Somebody explain why christianity is good/bad


It teaches servitude while the other popular religion teaches war.
Which is going to win?

It's how a man gets into heaven and escapes eternal hellfire in the afterlife.

I think you have a stupidly simplistic theological understanding.
We will win.
Team Jesus.

Slave mind indoctrination

Jesus is with the Satanists (he never existed).
These mega churches in America are literally run by Satanists.

Christianity has plenty of war and blood under it's belt.

come on Italia.
Italian fedora's

Off topic, but I’ll humor you.
All religion is bad. It teaches people “I’m better than you because I believe in the right sky people”, then they war on the people who don’t believe in their sky people. All of history would be better if religion didn’t exist.

God is Satan slavery is freedom

Mega churches have no validity in the conversation.
Of course there is false teaching.

Jesus gave His life, that I might Live.

It's a dogshit religion just like the rest of them, but at least they don't blow themselves up every 5 mins

Sounds like your sky people are a bunch of cucks.

reductionism is full affect

Most mega churches are at least right on salvation

in full affect.

It's good because it gives child-like retards a 'reason' to be good and not bad (great cop in the sky). It's bad because it is all based on lies.

Gets rid of demons (literally)
Gives you a real meaning in this life

People use it as a mask for fucked up behavior (see Catholic church pedophilia)

T. Used to be haunted by demons as a kid and wanted to kill myself

I can't really comment to much about mega churches.
The prosperity gospel is a false gospel though.
Do people have a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ at a prosperity driven church, of course.
Do people at the most biblically sound churches not have a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, of course.

Fucking keep your demon shit for conversations with brothers in christ, it scares off agnostics and athiests.

christiany is bad and the majority of people on Sup Forums who are 'Christians' have inauthentic belief.
their reasons will be
>better for society and the nation
>less primitive than other religions
>prevents degenracy

however, God see through all the lies. Similar to believing in the God as a result of Pascal's wager. You can't trick God. He knows your belief inst genuine.

Present your case for it being based on lies.

So what is your God?

It's been the predominant culture of Europe for almost two millennia
Thousands of the greatest minds on this earth were Christian
The Bible offers an amazing set of values and morals that can lead its readers to a higher standard of culture
It pisses off Commies, Jews and Atheists

im agnostic

and before I get my (You)'s *tips fedora* isnt an argument

Guys, don't worry or think about deities, or any of that. Just be good to your fellow humans. That's all that matters. And accept that when you phyisically die, you die forever, and the personality is not a soul but just a physical thing involving the brain.

I don’t have sky people. Sky people, cucks? That doesn’t even make sense.
Not an argument.

You’re thinking of cucktianity, which IS a jewish religion.

Its bad and it has nothing to do with Jesus

Just keep directing the larpers to educated proofs for God and Christianity written by the saints.

But what if the Bible offers me incredible insight on how to treat other human beings?

What amazing values and morals do you think it offers that are not already covered by the standard 'do to others what you want for yourself' and the universal 'don't be a cunt' arguments?
Genuinely curious.

I am not sure the bible is needed for that. Just help others when you can, but don't sacrifice yourself. That is all that matters.

Agnostic is a respectable position as long as you are searching for truth earnestly and honestly.

Take that demon worshiping flag off before responding again
True, but the crusades were for culling of European men, reclaiming clay and pillaging as much gold as they could along the way for the Catholic vault, and having moors rape the women left behind.
All of them are, fuck man, it's a tribe that takes the smartest of every race, mates with it and calls it their own. They started off at the beginning of the bronze age and have been the same pernicious religious story telling fuckers ever since. Religion is the spirit binding spell cast by a poo-in-loo gypsy thousands of years ago. We need to get off this drug as a whole, fuck, even print a book of morals without a religious ceremony attached to it if need be, but the rest of this show can end now

Modern Christianity has been subverted, there are a few good churches left. I'd suggest looking into Shepherd's Chapel if anyone is interested in a good church, there website streams bible studies and documentaries 24/7.

like a fucking zombie

10 Commandments
The various parables like Sodom and Gamorrah
The various stories of Jesus in the new testament
It's hard to surmise 800,000 words unless you've read them yourself

I didn't say it was needed for that. But the thing is the Bible gives its readers a strong guide for morality that prior to its inception basically didn't exist, aside from the musings of Greco-Roman philosophers (whose ideas were later incorporated into the Faith by Christian Theologians)

Ah yeah it is, unless you can offer a more intelligent argument, you are in fact being reductive.
A retarded Dawkins-esq argument is not sufficient.

Pretty sure you don't need the ten commandments to know that killing is bad, and you wouldn't want your neighbor trying to steal your shit. Parables are just the commandments version of Sesame street, so nothing new there. 'The various stories of Jesus' would pretty much be covered by commandment Sesame street as well.

