I do not hesitate one second to state clearly and unmistakably: I belong to the German resistance movement which fights against American imperialism. Leave my country and go where you came from or you will face consequences. AMI GO HOME!
I do not hesitate one second to state clearly and unmistakably: I belong to the German resistance movement which fights...
Other urls found in this thread:
>top meme thread
Fun-post away, lads.
This thread again?
German butthurt knows no bounds
Trump is Palatine so it will be the 51st state
56% army vet saves German casino from armed robber
>willing to fight away NATO allies
>not willing to confront the barbarians burning his cities, bombing his markets, and slaughtering his countrymen
At the point I'd usually just call you a name or add some stupid witticism before forever abandoning your thread.
But then I picture a dirty child's doll next to a small, uncannily still figure draped in a blanket.
Shame on you.
Question to Germans
You want us to leave yes? So lets say we do and we take all our military funding and equipment with us, who protects you from big bad putin now? Those broomsticks don’t look operational yet, gotta paint them black first
No but really, Americans on Sup Forums want to see a sovereign Germany so you’re just preaching to the choir here
Their anuses are sore from the immigration gibbs horde...
Hanz it's ok man Muhammad and Tyrone are your friends....now bend over and let them rape your women and ruin your country
Keep blaming others for your country's cuckolding
>Worried about based amerimutts "invading" your country
>Meanwhile, achmed fucks your wife
I'd like to see you make me leave, tweety bird
I love this thread.
Kek, what are you talking about? The USA and USA alone is pressuring Germany and the EU to sanction Russia. If it was up for Germans there would be no sanctions at all. John McCain tier people are still fighting the cold war and we are paying the prize for it.
Or what you'll cry on her shoulder about the muslim's, if it was up to me we would have been gone a long time ago and you would pay for your own fucking defense
>German resistance movement which fights against American imperialism.
Der Amerikaner ist dem Deutschen untertan.
Funny how germany has american troops but Ursula is sending german soldiers away... Makes sense
only an unoccupied country can shape its own destiny.
>implying they're not sovereign now
Germans are getting free security, and not in the "mafia demands protection money" kind of way. If Germans didn't want U.S. military there, they'd be forcing Americans to do armed patrols there with guerilla warfare in the way the natives in Afghanistan do. But nothing close to that is happening there.
Still, it's a waste of money and distracts from the loss of American sovereignty due to an open-border situation with Mexico where the military should actually be stationed.
>I belong to the German resistance movement which fights against American imperialism
Shouldn't you be fighting off the Muslims and other nigger-refugee's instead?
Defund your useless military, you broke ass fatboys
>I belong to the German resistance movement
try resisting immigrants, fag
Ursula will command all of NATO soon.
Then that shape has most definitely sailed.
Germany is now, on a genetic level, a vassal state.
>If it was up to Germans
>Implying ethnic Germans are allowed to have opinions anymore under your leadership...
We are more democratic than any part of the US
Well that's ok because we are a Constitutional Republic...
>democracy is good
Enjoy those government regulations and tax hikes that will ensue in a decade of Democrat supremacy following just one and a half years of the fat orange idiot
Why do we have red hair
I use to keep a box of replacement razors on top of my toilet in my basement bathroom. Every time I would go to take a piss in that bathroom I would look at that box of razors and see a tiny German flag on it and I would think "This is exactly where this flag belongs, the toilet."
So what you are saying is Germans actually want the current blackening?
The Amis will never leave us, until they're blown away!
you are the biggest blacked porn producer in the world cuck, now gtfo my country
t. Muhammad
>my country
Good one.
t. amerimutt who hides his flag
make us kraut
we will lynch you niggas to death
found the ethnic german
It's always funny that every degenerate idea or movement (cuckold, race mixing with niggers, rap "music", transgenders, modern feminism, ...) of the last century was popularized in the US and then exported to all other countries in the world yet the typical Amerimutt still thinks that his country has the moral high ground somehow.
America has twice as much migrants per capita as Germany. Our governments are far more conservative than yours. The economy proves it, jobs galore and no new debt.
Let's be friends Hanz...I hear your country makes anti rape chastity diapers for women in public now
Such an enriched culture
t. germutt who wastes time on these threads
>Leave my country and go where you came from or you will face consequences.
