Which Biblical tribe are the Slavs?

Modern Slavs branched off from the Germanics so I would assume it’s some Israelite tribe, but which one?

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>tfw so perfect you are imagined as anime people

niggers fucking slavscum exterminate everything east of germany

Slavs aren't one tribe, they aren't mongrelized from many tribes. Slavs are Finno Ugric, Turkic, Mongolian etc etc. Those are the main branches of what constitutes a modern Slav.

>they are*


we know. They dont. Look at the fucking poles right down to the serbians. SCUM

>biblical tribes

t.greek poster

To be fair.............

>finno ugrics and turks are slavs

The Finno Ugric ones would be Issachar as far as I can tell from a quick google search. How on Earth can the Israelite lineage be so easily accessible yet most white people have no clue?

Tfw polish heritage and phenotype

I am the anime

the one that fucks your mother

>Modern Slavs branched off from the Germanics
Saxons and Slavs aren't related, you dumb fuck.
We're closer related to the Ancient Greeks than we are to the anglos.

Taк нaчнeм пoвecть cию.
Пo пoтoпe тpoe cынoвeй Hoя paздeлили зeмлю - Cим, Xaм, Иaфeт. И дocтaлcя вocтoк Cимy: Пepcия, Бaктpия, дaжe и дo Индии в дoлгoтy, a в шиpинy дo Pинoкopypa, тo ecть oт вocтoкa и дo югa, и Cиpия, и Mидия дo peки Eвфpaт, Baвилoн, Кopдyнa, accиpиянe, Mecoпoтaмия, Apaвия Cтapeйшaя, Eлимaиc, Инди, Apaвия Cильнaя, Кoлия, Кoммaгeнa, вcя Финикия.
Хaмy жe дocтaлcя юг: Eгипeт, Эфиoпия, coceдящaя c Индиeй, и дpyгaя Эфиoпия, из кoтopoй вытeкaeт peкa эфиoпcкaя Кpacнaя, тeкyщaя нa вocтoк, Фивы, Ливия, coceдящaя c Киpиниeй, Mapмapия, Cиpты, дpyгaя Ливия, Hyмидия, Macypия, Maвpитaния, нaхoдящaяcя нaпpoтив Гaдиpa. B eгo влaдeниях нa вocтoкe нaхoдятcя тaкжe: Киликня, Пaмфилия, Пиcидия, Mиcия, Ликaoния, Фpигия, Кaмaлия, Ликия, Кapия, Лидия, дpyгaя Mиcия, Tpoaдa, Эoлидa, Bифиния, Cтapaя Фpигия и ocтpoвa нeкии: Capдиния, Кpит, Кипp и peкa Гeoнa, инaчe нaзывaeмaя Hил.

Иaфeтy жe дocтaлиcь ceвepныe cтpaны и зaпaдныe: Mидия, Aлбaния, Apмeния Maлaя и Beликaя, Kaппaдoкия, Пaфлaгoния, Гaлaтия, Кoлхидa, Бocфop, Meoты, Дepeвия, Capмaтия, житeли Taвpиды, Cкифия, Фpaкия, Maкeдoния, Дaлмaтия, Maлocия, Фeccaлия, Лoкpидa, Пeлeния, кoтopaя нaзывaeтcя тaкжe Пeлoпoннec, Apкaдия, Эпиp, Иллиpия, cлaвянe, Лихнития, Aдpиaкия, Aдpиaтичecкoe мope. Дocтaлиcь и ocтpoвa: Бpитaния, Cицилия, Эвбeя, Poдoc, Хиoc, Лecбoc, Китиpa, Зaкинф, Кeфaллиния, Итaкa, Кepкиpa, чacть Aзии, нaзывaeмaя Иoния, и peкa Tигp, тeкyщaя мeждy Mидиeй и Baвилoнoм; дo Пoнтийcкoгo мopя нa ceвep: Дyнaй, Днeпp, Кaвкacинcкиe гopы, тo ecть Beнгepcкиe, a oттyдa дo Днeпpa, и пpoчиe peки: Дecнa, Пpипять, Двинa, Boлхoв, Boлгa, кoтopaя тeчeт нa вocтoк в чacть Cимoвy. B Иaфeтoвoй жe чacти cидят pyccкиe, чyдь и вcякиe нapoды: мepя, мypoмa, вecь, мopдвa, зaвoлoчcкaя чyдь, пepмь, пeчepa, ямь, yгpa, литвa, зимигoлa, кopcь, лeтгoлa, ливы. Ляхи жe и пpyccы, чyдь cидят близ мopя Bapяжcкoгo.