What I dont get is why you dont think people will figure out these social conundrums by themselves without the god books. A farmer gets attacked by his neighbour who murders his ox, fucks his son and steals his wife, and hes sitting there thinking 'why do i feel bad about this?' Then he reads the bible and says' holy fuck, thats why I feel so bad, because what that bastard did was wrong! I didn't know that!'

I'm pretty sure the moral compass of mankind had already found due north long before people started writing books about it.

On a sociological level,there would be no benefit of Christianity being removed. In fact the increase in disbelief equates to moral relativism and hedonism.
That is speaking aside from the truth.
Some of the smartest people who have ever lived and currently do live in terms of IQ are deists. So don't sit on your high horse and think ah dur deh dah dumb ass hicks believing in God, before you say it I am not doing the same thing. I was once a militant athiest, mocking religious people.

I wouldn't say it found due north, it would of been close to north but that is not an argument for or against God.

I mean in arabia around the time of old moe 7 centurys after Christ people would bury their daugthers because it was a burden.

I wasnt arguing for or against god, I'm asking about the 'amazing values and morals from the bible lead its readers to a higher culture'

I'm wondering what the christians have found in morality that other humans didn't.

Most wars in the history of mankind have been fought over who’s sky people were the right ones. Most armed conflict in the Middle East, since Mohamed died, were over who’s right. Most of Europe fought wars over who believed the right version of Christianity. Aztecs murder thousands of their own people for sky people to make it rain.
Saying it’s Dawkins, doesn’t change that. You’re merely avoiding the truth and dismissive of it after labeling it after someone, because you have no argument and know I’m right.

OP is not replying but the memecancer is, fuck this thread


And I bet they knew it was wrong. Just like in todays world people are still doing wild shit, even they know its wrong. People doing bad shit does not mean an absence of moral structure, it just means there will always be people who decide to live outside it.

So because one commits evil to you, you should create more evil in turn? That's some bad logic right there.

While I personally believe in lex talionis, I don't believe in reckless retribution. Morality isn't innate; humans can make choices without having a sense of what is "right" and what is "wrong." In some cases, as you provided, the man who kills his neighbor's ox, etc. could've thought he was morally doing the right thing.

The man who had the wrong done to him would've felt bad regardless; but the Bible does not teach one how to "feel bad" about wrongdoing, it teaches one to forgive it and move on, and to do righteous deeds instead in order to better the world. And of course, not everyone wants to do righteous deeds, but that is their folly.

Ok fair enough.
One could argue that is was God-given to have some sense of morality.(complex theological discussion)
But without objective morality, then you are left to sways of a society's subjective and or collective sense of morality which might be altered to benefit them i.e disposing of daughters in the desert.
If you look at the worlds major religions Christianities moral values appeal more to the modern conscience and are objectively better. Buddhism could be used to counter this but you are really have to understand Buddhism to even entertain having a conversation about it.

Not sure where you think I said anything about retribution, in our example the farmer was left trying to figure out why he felt bad his life was ruined by his neighbour. Apparently he was completely at a loss until he read the bible and it explained that all the things that had happened to him were against the commandments, so wrong. The same applies for the attacker, who even without the bible knew his actions were wrong (despite your argument), based on all humans built in morality system. Ie, if someone did this to me I would be fucking pissed, so I know this is wrong'.

The bible is based on our morality, not the other way around.

And back to my original question. Can you give me an example of morals that came only from the bible, and wasn't in existence before the word of god? You have infered to it, with your "Christianities moral values appeal more to the modern conscience and are objectively better", but what are they?

>The bible is based on our morality, not the other way around.
Again, Humans do not have an innate sense of morality. It's entirely subjective and often based upon ones surroundings and their culture. This is relevant to Western culture because Christianity has been its cultural zeitgeist for nearly 2000 years.

The Germanic pagans had a completely different set of morals and values to Roman pagans, and vice versa. When Christianity spread throughout Europe, those morals and values changed.

How can you be sure that the man who kills thinks his actions are wrong, if he does them anyway? What about the thief? Or the liar? If they truly found their actions contemptible they would cease doing them, but the case is that they will still do them regardless, for it is their nature.

One does not magically stop committing sin if one reads the Bible, it makes its reader aware of sin in its many forms, and instructs them to avoid it and attempt to convince others to do the same.

Examples of morals that came only from the bible.
I can answer your question with the superior teachings of the bible. But whether they existed in some form in cultures spread across the Globe I couldn't say and presume they would but very disconnected from each other.
Also the morals isn't really what its about, its all about what Jesus fufilled and did on the cross and when he rose.

This guy is better at answering questions than me you should ask him also its 2 am so I'm going to bed GOD BLESS

Remember, Christianity is an Israelite religion not a Jewish religion.

>people who betrayed the faith went to war so the whole belief is bad
stupid and restricted mindset