Trump military parade is "3rd-World Bullshit" -SEAL Team 6 Bin Laden killer

The former Navy SEAL who claims he fired the shot that killed Osama bin Laden is blasting President Donald Trump's desire for a military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.

"A military parade is third world b-------. We prepare. We deter. We fight. Stop this conversation," Robert O'Neill tweeted Thursday.

O'Neill was part of the military operation ordered by President Barack Obama that killed the al Qaeda leader in 2011. He also has been a guest host on a favorite morning show of Trump's, "Fox & Friends," and dined with the President at the White House last year.

Reports surfaced Tuesday that Trump asked the Pentagon for a parade that would rival France's Bastille Day celebration that he attended last year. Defense Secretary James Mattis said Wednesday that the Pentagon is preparing options for a possible military parade to send to the White House for a decision.

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If he has a parade with military and vets on the 4th of July or something, what's the problem? Can we only have parades for sodomy and corporations in this country?

There are some things about the 3rd world that I like. They have a sense of identity and culture. It's the shit hole habits that are undesirable.

>a parade is a waste of valuable soldier time
A parade is a worst way to waste a soldier’s time? Really? Maybe soldiers would like a break from transgender acceptance briefings SHARP scenario role playing.

this fag think he is self important now

if obama said this they would think its a great idea

Leave it to the Navy to be fags about it

>it is waste of resources to spend money on a military display
What’s the monthly operating budget of the Thunderbirds, Blue Angels, Golden Knights, Leapfrogs, Marine Silent Drill Team and the Old Guard?

the fact that its even publicly known who killed bin laden is degenerate cucking of the military .the fact that he feels like it gives his political opinions against the commander in chief legitimacy is a sign american military is cucked and has no honor.

>>A military parade is third world bullshit.
>> france holds military parade.
>>france is a first world nation.

Who cares what he thinks. I'm sure there are plenty of eager privates who would like a chance to be seen in uniform

cadet bone spurs drumpf btfo !

I have to agree Jew-bro

>a soldier's opinion on a military parade matters

When the fuck did this become a thing? Why should we listen to him over Mattis?

>implying Osama Bin Laden is dead
>implying he was even a real person
>implying he wasn’t a CIA agent
>implying he’s not currently living in Argentina
>implying you can believe anything on the news

Finland has one as well... Last I checked they top the charts in almost every category... except for social ones :)

The Pentagon spends over 500 million per year on Army, Navy, Marine AF bands and never heard Mr Seal bitch about those.

Fuck him and his ego. Probably shot his big toe and thought it was BL.

It's not the parade itself that's important. It's the reaction to Trump even suggesting a parade that is so delicious. The reaction to nearly anything he says is always golden -- the optics are now that Dems and Libs are decidedly ANTI military (as if they didn't have that image before).

Trump could come out tomorrow and say he's against cancer, and then because of Trump Derangement Sydrome, we'll have blue-haired cunts coming out saying they are pro-cancer.

Weird, I thought they all died in that chopper crash...

>parade with military and vets on the 4th of July or something

Parade is fine per se but guns and tanks and missiles and shit rolling onto our streets is like waving your dick around like some 3rd world dictactor or a nigger flashing his piece in the hood. Nigger behavior at its finest.

>"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."

Ikd my 85 old granpa loves military parades and he always ask me to show him us parade but you dont have any.Its weird that country like usa with big military tradition dont have parades.


Meanwhile in an alternate reality,
>>> us navy seals, seal team 10 are sent to rescue the president.
>>> entire squadron knife raped by one vamp boi who was former navy seals black ops division called Dead cell.

A man can dream.

>we prepare we deter we fight make movies and write books. You're a bunch of attention-whoring prima-donnas.

>can't say a bad word about the abu ghraib marines
>we don't respect our military enough
he's abusing your confused and grotesque love of your army and Sup Forumss job is to wash that message as clean as it possibly can be.

Wasnt the seal team that "took down Bin Laden" all killed in a chopper crash during a night mission? I think that got memory holed. Anyone got info?