Oh wow so scary, what are you gonna do? I would love for our military to get out of there. We shouldnt babysit a country hellbent on phasing out there own native people.
Probably some Persian or 1st gen Turk that is angry at all the other newcomers
t. flag hider, kike.
You're going to need us to help expel the Mohammadan hordes. We'll give you a hand up to being a proper Reich again, and then once you're on your feet and can hold your own, our Army won't need to stick around.
Unironically this.
Bring our boys HOME.
We will make Europe independent from US interests and plunge you into the financial grave you've been so happily digging.
you are the degenerates who destroyed our reich when were gassing the jews so fuck off you fucking kike
how very german of you
US interests are what started the whole refugee crisis though.
Your afraid it's ok... Muhammad will protec you
Americans are pointless and weak. Heil Hitler. Heil der Führer. Death to America
If the world economy collapses Europe is 100x more fucked that North America is
Nobody needs you fat fucks that's the whole fucking problem
We will drink their blood and dance on their ponies. Etruscians will also kill all Romans and Jeb Bush will rule
Most of your refugees aren't even from Syria, retard. They're economic migrants.
You guys just want to control europe with your own autistic policies.
Maybe in your painkiller induced hallucinations, not in reality. Our economics are five times better than yours.
You smell like AIDS and leprosy. Now leave our fair land and go back to Walmart you freak. Shoo shoo
This is now a thread for American patriotism
do you know who this man? he is your dady
>the second world war matters this much
It really doesn't, user.
Oh cool, patriotism for 24 trillion dollars of debt.
>Most of your refugees aren't even from Syria, retard
And what about me posting an image of a killed African leader made you think that I was thinking that all "refugees" are from Syria which is nearly as far away from Germany as it is from Libya?
We know that most "refugees" are leeches from Africa.
better german control then american degeneracy
Make us faggot.
>pro tip it went really well for you the first two times. Third time's the charm ;>}
Get lost moloch-worshipper. Autism will rise and smother the sun. Go cry sweet tears of chocolate milk fatty
60 years too late Werewolf.
Sound like someone is in need of some freedom...
You don't have to take them
You wanted them because your country is a nation of weak men
That's why we're stationed there in the first place
Why are you Americans so proud of defending the eternal Jew?
Yeah I bet those Turks and Yugoslav immigrants were doing just fine there, weren't they. And France is totally not at fault either. Why don't you try having a tighter immigration policy like Poland? Nah, it's easier to point the finger at the US instead.
If Mutti Merkel doesn’t even care about the opinions of Germans, why should I
By mistake they set the timer wrong on the stasis chamber. Whatever now nazis will rule the world. it will be pretty cool to be honest
Because it upsets you faggots so much.
That's literally the only reason.
I would rather live 100 lives as a weakling than one as an ugly amerimutt
we are occupied by you amerisharts so we cant change the policies you are dictating us
Do you know what a werewolf is? They eat your dogmen for breakfast. Shiiiiiet
As if the rest of europe wants german control anymoren they would wan american
Man i wish i could cry chocolate milk. That would be tasty
>You wanted them because your country is a nation of weak men
So logically the US has even weaker men as your country harbours are far larger number of non-whites?
Hey look guys Gay Finland has an opinion!
Pretty sure we aren't accepting people from third world shit holes anyway
Oh no, not that Reich. I'm referring to the likes of the first and second monarchs reichs, not the knockoff that was the third.
Not really. The kebab have been wanting to invade for many centuries before we came around. Now that you have weak and politically correct leaders, they can just walk right the fuck in.
Yknow you say that, but you won't stand up and defend yourselves. You might as well go up to GSG-9 and tell them they aren't needed.
So killing white people for the Jew is good because it upsets white people from these countries?
*as if europe wants german control anymore then they would want american control. Fucking phone
you destroyed the second reich too you fucking idiot
gee i wonder who is behind this post?
You were so close, but you forgot that Germans aren't people.
The Werewolves were a Meme. They bombed like one factory.
>The kebab have been wanting to invade for many centuries before we came around. Now that you have weak and politically correct leaders, they can just walk right the fuck in.
Not really to be honest.
It only started after WW2 second when the US was basically in charge of Germany and it's not like the Hooton Plan wasn't an American invention.
>I belong to the German resistance movement which fights against American imperialism
-t. Mehmet al Frankfurti