't take it the wrong way, but that's exactly how I felt with Croix in the last two episodes. Andrew felt the more gradual and natural to me out of the two, putting aside his father, Paul also did a 180 in the end.

I would love to have an episode with these two.


I dont think you can read user.

>Chariot, on the other hand, doesn't revolve around Croix. Due to her background and her relationship with other characters, she can keep perfectly going and growing as character
I want S2 to give her more fun and cute intearctions with Finneran, Holbrooke, Diana and of course, Akko.

And I want Badcock interacting with Lotte and Barbara

>People will never stop discussing the best girl
Feels good

Did her dyke haircut work with magic? And who the fuck decided it anyways? the hair down version is much better.