ITT: Shows that aged like shit
Other than a few space segments, I disagree.
Kill yourself
Episodic trash isn't entertaining in 2017
You must be underage. Please fuck off.
your mum
Animated shows dont age like games or live action can
>entertainment over pottery and plot
that's why we only have moeblob and ecchi shit
>still has one of the best direction in anime
>one of the best soundtracks
>have a fairly entertaining cast
Nah, its your taste that is shit.
I'm 25 bitch.
Try rewatch bebop now i dare you, shit is sleep inducing.
g u a r a n t e e d r e p l i e s
Gas yourself, you fucking imbecile.
episodic is kino af.
I watched it and enjoyed it, but i didn't like the story with spike. But other than that, it's a pretty great show.
Go tip your fedora somewhere else, you're embarrassing.
I've rewatch the show every year, you just have shit taste.
Fuck off, Sup Forums.
Anime shows now have much better pace than they use to.
The movie is way better than the show.
>muh soaps
Fuck off old hag.
What anime uses procedual format nowadays?
None because it's an outdated concept
Samurai Champloo>>>Cowboy Bebop
You must be 18 years or older to post here.
Then why are battleshounen threads allowed on Sup Forums when they're targeted to kids under 18?
Checkm8 you underage shit
I like them both. Jeane should've died though like a true samurai.
You mean that break-neck 12 episode pace thing where they are clearly more interested in pushing out something for ratings and sales only instead of developing a story and its characters properly?
What the FUCK was his problem?
overdosed on redpills and bought a katana and trenchcoat
Kek i can cherry pick good 12 adaptions if you want.
Watching shit like Gintama is cancer now after realising nothing worthwhile happens until episode 50
Space Dandy s3 when
Space Dandy movie when
Fuck that, give us an OVA with the cute girl that Dandy met up and focus on a timeskip where is older and looking for Dandy.
He brought a sword to a gunfight
He got cuckd.
I suddenly feel a lot less sympathetic towards Spike
Do humanity a favor and remove yourself from it.
looks better than most anime nowadays
Kill yourself.
watched it first time a month ago.
does unfold its charm only when the crew is finally complete (ep9+)and then sometimes lives up to its hype. the group dynamic is something very unique.
ends unsatisfying and generic.
but episodes like the magic mushroom make up for it all.
its overrated but still very good.
I generally dont watch any anime made before K-on or shows that are sub-720p so you could say all of those aged poorly.
Eureka 7 is a special example because I used to like it but I cant bear any mecha animes these days.
Fuck you faggot.
A top 20 all time series easily, neck yourself for even making this thread.
>replying to an obvious bait thread without saging
I think you mean Jin but okay.
Probably thinking of outlaw star. All those J names sound the same.
the anime also implies that vicious was being abusive to julia and that's why she cheated on him with spike
NTR changes people.
>A top 20 all time series easily,
Man people love to say Monster's overrated but at least that was interesting, i never understand why people like bebop outside of nice directed fight scenes
I don't remember that. What episode?
> i never understand why people like bebop outside of nice directed fight scenes
literally 2deep4u
that's because you have no soul
>Megumi Hayashibara will die in your lifetime
Great artistic direction, well defined and memorable characters, deep layered stories and superb OST. What else do you want?
its either RFB or jupiter jazz but in the flashbacks you see that vicious has been using red eye and at one point mocks julia for thinking that she can leave him or the syndicate
That was after he got cucked
Couldn't get past the 3rd episode on the rewatch
congrats, you made me mad. Fuck you.
I only watched the dub. All those ching chongs sound the same to me.Some of her songs are nice.
okay? i think the point is that julia left him because he's a piece of shit. and then he threatened her when she tried to leave
t. Spike
Julia was always a bipolar slut. Vicious did nothing wrong
The only way to make a Bebop thread without 9001 replies telling you to fuck off to Sup Forums or reddit is to disguise it as a bait thread
I could get past ep 3 when i tryed to rewatch it.
it just looked so cheap.
And i bought the dvd box ...
Well they pronounced Jin like we'd pronounce Jeane, so I assume thats the confusion
Yeah but you're conflating their personal and professional lives. She could have left Vicious without leaving the Syndicate.
It's pretty clear from their interactions and the credits that Vicious used to be a different person. That he changed. The smile seen at the top here is basically unimaginable in the present day Vicious we know.
I disagree but you are entitled to your opinion.
