Serious question to trump supporters: Isn't it exhausting doing all that mental gymnastics all the time? Or do you yourself know that you're all full of bullshit but you're fine with it?
Serious question to trump supporters: Isn't it exhausting doing all that mental gymnastics all the time...
trump supporters are mental period
yeah but they can't ALL be, right? Some of them must know that it's mostly bullshit and yet still think it's good enough.
The comic is accurate, but don't let this fool you into doubting the alliance between Russian hackers and the alt right neonazis though.
>alliance between Russian hackers and the alt right
holy shit where do "people" like you come from
those who aren't exactly loony are just hyperpartisan hacks
but that's also a disorder in itself and so... yeah
>A secret society of Deep-State operatives under the direction of Davos Globaists are using the Liveral Media to fuel an FBI witch hunt and impose Socialism
>Trump is lying
These are not mutually exclusive, it does not have to be just one or the other.
It's sorta fascinating, in a way, seeing people supporting politics that are so obviously against their own self interest.
My read of Magapedes is that they are so frustrated and disgusted in the government writ large, that they are willing to do anything to disrupt the system. This sentimentality was capitalized on by otherwise fringe and rogue elements of politics, the D Team if you will. This coupled with Trumps showmanship was enough to sell almost half of the increasingly disenfranchised electorate.
To ensure this never happens again well... We'll need a competent congress (which means we'll need true political districts (no more gerrymandering) and then to enshrine in law the norms of the presidency. Honestly, it looks pretty bleak.
they're okay with it as long as black people are worse off (and that's usually true)
>the magaman has done research, collected evidence, etc to form his opinion
>girl points to a sign with no proof that just says Trump is a liar and we're expected to believe it as rational
I’m a Russian bot so the ai does the work for me
someone post the race realism version
Could the graphic be any dumber? The emails didn't come from Trump, shill nigger
libertarians will vote fascist just for the fuck of it? makes sense, actually
My god the sheer projection is hilarious.
Good shitpost I rate 0/0
>Mental Gymnastics
It goes in all fields
>anarchist flag
>claiming only one side needs to do mental gymnastics
You're lucky we're anarchists because the commies would send your retarded ass to the gulag
>Le dumblr
Do you scream at Trump supporters to take your mind off of menstruation
>ITT: reddit-tier faggotry
i hope they at least pay you ugly retards
Lol its a documented fact my dude.
The FBI officer who literally kicked off the investigation, and set Flynn up in a perjury trap, was caught admitting he started the whole investigation as a “insurance policy” in case trump was elected.
Im legit not sure why theres even a debate happening at this point. Its a documented fact that the investigation was politically charged from the get-go.
>“An FBI agent’s reference to “an insurance policy” in a much-debated text message was meant to convey that the bureau needed to aggressively investigate allegations of collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia, according to people familiar with his account.”
This is a partisan approach to this concept. Its not one or the other, the democrats got caught red handed with the actual facts on the republican's side, THIS TIME. The democrats will pay for their crimes, AND THEN, the republicans are next.
Fuck the democrats AND republicans. When this scandal is all sorted out, then republicans will be next. That might not be for a couple years though, and i can gauruntee you that Trump will not be involved in that happening, as hes not really a politician; hes more of a centrist, and likely he'll be out of office by the time that reckoning happens.
>t. r/T_D
Low energy Priest killers that got cucked by the Commies. Hail Primo.
>still not realizing voting for trump was basically just shitposting irl to piss the world off
if you voted for any other reason you're retarded
I just don't understand how you can listen to pic related and think "Yep, that's the guy for me! I want to spend a significant amount of time and energy defending his bullshit!"
Kek, I wouldn't talk that much sh*t about God's anointed if I were you
I thought lefties/anarchists knew about acceleration?
I want to clarify that I'm not a democrat or liberal either. At first I supported Trump because I thought the alternative would be worse, and I was hoping that electing someone like Trump would do some good in mixing up the politics, but that was assuming that people wouldn't actually support his bullshit.
Instead a big group of people will support ANYTHING just because it has "their party" associated with it, and that's concerning. It's not even about changing things for the better for themselves, it's just to piss "the other side" off.
I really can not grasp that this is acceptable to so many people.
>tfw no chubby asian girl sitting on your face
I don't understand how people who have bitched about how shameful and unnecessary the Vietnam War is for the last half century and who thought burning draft cards was the right thing to do and who spit on "baby killers" when they returned home from Vietnam can criticize Trump for not fighting in Vietnam. It comes off as 100% partisan opportunism, it's fake outrage from the left. If you shysters cared so much about voting for a Vietnam vet you could have voted for Jim Webb, but instead you all voted for le free shit man or le first womyn president.
