Gunbuster > Eva

Gunbuster > Eva

Nadia > Gunbuster

Why would you do that? Go and tell lies on the internet?

well, since Gunbuster is the best anime of all time and Evangelion is crap that was trendy on the US west coast in the early 2000s, it's pretty obvious.

>best anime of all time
>final episode is a power point presentation in b&w because lol anno

>not liking black and white

>liking black

lol it was an artistic decision guys :^)

It was. Don't tell me you actually fell for the "it was done to cut costs" meme.

>lol :^)
Nevermind. You're probably just retarded.

>lol :^)
fuck off retard

They ran out of money. They made the best they could.
What you thought that battle sequence of keyframes zooming around in front of the camera was planned by Anno from day 1 too?


Tell me exactly how drawing the entire thing in grayscale saved money? It didn't.

We know

You pay for a fraction of the materials usually used in full colour.

You must be stupid. Animating it in grayscale at that level of detail was NOT cheap. They didn't save any money doing that. Getting the exact shade of gray is actually harder then just using regular color.

Painting something in grayscale is a much cheaper, faster process than full colour. Ask any artist.

Just checking

This opinion is only controversial among high functioning autistic manchildren that still think eva is deep when anno says shit like 'I just put in crosses because they looked fuckin' dope bro' all the time

I can understand the argument. Eva has a much better cast and is 4 times the length so accomplishes a lot more. In terms of animation it wins out as well, it has so many more beautiful, iconic scenes than Gunbuster. But Gunbuster hits better emotional highs and packs a huge amount more in its short runtime.

>anno says shit like 'I just put in crosses because they looked fuckin' dope bro' all the time

At least we can all agree Diebuster is shit right?


>ITT: contrarians

Nice shitposting thread.


Eva > Kare Kano > Nadia > Gunbuster

Gunbuster was just Anno having fun and Anno is just not at his best when he's just having his fun, unlike Imaishi for example.

Is it just me or has it become really hard to distinguish between bait, trolls and actual opinions? When I read "gunbuster is the greatest anime ever" I am not sure what to think. Am I being baited or is that person really THAT retarded? I think I am losing my edge.

How good do YOU think Gunbuster is? It's iconic and beloved by so many for a reason you know.

>It's iconic and beloved by so many for a reason you know.
Because it's mindless garbage full of tits and pubes?

Even if we can't all accept that Gunbuster is the greatest anime of all time, we can at least agree that the ending is one of the greatest ever made.
And how much you enjoy it basically comes down to weighing how much you hold the first 3 episodes over the last 3.

The timeskip stuff is really nice, it has that Anno psychological depth and vulnerability for the main characters and yeah, every time Gunbuster appears on the screen it's amazing mindless fun. That's a pretty great cocktail.

I think its an insult to mecha as a genre with one of the worst casts in existence. The only thing that saves this wreckage of pisspoor writing are the art and animation of the last 2.5 episodes. Now I still believe that the last episode was black and white because Anno ran out of money again, so I wouldnt consdider it a brilliant artistic decison but I acknowledge that the visuals were still great. However, outside of its visuals the OVA has nothing and the visuals are significantly worse than Macross DYRL. Less imaginative, less grand, less unique. Quite frankly, when I see someone praise that show I instantly come to the conclusion that the person cant possibly have watched a lot of anime, especially not mecha. Now I dont mind that people like it, I simply think that the amount of praise is absolutely laughable when it gets destroyed by plenty of shows from its own timeline.

The total lack of budget and rushed feel has always ruined the ending to me. I still cry like a bitch, but I wish we could've seen a fully realised version.

>it has that Anno psychological depth and vulnerability for the main characters and yeah
You do realize the characters and the motions they go through are 1 for 1 copied from another series, right?

Right I was more referring to the direction. "Oh no I'm too scared to pilot the robutt" isn't something he invented but it's more harrowing when Anno shows it than when anyone else does.

>show is an insult to the genre because it's not as good as Macross DYRL
What shows from it's own timeline destroy Gunbuster?

But even if it was due to the pmoney problems, Anno works 1000x better when he is under a big budget constraint. We wouldn't have the last 2 episodes of eva if there was a budget. We wouldn't have so many iconic still frames if he worked well with a decent sized budget.

Honestly, they should just donate a quarter of it off midway through production for whatever he works on and I guarantee it will be product.

Macross, Votoms and Zeta Gundam have better writing, DYRL and Five Star Stories look better. Patlabor is a dark horse, especially the OVA but the movies are pretty exceptional. Ideon has better writing as well, and thats just the mecha shows that I can immediately think of.

Indeed. The way the whole Smith drama was handled was simply masterful. As expected from the master.

Oh okay you meant time period. I don't disagree by the way. I'm a big fan of Gunbuster but I've never understood the praise it gets.

I really wish they had chosen a different name. Should be illegal for nips to attempt to say -th


I think the reason Gunbuster gets so much praise is because it is a lot better than the typical garbage people in the West watch from the pre-2000s. Obviously compared to actual good anime like Votoms and Zeta it cannot stand up, but once you compare it to popular stuff like MD Geist, Armitage, Bubblegum Crisis, Genocyber or Gunsmith Cats it's like a shining turd beacon in a sea of diarrhea.

tl;dr Gunbuster is the ultimate normalfag anime 99% of its watchers don't even understand the joke of its creation

That's a really good way of putting it. I always just put it down to the Anno connection.