Пo этoмy мopю cидят вapяги: oтcюдa к вocтoкy - дo пpeдeлoв Cимoвых, cидят пo тoмy жe мopю и к зaпaдy - дo зeмли Aнглийcкoй и Boлoшcкoй. Пoтoмcтвo Иaфeтa тaкжe: вapяги, швeды, нopмaнны, гoты, pycь, aнглы, гaличaнe, вoлoхи, pимлянe, нeмцы, кopлязи, вeнeциaнцы, фpяги и пpoчиe, - oни пpимыкaют нa зaпaдe к южным cтpaнaм и coceдят c плeмeнeм Хaмoвым.
Cим жe, Хaм и Иaфeт paздeлили зeмлю, бpocив жpeбий, и пopeшили нe вcтyпaть никoмy в дoлю бpaтa, и жили кaждый в cвoeй чacти. И был eдиный нapoд. И кoгдa yмнoжилиcь люди нa зeмлe, зaмыcлили oни coздaть cтoлп дo нeбa, - былo этo в дни Heктaнa и Фaлeкa. И coбpaлиcь нa мecтe пoля Ceнaap cтpoить cтoлп дo нeбa и oкoлo нeгo гopoд Baвилoн; и cтpoили cтoлп тoт 40 лeт, и нe cвepшили eгo. И coшeл Гocпoдь Бoг видeть гopoд и cтoлп, и cкaзaл Гocпoдь: "Boт poд eдин и нapoд eдин". И cмeшaл Бoг нapoды, и paздeлил нa 70 и 2 нapoдa, и pacceял пo вceй зeмлe. Пo cмeшeнии жe нapoдoв Бoг вeтpoм вeликим paзpyшил cтoлп; и нaхoдятcя ocтaтки eгo мeждy Accиpиeй и Baвилoнoм, и имeют в выcoтy и в шиpинy 5433 лoктя, и мнoгo лeт coхpaняютcя эти ocтaтки.

Пo paзpyшeнии жe cтoлпa и пo paздeлeнии нapoдoв взяли cынoвья Cимa вocтoчныe cтpaны, a cынoвья Хaмa - южныe cтpaны, Иaфeтoвы жe взяли зaпaд и ceвepныe cтpaны. Oт этих жe 70 и 2 язык пpoизoшeл и нapoд cлaвянcкий, oт плeмeни Иaфeтa - тaк нaзывaeмыe нopики, кoтopыe и ecть cлaвянe.

The subhuman tribe


We haven't branched, we all come from Proto-indo Europeans.

We have some same ancestors from Europe thousands years ago but we separated and created distinct cultures and languages.

They are Japhethites mixed with Hamite Asians.

I did some more research and it seems most Slavic tribes are Issachar. They’re even prophecied to always get fucked over by Germany and Russia.

They are not one of the tribes.
They are the Angels of Death.

What in the fuck are you talking about?
Are Americans that stupid?

Pic related, our ancestors once started somewhere in the same place but then separated into different tribes.


This is some we wuz kangz tier shit.

Modern Europeans have nothing to do with semites.

demons from hell.
finns are sons of issachar


americans have the jew dick so far up their ass they think they descend from israel tribes

>be badass steppe people
>tame the horse
>invent wheel
>combine both to build ancient tank aka chariots
>literally conquer all the settled cucks and rape them out of existence

The Israelites are white people. Even physical descriptions in the Bible confirm this. The jews (Judah) are seen as the enemy throughout the Bible.

>Not sandnigger spawn
as if
>Anything other than polish mountain trolls
Come on now

idk mane but...

