What is the best kind of crash and why is it the population crash?
I don't know mane, crashing at my friend's place and playing Nintendo 64 until 5am was pretty cool.
What in the flying fuck does a software engineer know about bio-terrorism.
Thanks for the hot tip, you old bastard.
Now let's get a combined bug that has the durability of the common cold, the lethality of Ebola and the targeting of sickle cell...
No, it's a plane crash.
he looks like that golden face meme holding glasses jej.
Make it target everyone. The new world will be lead by those that mutate resistance.
It's not that difficult to understand,
>Engineer a virus with weird antigens.
It is more humane to sterilize 2/3's of the population than to watch the slow death of our planet.
>Not changing could to will
overlooking the benefits
India and China need a culling. Just saying.
>niggers mutate to resist it
Yea, great idea.
Google 'CRISPR'. It has basically given
geneticists (and undergrad students studying biology and genetics) the ability to edit DNA precisely. It isn't perfect, yet, although it is the subject of a lot of academic focus and spending at the moment, as the number of beneficial potential uses are endless.
You can create viruses with it, which people have already done (in the name of progress, of course). The technology is available for purchase, as well, albeit not in a fully-fledged form.
CRISPR started garnering significant attention as early as 2013 and this attention has been accumulating ever since. Strangely, there is little to no attention given to the fact that it poses a deadly threat to humanity in the media, who prefer to focus on the more philosophical threats of 'engineered super-humans' and the like.
Up until now, there have been no realistic ways for a few people dedicated enough to the cause to pose a significant threat to all peoples' survival. The great (natural) plagues never reduced the global population is a widespread or significant enough way to pose a serious risk to the continuation of our species. The atrocities of the 20th century killed many, but again, not nearly enough to pose a risk to our ultimate survival. Even nuclear warfare leaves survivors in less inhabited areas.
Lastly, all of these required or would require a great deal of organisation and collective motivation.
For those familiar with the Fermi Paradox, this is the so-called 'Great Filter', for us, and for all civilisations to come, and for all that came before us. All it takes is a few, given enough resources, time and motivation and it will come to pass. The door that will allow this to take place is only just opening now. The great plagues that have afflicted humanity over the ages developed slowly and randomly. The great plague to come will not. It will be crafted deliberately and meticulously.
Universities should be training up the first of Generation Zyklon's microbiologists soon. One of these kids is going to be a little more creative than to shoot up some random black church. I see nigger targeting genetic weapons in the near future.
We need a population cull.
>t. satanist
Very nice
Just gonna leave this here...
Race based viruses.
The culling isn't going to be done by terrorists
It's going to be done on behalf of the ruling class once automation replaces the vast majority of jobs and most people are essentially leeches.
wait, wasn't his the project that (((accidentally))) sterilised half a million niggers in africa through vaccines?
Jews don't want to kill all non-Jews because the Jewish religion teaches every Jew in existence will have 2800 slaves. That's their version of Heaven. What would happen in a directed biological attack is that they'd probably get their entire world Jewish population to go hide in Israel where they're given the engineered antibodies, while the population everywhere else is slashed. Since they've just gotten done dumping genetic sewage all over Europe, the survivors will be raped and/or forced to breed with whatever is available. Instant low-IQ mud race.
Tada, Jews now have the slaves they were promised.
>be basically NEET until age 40
>would have become most power man in the world if it wasn't for Hillary Clinton corruption
we're all gonna make it bros
He's not warning them. He's giving them a hint. Bill Gates is a scumbag.
We need a virus which renders all people with dark eyes infertile. The future should belong to the blue/green eyed master race.
He's sponsored research to genetically engineer mosquitoes just for instance, as well as a ton of other similar projects. He'll have a pretty good idea what is possible.
god damn i wish this would happen. Just a 25% decrease in population would be a fucking godsend
Thanks for your obvious fucking warning not-an-expert-on-bioterrorism Bill Gates. Seriously, this is the best an "ultra brilliant" billionaire can come up with?
its an economic crash
hes right
*faint, echoing ree in the distance*
Fuck, it was a visual gag... I'll just... leave this here... s-sorry...
hey anyone hear about all the bioweps the norks have? everyone talkng about nukes but they have literally tons of bioweps already made.
they most likely have the most usual ones per say: plague, smallpox, cholera, anthrax, meningitis etc. North Korean defectors have been found to have anthrax antibodies;
funny story: the US army filled a report after the Korean war claiming that the NK troops used biological weapons, whilst the North Koreans via China and the USSR issued countless of reports during the war claiming that the US troops were deliberately targeting troops with biological weapons.
>On 28 January 1952, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army headquarters received a report of a smallpox outbreak southeast of Incheon. From February to March 1952, more bulletins reported disease outbreaks in the area of Chorwon, Pyongyang, Kimhwa and even Manchuria.[3] The Chinese soon became concerned when 13 Korean and 16 Chinese soldiers contracted cholera and the plague, while another 44 recently deceased were tested positive for meningitis.[4] Although the Chinese and the North Koreans did not know exactly how the soldiers contracted the diseases, the suspicions soon shifted to the Americans.[4]
Moreover, the US dropped insects on the North Korean side
>On 22 February 1952, the North Korean Foreign Ministry made a formal allegation that American planes had been dropping infected insects onto North Korea. This was immediately denied by the US government. The accusation was supported by eye-witness accounts by the Australian reporter Wilfred Burchett and others.
You'll never hear about these "attacks", or the fact that biological weapons are still being used by all parties involved.
>I'm rich. That now makes me both an expert on nuclear war and biological weapons now.
This fucking idiot. He's just like Musk. He makes these stupid fucking pronouncements that he has no knowledge about and society just expects everyone to listen to him because he has money. There is very little that would kill more humans than nuclear war and biologically weapons certainly aren't it. And biological weapons unleashed by rogue terrorist elements significantly less so. This guy is just as much of a brainlet as Musk.
thanks for that pic.
wmds are wmds
he is not an expert but probably has a non profit (for profit) lined up to sell some countermeasures, anti bio rnd startup whatever.
He could not care less about the people, he has interests in monstanto and '''aiding''' africans with gmo foods. Somehow it is always for others to reap the benefits of such miraculous tech. Such a philanthropist
Isn't the one inspired by that gravure, "The Great Asiatic Flood", by Riou?
I always thought it depicts the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius
He is one of the population 500million world wide cabal. He is saying publicly money needs to be spent to prevent it, but in reality he would use it to develop, and spread it. They would have the antidote ready for the select elite naturally.
christcucks breeding shitskins the world over for that past 100 years threatening the world today is the real bioterrorism.