>well written

None of the shows you mentioned actually have better writing than Gunbuster.

Ace wo nerae has better writing than Gunbuster. This is an objective fact you cannot even attempt to deny. Checkmate.

>When a trash fanservice show expects you to take it seriously

Genocyber and Bubblegum Crisis are better than Gunbuster

>My shit smells better than your shit
Who cares? It's still shit.

>good anime like Zeta

Two same fagging gunbuster fanboys talk about writing while defending a show that hands "the only hope for humanity" to a mentally challenged kid because her instructor believes that she can pull it off. Please dont make this any more embarrassing. I should have just said that almost anything has better writing than Gunbuster, it wouldnt even have been that far off.

>muh writing
*tip fedora*

Diebuster > Gunbuster

Nice b8.

It's ok user.
You can stop now.

Becase eva is just christian symbolism and what the author says is the definitive interpretation. I really hope someone manages to find a way to make brain transplants viable because you obviously need one


>Most Gunbuster fanboys say only the last 3 episodes are good
>B-But it totally has good writing!
What a joke


Oh and to make this clear. While Gunbuster is dogshit, Diebuster is even worse. The art of that show is so goddamn ugly that I still dont understand how anyone could possibly have greenlit it.

Diebuster is the best example of how important a good lead is on a show. It has so much staff in common with shows like FLCL and TTGL but came out absolute dogshit because the production was directionless.

Have we reached the point where this can be considered false flagging yet?

Getter > All

How so?

I cant tell anymore with all the shounen generals and how much shit like BnHA is being praised.

Getter >>>>> TTGL > Armageddon.
armageddon a shit

How many images like this do you have?

Gunbuster is just ace wo nerae with robots



Gunbuster is genuinely terrible. The end of episode 4 and 6 are great but the series if fundamentally fucked because it constantly parades around that Noriko succeeds because of hard work and guts but actually she only succeeds because of extreme nepotism

>Suck at mech piloting and generally everything else
>Coach keeps you in the seat entirely because he's friends with your dead dad
>Continue fucking up but at least you do some jogging or something, because that will somehow help pilot a robot better
>Still don't improve, get people killed and fuck up harder
>End of episode 4 pretty much stumble into gunbuster
>Instantly become the god of mechs for no reason and destroy everything

It's super jarring and makes the entire big theme of the anime fall on its fucking face. Diebuster had a main character with an actual arc who wasn't just handed everything she wanted at all times and is way better because of it

Diebuster was also visual diarrhoea, had no plot, pacing, or a single character with a personality.

>had no plot
The fuck is the plot in gunbuster? Half the series is "lol its that tennis anime but with mechs" and the other half is the most basic "the united nation of humans has to fight against the generic alien monsters that want us all dead for seemingly no reason at all and only this quirky unit using our prototype weapon can save humanity"

>Armageddon a shit
Them's fighting words

It was a simple plot, but still a plot. And you had the time dilation element making the two main characters more and more out of sync with everyone else, that's more positive things than you can say about Diebuster.

Funny how Diebuster is just as shit as Gunbuster, but it gets a free pass from retarded FLCL fanboys who love lolsorandum garbage.

>It's bad on purpose

And gunbuster gets a pass from people that want to look like hardcore oldfags that were into gainax before it was cool and mainstream.

>78 replies
>27 posters
Really makes you think, doesn't it.

Meanwhile in Ace wo Nerae

>In the tennis club for fun
>Coach sees potential in her
>Classmates can't figure out why Coach is giving her special treatment since her family isn't important and isn't friends with Coach
>Endures bullying from peers never gives up and continues to get trained
>Slowly improves after constant training
>Eventually the talent shows itself and classmates stop being assholes
>After months of training barely wins a grueling match against the star of the tennis team
Then Coach dies, MC has an actual reason to be fucked up rather than MUH SMITH MUH SMITH

Anno completely fucked up the story, yet idiots praise Gunbuster for it's amazing directing and storyline.

Gunbuster a shit. Very retarded and just fanservice.
Iczer-One the best OVA of all times.

Yeah, sounds like some form of debate is happening. People like you shoudl receive perma global bans.

>Wahh, why are people actually discussing a show instead of firing off a meme
Back to your general

>simple = bad
Why am I even replying.

Eureka Seven > all mecha

You guys really are fired up to shitpost about Gunbuster.
Gotta give you that.

Yeah but the gunbuster pose.

Getter did it first

The Gainax Effect
Dumb people watch it and don't notice how it's just a rip-off of 20 better anime but fawn over the "epic", "sexy", and "funny" moments

It's epic tho xDDDD

I like Gunbuster and Diebuster, didn't know the threads were so cancer and full of shitposting.

Well, make them better. What do you like about those two shows?

Someone claiming Gunbuster is better than Eva is an opinion you disagree with, not a shitpost. Grow up.

Nope sorry

Daicon Film

Gurren Lagann

Panty and Stocking
Royal Space Force
Kare Kano

Otaku no Video

Triggershits need not apply

T. Supreme asshurt Getter faggot

Name the "rip offs" you speak of, gimmie the 20

ok heres some to start with

Maybe it was, but as much as I like Anno, it was a pretty shitty decision.

>7 - 10 ranking scale
More like, EVA 8/10 with EoE being 9/10, FLCL 7/10, TTGL 7/10, Goonbuster 4/10, Diebuster 3.5/10.

I mean with the exception of Diebuster they are all good shows and probably fit in 10-6 at worst.