So then,what is this former navy seal faggot on about?
Does he not have a sense of national pride?

seals like to go full tranny. not real men.

>seal team
Pedophile blackmailed cia fag.

>that flag
Nani the fuck

what is america lacking today that a military parade would give it?
inb4 conservatard horseshit

You mean the secret stealth helicopter they crashed when they got there to kill Osama or the story of them crashing a few days later? They crashed twice.



>Wasnt the seal team that "took down Bin Laden" all killed in a chopper crash during a night mission? I think that got memory holed. Anyone got info?

Some of it was, not all the individual members.

Weird, right?
Looks pretty good for a guy that died twice, and whose identity is supposed to be a tightly guarded national secret even if their mission is successful... I wonder what their secret is.

So the non-existant soldier who shot a non-existant guy as a piece of political theatre for the previous administration is criticising the current administration?

Really stimulates my prunus amygdalus

nothing. best case scenario liberals use it as fuel for their >muh orange hitler party line. worst case one of them that shows up is crazy enough to jump under a moving abrams and become a martyr.

>he din do nuffin

This guy is an obnoxious, self righteous faggot, even by SEAL standards. Which says a lot.

I’ve always thought this picture was really suspicious looking

Why is he being so rude to french people?

but bin laden was a mossad hologram

says a non-country

If you have military parades you are third world shit.

Is this the overton window I keep hearing about.

About to have all out war with China, N. Korea but not allowed to have a parade first?

>>implying Osama Bin Laden is dead

This. He died before 9/11 and Obama needed to look like a strong president. Rob is just a liar banking on fame. Like Chris Kyle.

I really can't take the SEALs seriously, pic related.
The punchline is that a month later they sent in a Marine platoon to do the same job and they completely eradicated the taliban cell, with only one loss on their side.


This hook nosed oven dodger is right

It looks like a glitching PS2 game.

Navy Seal who killed Osama
> Be Bin Laden
> Be ded for many years
> Seals raid senpai's house
> Seals rifle through premium hentai collection with unwashed kafir fingers
> Derp State Obama Seals say " mission accomplished, Osama is kil"
> Derp State Obama Seals dump "body" over ocean, no proof.

>O'Neill was part of the military operation ordered by President Barack Obama that killed the al Qaeda leader in 2011.

Why should anyone care what an actor has to say about military matters?

He's doing it so Leftist will protest the military.
It needs more coverage so more will protest.

The military does not do squat and are just mercenaries on the taxpayer dime. Military families are a disgrace and are leaches on our society.

Source? I don’t really know anything about the military so this interests me. Marines were the ones who went in at Benghazi, right? Or was that army?

Dude has an oversized ego because he hangs out with right wing celebs who suck his dick. Makes him think his dumbass opinion is worth anything. He's out of touch.

Idc if he's a seal or who he killed. He still comes across as a fuckin faggot with a big ego to cover for having a little dick.

Did the chopper have a woman driver?

This. What if they just found his grave/tomb? They didnt kill him but just confirmed he died. Maybe thats why they never showed his mummified remains.

I have personally seen a military parade in Spain, France, Italy and Austria and have seen countless air shows around Europe that had attendance in many tens of thousands.

That fucking dirtbag has NO CLUE what he is talking about. This is fucking ridiculous.. the 3rd world comment was the dumbest part of his statement.

He should be hanged for treason!

You didn't kill osama you lying piece of shit

He didn't kill Bin Laden.

Bin Laden died of natural causes.

"shot Osama Bin Laden"
>Tim Osman


I thought that entire SEAL team died in a helicopter crash.

They are worried that the world will have a glance at the real american army.

You know most European Nations have military parades too right? This will of course blow up in the lefts face once again.

You're right.
How much of an attention whore can this guy get ?

I've also heard military assholes say it's a waste of money, as if they're not totally irresponsible with tax money to begin with. At least a parade shows us what our money is being spent on.

