Perfect Europe doesn't exis

We need somebody who can make Europe great again. I find this map a tremendously good! I think this map would be great, everyone would love it, believe me. Finally a good idea! this map would be the best big, bigger than the biggest! BIGLY! it's gonna be huge! BELIEVE ME! if anyone knows anyting about Europe it's me.

Good, good. I have no complaints with this.

You must restore the empire and put back the niggers back in the cage.

The Danes approve.
Nordic union for a glorious future for our children and the Nordic folk!

Indeed, stronger together weaker apart, stronger economically, strategically and politically.

Why is Finland not part of Nordic union?

>not united Hispania
>Inexistent Ireland
shit tier

Isn't the Finnish language closer to Hungarian?

>asks the scandinavian

Why on earth do you want Ireland to exist?

That Greece is kinda disgusting.

Yes, but only slightly. There is no mutual intelligibility between the two.

Greece is beautiful, escpecially Constantinople.

also, there's more Russians in that Großfinlandium in that autism map

>germany united and big
>perfect europe

It's actually not bad desu. I don't like Greece having land in asia though, why did you give them half of anatolia?

Croats and Serbs are the same, they can understand them each other, It's like North and South German, little bit difference and Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

Bosnia is made up no such thing, its just Muslim Croats/ Muslim Serbs. Kosovo is made up too.

I know they arent Scandinavian but I think they belong in the Nordic union when we make it.

Megali Idea kinda died away after the population exchange.
Sure, Constantinople and the Minor Asian coast is acceptable. But, everything else isn't really that much.
Turks would outnumber Greeks there.

strategically and historically important. Constantinople should have be in the middle and not close to enemy border. Just like every country capital.

Everyone hates Albania, they used to be cool until the converted to Islam.

fuck off

Germany... pls annex Slovenia and Croatia.

Aint no way we get a 3rd failed yugoslavia

Yugo failed because of communism.

This isnt really Yugo its more like a union btween the Serbs and Croats, the only thing I could agree with you is the flag, it could be something else.

Maybe something like this

Whats wrong with Finland, Russian gets Ukraine and Belarus anyway... fair exchange.

Ireland has suffered enough at the hand of the Jews

Nothing wrong being part of the empire. only glory and pride.

Ireland must break free in order to live in Harmony

If we ever got Ireland back the kikes wouldn't exist in this country you can believe me on that.

Also they're in the fucking EU, you know the organisation that made them vote again for two separate treaties when the bad goyim didn't vote how they were supposed to in the referendum


are you sure about that?

>still not united Hispania

I see hungary benis benetrated romania

Terrible, why break away Europe to small states, sad.

Are you stupid? I'm an englishman of course I know my country's history.
We're in the stage of being destroyed not being built up, kikes aren't going to let us or any european country get more powerful, only the (((EU)))

Best attempt I've seen here in a long long time. Nice try.

What I've got some issues with:
>Ireland erased.
>Luxemburg not included in Frisia.
>French Flanders (aka Le Nord) not included in Frisia.
>Austria with Germany instead of ressurecting the empire.
>Greece beyond Asia Minor.
>Not dividing the Baltic states.
>Ressurecting Czechoslovakia.
>Giving Switserland to the Germans.

What about the Holy See?

Germany =/= Europe, memeflag faglord

why would it be ? Spain is a powderkeg already.

no, leave us alone we know what we are doing.


>poland owns vilnius

>Ireland is debatable
>Luxemburg has more Germans
>Austria is Germany, Germany is Austria.
>strategically every capital supposed to be in a safer distance from other nation border, that being said Constantinople, it's a geopolitical thing and historical thing
>Like I said Serbians and Croats are ALMOST the same like Austrians and Germans, Bosnia is made up country.
>same thing could be said like the Croats and Serbs BUT debatable
>Why not? its part of the Pan-Germanism plan, all Germans united under one flag.
>Holy See is also debatable

based portubro

You just hate Germany, Poland has Lviv and control of Suwałki and Vilnius regions, you want more? fucking hell man.

Hahahaha god how I hate krauts.
I wish the Soviets went full final solution on your shitty "nation."

Hispania United is God's Will

>Still no United Spain

Germany ruined europe too many times to be left existing. Big and strong Poland = shield for the rest of Europe from Russia.

I agree, but Portugal is older than Spain... but I would like to see iberian union

The iberian peoples will be united. it's a matter of time
>Boland saved Europe meme
you have to realize you didn't shit, in fact you fostered many jews

>the united Ireland meme
When will it end ffs, it's never even existed and the Norns are our mates. We really don't need a change in borders, it's just autism to make it look pretty

the UK has it days counted. Ireland is destined to be united

kill yourself german fag :)

They'd have to conquer it.
What is your hard on for us about anyway? You arsepained we didn't let spain conquer your country you little cuck?

hurr durr, saving europe from roaches in 1683
hurr durr, saving europe from USSR in 1920

you couldn't even save yourselves

>They'd have to conquer it.
Lmao, are Brits this uneducated?

>didn't let
you didn't savd nothing either


The norns don't want to be unified and you know it.
I've never seen even one poll or a whisper about a referendum. What are you on about.
Oh yeah I'm sure the spanish would have given up a whole country on their own accord because they're such nice guys

my fucking god
> hurr durr polacks lost ww2 so no war they ever fought or thing they ever did matters
Kys faggot.

destruction of Poland was crucial for destruction of the whole europe.

we menaged to save ourselves but you are on your own now

polish people are making me hate poland

You know he's right though
Germs are better at destabilizing the region than you are at doing it to sandniggers you are fighting

give it to fucking Denmark then, but europe will never be ok as long as germans have anything to say about it



/pol is being raided and OPs post is a Jewnigger raid post.

Ban silly mapfag threads. Only valid map threads are /sg/

Here's the true answer

lol, shill

Nice race-mixing thread, very political and important and not propaganda to mislead beta retards into having mongrel kids at all

>Perfect europe
>Russia, Serbia and Turkey exist

>not united Hispania

Fuck off commie. You're not even Portuguese.

This is the perfect Europe and the perfect world, prove me wrong.

the wesht coasht is Eirannach

>another "greater hungary" crap that's never gonna happen again

The one who can physically take the land and hold it, is the owner of that land.
Too bad huns auld micky was just too powerful.

Give Italy at least the coast of Istria and it's settled. Yugos arent good sailors so they dont need so much coasts

Greater Poland is literally the most core province of Poland alongside Lesser Poland and Masovia. It was German only as territorial part of Prussia.

Wales and Galatia should be in the union

dude shut up, you have Moldova, isnt that enough?

>turkey still on map
you never learn fuckheads

>He's even given Ireland colonies


He's right. S*rbia needs to be contained, they're as radioactive as Israel.

transylvania historically Hungarian.

Let me fix it quick

we stole'em fair and square

Hungayrians are a minority in northern transylvania, stop giving romanian land to steppe rapebabies.

This is good too. Jasenovac was the best solution for the S*rbs question.

OP is both a fag and a Serb.

this is the perfect maps


They are now because you killed/deported them all
They wasnt 100 years ago.

You didn't do shit until we conquered your island and you know it, stop embarrassing yourself with the overcompensation, the european era is over

breddy gud

Breddy gud

>brainlet knowledge
They did numerous massacres against ethnic Romanians through history, bozgor hiding behind memeflag

phew m8

t. Albanian diaspora

Because they lost 3 fucking wars in row. Vae victis, stop supporting losers just because they have a big mouth.

what the fuck