See, this is what I'm talking about. Are all trump supporters this retarded or are they just faking it to b8 me? I honestly can't tell anymore
Newfag on the Trump train, recent defector from the left. I don't see him as a messianic figure but as a mild reformer. What he does can sometimes only be justified for the keks, but by and large it's part of a macro process that's ultimately good. That's how I see it.
most liberals believe anyone who doesn't have the same beliefs is stupid
this results them in constantly underestimating their opponent
furthermore, all liberals can do is point to authorities demanding people obey because they themselves lack the capability to think critically
Defend the left's hypocrisy of shitting on the Vietnam War for decades and the draft and Vietnam vets when they came home with criticizing somebody then turning around and saying "wtf i love imperialism and conscription now why didn't drumpf do his patriotic duty of murdering gooks!?!?" when you found out Trump wasn't drafted.
The things I have trouble understanding is the support for shit that is obviously bad for everyone, even the supporters.
Is it just for keks? Like, did you love the joker in "The Dark Knight" that much that you wanna play it out IRL for the lulz? If so, that's just cringy
When you post unbelievably try-hard threads like these we can smell you from an 8-mile away
Nah man, I just want some answers. Sometimes you get a few mixed in with all the ree-ing and derailment in these threads.
I know right comrade? This is just like Harry Potter! Blumph is the baddie! XD
Hmm, this doesn't answer my question. Thanks anyway.
It's funny. What other answers were you expecting?
Something that might explain their rationalization for the support. They have to get something out of supporting harmful policies, and I'm wondering if it's just enjoyment in ruining for EVERYONE, including those they see as their opponents.
See above. It's funny. That's the best democracy can aspire to.
I like how just supporting Trump is now equal to some plebbit board I’ve never been to.
Really, it comes down to the fact that young white men have been told for the past 25 years that everything from slavery to the holocaust is directly their fault. Theyve been told that everyone is perfectly equal and to claim otherwise makes you racist, misogynist, bigot, literally Hitler. In a world of enforced equality why would anyone want to excell? Big surprise when it creates a generation of misanthropes who's only political ambition is to piss people off. Then the American left runs Hillary, one of the dirtiest crooked bitches in Washington. And they told everyone she was going to win. If the left had run a better candidate Trump would have lost. But the left decided it was "her turn" and cheated her into the election.
In short. Fuck you,and fuck those like you. You made your bed, now sleep in it bitch.
I think a lot of Libertarians have given up hope of seeing a true Libertarian US gov't while minorities and communists are around.
Russia still butthurt their pawn Hilary didn't win.
I get where the rage is coming from, but a majority of Trumps base consists of poor people that lack higher education. The same type of people he's hurting the most.
It's like you're saying "we've been shit on our whole lives so now we'll shit on everything, including ourselves! Haha take that!"
Isn't a majority of Hillarys base people who lack any sort of formal education whatsoever? I thought all nogs, affirmative-action inclusions, hippies, commies, illegal migrants, coddled upper class lefties and the like were all pro Hillary.
Not to mention the majority of "educated" people on the left usually fall on the retarded end of the spectrum: non-STEM degrees like Gender Studies and Sociology and African-American Studies.
>In any case, a price tag of $20m to be paid by Agalarov in return for Trump bringing the Miss Universe contest to Russia was quickly agreed upon. Several Democrats have raised concerns that the payment – like the billions in bank loans he secured to bring himself back from the brink in the early 1990s – may have left Trump indebted to foreign influences.
>Separately, one of Agalarov’s top executives, Irakly “Ike” Kaveladze, also has his own relationships with several influential Russians.
>Norilsk was then co-owned by Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov, another major Russian oligarch
Why did Trump bank with Mikhail Prokhorov, and why did Mikhail Prokhorov also pay Bill Clinton $500,000 to speak against the Magnitsky act?
get a realflag, and maybe someone cares
I haven't felt ANY negative effect from trump, Or his policies. Him removing the individual healthcare mandate kept the government from fining me 900 dollars because I didnt want to purchase health insurance. Not to mention ALL of my investments are up. The best part is, the left hates him. They have been continuously shitting the bed for ayear now. How did I vote against my own interests, exactly?
I don't think I'll get any more real answers.
Thanks for some genuine answers.
I'm abandoning this thread.
The rest of you retards deserve each other and the steaming pile of shit you're dumping on your own country.
When did you stop beating your wife? Why do leftys keep asking loaded questions?
My honest answer is that it's most likely both that Trump is lying and the Obama cabinet helped Fuck with Trump. I honestly don't know why more don't think this, it's pretty obvious all said and done.