>some of it was
The entire fucking team was except for this one faggot who most likely wasnt on the team. The helicopter crash that they all died in was during a mission where the intel was so subpar that it was ridiculous and the mission briefing amounted to "get on the chopper we will tell you when you get there"

Wrong universe

Where is the fucking body faggot.
>Bin Laden in pakistan
Awan brothers from pakistan
>Not fucking fishy at all


Literally the reason we even have highways in the US was by justifying them for military defense. A fucking parade would be fun.

Any navy seal claiming to be the guy that shot bin laden is a lying piece of shot traitor who should have been on that helicopter with the rest of em.

Can't out kike a kike.

Something is fucking up with the whole bin laden raid.
Why dump the body at sea?
Why was bin Laden in Pakistan?
Why were Awan Brothers (moles form Pakistan) given access to classified information?
>lost a stealth helicopter
Crashed Stealth Helicopter parts ended up in the hands of rivals like china that paid top dollar to get their hands on them

It smells fishy.

Jews > Muslims

Sounds more like a silencing.

Bin laden was a CIA asset and scapegoat/boogeyman

Awans are Mossad. That's why DWS (Zionist) employed them.

(((They))) Live, Goy Sleep.

What did this motherfucker mean by this?

Back during communism when this kike was working in the CIA embassy we had pretty sweet parades because we had an actual army and no American bases on our soil.

You can only dream to be as based as Bulgaria was before the Russians left and the Americans came (after which it did become a shithole, but he is implying that it was a shithole before that, when it was a strong and healthy country)

Zero proof this guy did what he says he did

Even if you believe the story of seal team 6 killing him, that team died in a chopper crash.
IDK who OP's seal is, but he's fake and gay.

ITT: Pol chimps out because CNN baited a former navy seal into saying something stupid. Come on guys. You're getting played. Soldiers don't like parades because they'd rather be getting laid or drinking. President Trump wants a parade because he believes the majority of people like them. The only way a soldier likes a parad is if it gets him free booze or laid.

I am indifferent about a parade. However, this stupid nigger should keep his mouth shut. Thinking his opinion matters more because “muh bullit kill Oo-Bee-Ell” is e-celeb tier bullshit. He can choke on a dick and get shot in the back by a deranged vet. SEALs are the biggest shitbags in the SOF community now days, right there along with the RSE.

Fuck of meathead

How old are you 25? The military has always done parades after wars fuck right off

>believing Bin Laden was killed by Obama and didnt die in 2003 from Kidney failure

imagine being this gullible and retarded

Jesus killer is right

Going to need to see some sauce with this pasta


BASED Immigration Act of 1965.

>pol’s job
Pol do don’t have a “job”, unlike you faggot self-loathing Swedes whose sole job in life is to give up your paychecks, homes, anuses, women and children to desert rat scum.

Private security contractors

>A fucking parade would be fun
This. Why is fun of a non degenerate kind frowned upon in the west?

I'm sure if it were a military parade to celebrate "don't ask, don't tell", faggots like O'Neill would be dancing in the streets with the rest of the squids.

self hating faggots that don't want the world to see the US still has its shit together.
Liberals want everyone to see soldiers and tanks as baby killers while they do it under the title of doctor.

Agreed. The entire US military is filled with thots, neocons and left-leaning bureacrats.

The lazy fuck don't want to march but he has to obey orders.

>Implying such a thing as 3rd world exists

No such thing as a shithole country user, tsk tsk.

>Parade is fine per se but guns and tanks and missiles and shit rolling onto our streets is like waving your dick around like some 3rd world dictactor or a nigger flashing his piece in the hood. Nigger behavior at its finest.

God you're such a fucking soy boy.
I mean heaven FORBID that American public get to see what it's spending it's money on right? Wouldn't want people to see how powerful we are, that would be RUDE! Only niggers are allowed to be visibly strong! White Bois have to walk around starting at their shoes all day or Tyrone might think they be startin' shit!

Fucking cuck, you disgust me.

>Top secret Navy SEAL strike team member
>secret identity publically revealed by president
>(((actor shot bin Laden in Pakistan)))
Not even once.
That nigger died of natural causes years ago. Jihadis kept their mouths shut at our behest to keep morale up.

I just want to see Trump face when transfluid soldiers salute him


And the sequel