I felt Champloo's finale was weaker. There was more talking during battle and I thought them having a flashback to Jin's master talking about the technique he used to win was pretty uneeded and killed the pace.
Bebops ending was just much smoother
Cowboy bebop looks cheap? Boi...
Unless you mean Champloo. Because Champloo's animation quality fluxed pretty greatly. Some eps looked great while others looked crappy
Daily Sup Forums contrarian thread? Daily Sup Forums contrarian thread.
I agree, I would have liked to see a little more influence from samurai film. An episode like seven samurai would have been excellent and it would have been great to see a true final duel between Jin and Mugen although I understand that the series was overall far too lighthearted and watanabe too reluctant to end the series on anything but a happy note.
No, it has better animation than currently airing anime
Champloo's last 3 episodes were flawlessly done, brought the show from a 6/10 right up to an 8.
It had better animation than anything to come after it at all
This shit and Patlabor
Bebop is one of the shows that separates the plebs from the patricians. It has so much timelessness to it and deals with things in its own unique mature fashion (very rare in anime) that I can't take anyone seriously who tries to suggest it is anything but a masterpiece. I hate to mention him but Digibro made an excellent video on Bebop once and he touched upon part of what made it great, although there's so much more.
One thing I feel most people fail to observe is just how deep Bebop's symbolism goes. I won't go into detail as this is something I actually pride myself on, 'getting it' where most don't, but there are plenty of small and beautiful tidbits that are definitely underappreciated. For example:
In the episode that introduces Fay -- when we first see them Jet is telling Spike about this absurd dream of his, one featuring Charlie Parker quoting Goethe. Now those names while recognizable probably don't really mean anything to most people, to the Nips it was probably meant simply to associate a very American name with this esoteric German philosopher (which produces an effect all its own) -- but the actual quote foreshadows their entire relationship with Faye throughout the rest of the show. I won't pretend I picked up on it at the time, I probably thought it was Spike/Jet being just too cool/weird, but the point was the show has tremendous rewatch value.
Also literally no anime has ever had a better soundtrack imo.
>I only watched the dub.
You made the right choice.
The dub is objectively superior in every way.
>I actually pride myself on, 'getting it' where most don't
Hahaha holy shit is this pasta?
>when Jin reveals his true bishonen power and the Najubes god beats kick in
It would have been a 10/10 if the fights had been more seamless. Imagine what it could have been with 90s cell-shading
>watching anything without Megumi
I was being quite sincere. Pls don't bully me user.
I definitely disagree with that. They were good, dont get me wrong, but hardly flawless.
I thought the blind lady's episodes were more compelling. Partially because we got to know her as a character for an episode before we learn shes there to kill them.
The finale's villains both came from nowhere. Its fine with the government assassin guy I guess, but the guys after Mugen have a grudge against Mugen for something we never really saw before they showed up.
I dont think its a great idea to introduce the final enemies on the last episodes, especially when their reason for being there is so personal
Kariya was pure kino, he hit all the right pre-meiji buttons
Voicefags are the worst.
>i never understand why people like bebop outside of nice directed fight scenes
Baby's first seinen
>how dare you bring up voice actors when comparing audio renditions
It loses impact through translation alone and English side characters are never done well
No way. Solid 90s aesthetics.
The budget does show. Both good though.
Bebop's english vas were great tho
>Episodic trash isn't entertaining in 2017
Oh yeah?
Bebop's dub was excellent but the original was even more so
It was literally a direct adaptation of the manga, sure it's a decent enough thriller but the anime doesn't improve it anymore than it needed
Space Dandy is AOTD so far though
>i never understand why people like bebop outside of nice directed fight scenes
I liked the characters and music.
I want to rebut you but I literally CAN'T
Watanabe is a God
>I generally dont watch any anime made before K-on or shows that are sub-720p so you could say all of those aged poorly.
I hate these kinda people
>and English side characters are never done well
You're trying to tell me this guy sounded better in Japanese?
>The dub is objectively superior in every way.
Not really. Only good one was steve blum as spike.
also Andy is transcendent of the designation "side character"
Anime or Manga
Monster was far more interesting than Bebop and people want to shit on that series so bad and give passes to this
The best episodes of SD were directed by guest directors
What can I say, I dont like when the show im watching looks blurry and shit.
>implying they weren't all Watanabe donning an incognito
Maybe you just got shitty eyes
Then just get BD version of those shows.