Education hasn't helped legitimate real life cuckolds (as in, white male feminists who vote for anybody but the far right bordering on literal fascism) understand that the left wants them dead, extinct, mutt, they want a race to the bottom where whites are bred out of existence because they know better than niggers when to negotiate with unions (see the few whites left in Germany cutting those 28h deals a week, a Paki would've signed for 80h and half the wage and kissed their feet). Whites who use common sense, as in think like men and not women like communist voters, know that they have to oppose this race to the bottom by any means necessary, even if it means burn it all down. It's not just about roasties and memes, they do want USAfrica, Eurafrica and Asiafrica.
But yeah, you're on the blue pill, I don't expect you to show any common sense whatsoever.
This desu.
What has he lied about? Serious question.
Why are Bill Clinton and Trump so friendly with each other, and why do they take money from the same Russians?
>>supporting politics that are so obviously against their own self interest
So they should have supported a corrupt cunt of a career politician, that had a whole establishment obviously shilling for her?
The cunt that got like 10s of millions from hedge funds, banks etc.?
Someone that would have obviously had opened up borders for cheap labor to pour in to drive down wages?
Someone that was pretty much a textbook example of a career politician?
Someone that would SJW shit up even harder?
Someone that would write even more regulations to benefit huge corporations?
You commies are fucking retarded.
Is Bill Clinton also a Russian plant?
damn trump is fat
>Or do you yourself know that you're all full of bullshit but you're fine with it?
Nope Trump is a typical Conservatives. More Wars for Israel. If he doesn't build the Wall. I'm Out and headed to an island.
>grab him right in the pussy
Dont expect a decent reply from OP to your astute point, user.
What mental gymnastics he is doing exactlay what I was expecting
How do you reconcile that he is a giant fat stupid baboon and a secret Nazi Russian against the orchestrated the most successful coup in the history of the world?
yeah right, we have no connection what so ever, non at all.
thats not most trump voters, thats just the schizos that moved in after the election
I didn't. Hence, why it should be asked.
Lol how much mental gimnastics do you need to ignore all the evidence and just go "LALALA trump lies LALALALA"
>I dont know anything about the FBI/DOJ/Clinton Timeline, the names of the people involved, the choices they made that are a matter of congressional record, the laws that have been broken, or the congressional reports that have come out or are in the process of coming out.
>baselessly attack my opponent by pretending none of this exists using a simple one-word response, instead
you guys are losing. and the increase in astroturfing immediately after the Nunes memo is testament to your desperation.
But I guess only Trump is guilty of being a Russian plant when he takes money from Russian oligarchs and hangs out with a person accused of Russian collusion.
Why do liberals choose not to connect the dots, unless the media serves it to them on a platter? It's like logic is beyond them, and liberals are only capable of noticing bad logic against their political opponents - not actual logic.
I guess that's why democrats don't control a single branch of government - they live in fantasy land, and get the results expected from a bunch of schizophrenics.
>Serious question to trump supporters
No it isn't. Does this forum have any fucking mods?
jesus get a fucking grip dude
these comics here are the same thing. It just depends on what you want to believe
I think this isn't the place for you
Indeed they are. They are proof that "the other side is stupid" is not a good political argument.
I forgot to say blatant honeypot "imageboard" sry
"get a grip" ? thats your retort to being called out? you wanna laugh at research while exposing the fact that you dont know SHIT about the story, and this is your response when it gets pointed out to you?
lol what a fucking joke you are dude. absolutely pathetic.
>ignore the congressional record dude
>here see these comics prove my point
what a fucking child.
> debunking what user calls a wild conspiracy theory with wild conspiracy theory
wew lad
>calling an anime imageboard an imageboard is the equivalent of a admitting a honeypot
are you retarded or something?
wait... meme flag, didn't even have to ask, but i'll let you know you' re stupid
>supporting politics that are so obviously against their own self interest.
Oh look, it's the ancom dragging out this tired talking point again.
Wrong proxy Chink
Timeline of the scandal. Reduced to minimum, still four pages long.
>That wasn't real communism
Wew lad
honeypot was proven years ago, and continues to be proven by posts like this staying active and not deleted
>was meant to convey
>according to people familiar with his account
>mental gymnastics
meanwhile I present to you 'Leftists and IQ'
>called out
Called out for not accepting a half-baked story of corruption, whether it be politically right or left? that whole response of yours just proved your glaring mental shortcomings.
Just look at how revved up you are right now because I simply pointed out peoples bias factoring into their worldview.
>implying we are all t_d.
>Complaining that the mods have to delete every little shitpost inbetween hotpocket runs.
dude they have lives too in their basements. and it prevents all the fun from getting sucked out of this place.
Lol, what a bunch of greedy, piece of shit empire sympathisers. Trolls man