Edomites or Amalekites :P

but I read the book and I remember when something was going not the right way the tribe considered it a sing from YHVW and blame themselves, not the others

am I right or just stupidly confused everything, stupid me


Albino Indians resemble Slavs to the point where I'd say India was the origin of the Slavs.

Reminder that only Nord and Goth are native europeans, other races invaded from the east and south afterwards


Do you know the firs city with the name ''German'' was/is in Macedonia?

Slavs are not Jewish at all. And not your enemy in general.

Nords are the tribe of Dan.

Nords are literally northmen. Get your jew magic outta here mutt

Jews are only the tribe of Judah, which is a villainous tribe in the Bible.

You can't be serious.
Is this what jewish sperm does to your brain?

There aren’t jews, but they are Israelites.

>Being this retarded

It’s true.

Jews like to say things are true when they're not. You sir are not genetically jew yet you suck jew dick like your life is on the line.

Shut the fuck up meme flag.


What are you talking about? Judah is garbage. I’ve always hated on them on this site. We are Israel, which is not jew. Break free from the jewish memescape and realize who you really are.

Israel is Jewish you dolt. Why do you think the sandniggers haven't managed to blow them up yet? You think it's because sandniggers aren't afraid of blowing up a few of their own to kill a jew? No, jews are crafty and will hide under and cover they can.

You are the shackled one. Your blood is polish and German yet you suck the jew dick. Wake up, all semites are jews, but not all jews are semite.

>all semites are jews
No, jews are just the tribe of Judah. They want you to think all semites are jews so they can claim the title of chosen people to justify their possession of Israel.

>No, jews are just the tribe of Judah.
Saying it over and over doesn't make it true, jewcuck. If you really had conviction, you'd only need to state your case once.

>inventor of modern chemistry
>medeleev, the guy who rearranged the periodic table XD
slavs are smart, but that list sure is retarded. you realize literally nothing in there was invented by slavs, right? modern astronomy? astronautics? you niggers are delusional. you suck at science, and you sure as hell suck at music.


Thankes polepal


that picture is so exaggerated and wewuzy
not to take anything away from Slavs

Now if you want some truly good channel about this stuff and other.


This guy knows shit. And he's not some theorist, he actually researches stuff.

Slavs never got that much west tho

that list was made by a nigger, it's obvious when the creator of transformers isn't faraday. or you know, when curie dying as a result of not knowing what the fuck she's doing is indicative of discovering radioactive decay. truely almonding.

The map doesn't show slav migration. but earlier people who eventually became European nations, and slavs too.

The fact that they came from the place where present day slavs live doesn't mean that they were slavs.

Misunderstood your post

They are different


I do have conviction. Judah is the villain of the Bible. The Israelites (who are described with white features) are the good guys and their prophecies match Europe today.

yeah, I study some applied maths/physics, someone like Lobachevsky, as good as he may have been, is nowhere near the founder of modern geometry as well
at best that title could be assigned to Riemann/Klein
same with mechanics
they could've included Kolmogorov as a rightful founder of modern measure theoretic probability theory but they didn't

I'm more proud of slavic writers and compositors, desu.

I get to be a cute anime girl?

So, where do the Jews originate from?

Wikipedia says "it is complicated"

Ashkenazi are a japthetic tribe. The original jews are Judah, possibly mixed with some Benjamin.

>where do the Jews originate from?


i can't solve a second degree equation, but i sure as hell know slavs aren't in the same level of offsetting problems as say, a german, but in terms of capability i'd say they're both geniuses. it sort of goes back to school really. the few slavs i studied with were all math buffs, but they didn't know the most basic of chemistry and biology shit.

Who caused you most harm? Was it like the Roman Empire and Nazi Germany?

I know you do not value Jesus much but he was kind of right in thinking that direct conflict was not a good idea.

I am no jew. I am not of Judah. I am Polish. I am of Issachar. And it feels good to finally know that for certain. I am of God’s real chosen people and Christianity is my blood religion.

Rodnovery Gods are older than Christianity.

So is Baal.

get me out of this thread

dagon, the fish god, aka lizard demons

