Asian wife. Pol ruined my life

Pol, you ruined my life.

>be me
>read Sup Forums, they say asian women are the best
>be stupid, believe them
>start dating this cute asian chick
>all is well, gives me bjs, decent sex
>a couple months in, she starts talking about marriage
>very pushy about it
>what the hell, I gotta start a family anyway, responsibility and shit
>propose, get married
>the INSTANT we are married her personality does a 180
>yells at me for no damn reason
>throw shit at me
>no matter what I do it's wrong
>says if I get any funny ideas she'll say I beat and raped her
>can't divorce her, will 100% lose half my stuff and have to pay alimony

Damn it Sup Forums, you lied. Asian chicks are even worse than white chicks.

Be a man and put her in her place. Asian chicks crave dominance.

Also fuck her better.


im married to a chinese girl. shes bitchy too, but after sex shes always good. you just need to fuck her better.

>Uses Fascist flag
>Can't tame a gook whore

You married a woman who was willing to have sex before marriage. Your fault.


maybe you just found a crazy bitch

White guy here..super jealous. I can't get enough asian pussy on tinder.

also this. If she wants to accuse you of beating her, just beat her a little bit and throw her down on the bed and choke her and suck her tits against her will then finger her and fuck her. She will love it

I have yet to see an Asian wife not be a bitch. They are insect people. They don't have the same empathy or emotions like the rest of us.
Despite their intellect, they too are an inferior people.

>gives me bjs, decent sex

nice prostitute you found.

gtfo jew shill

you're a fucking idiot if you can't see red flags in a partner, and follow a taiwanese sweater-knitting forum for important life decisions.

most likely a LARP anyway

What do hurricanes and women have in common? They first blow you and then take your house

>memeflag anti-mgtow spammer
posters on Sup Forums you recognize

Farm the rice, pay the price.

Mind control AI is run for sheckels.... the second you get married, it tries to get you divorced so it can take your money.

>getting married after a few months

ride the dragon op, godspeed

Idiot. Learn to man.
She's an animal and you need to train her. She doesn't come fully formed, you need to create her.
Strong pimp hand.
Work the dick like a porn star.

If she wanted a low-test faggot, she'd have married an Asian.

WTF is wrong with you?

All women are like that no mater where they come from. Be a man and assert yourself.

>actually taking Sup Forums's advice
You should have learned better like 5 years ago dude.
never EVER listen to anything you hear on Sup Forums about women or genetics


roasties are truly incapable of memeing

>1 post
>married after only a few months
>Actually taking advice from Sup Forums without thinking for yourself
>Asian woman mysteriously acts like American woman
>OyVeyGoyim.exe intensifies

Every asian woman who is an 'actual' non-americanized woman has treated me amazing, i dunno where the fuck you're finding them OP but either you're an american girl fucking with us to get us to go back to your dimestore pussy or you got an entitled lefty american woman who has forgotten her heritage.

larping faggot. if the marriage has only lasted a couple months you won't lose anything in a divorce.

You get need to fuck her more.

my house in 15 years :3

Are you that stupid, suphuman with medievap belifs

You need to dominate her. It's probably too late though because you're a wimpy faggot bitch.

Beat her with a sock stuffed with two oranges, cut her hair off violently when she disobeys you. Take her credit cards and only allow her to spend the money you give her. It will put her back in line pretty fucking quick.

>marries after a couple months

you're fucking retarded

It's the little things in life that add spice.
t.= married to crazy white girl
During fighting I refuse to sleep on couch ONLY so I can touch her with my foot all night just to piss her off.
She figures that out and SHE goes to couch.
SO I go out to couch during her sleep, remove ALL blankets and open window.
Aaaahhh Hahaha
Next morning she's cold,tired,sore and thinks she knocked her own blankets on floor.
Oh Yah. Oops Advil empty.
Little things mean allot. My all time favorite book.
"Don't get mad Get even "
Cmon man up get creative.

This. Asians are entirely submissive. Been with a few myself and in my experience just act more assertive. It usually shuts down the uppity ones real quick. Just grow a backbone. Its not that difficult to put a woman in her place if she's out of line. A stern tone and body language is usually enough. Be intimidating and don't open yourself to bullying.

fake post
but yeah if you're a beta any woman will eat you alive.


looks comfy desu

>vaping faggot and mutt kid
>absolute state of America in 2k18

>be stupid
>a couple months talks about marriage
Lets hope u dont have to pay shit to her

i can't get a white gf and there are no asians here, im going to place all my bets into my college and hope i finish it and get a good job and good wife

Are you fucking stupid? Race mixing propaganda you read on Sup Forums by beta faggots made you marry a gook and ruin your heritage only to realise she's a fucking woman like all the rest.

I don't know if this is real but if it is you are the weakest minded person I've ever seen


You married a SE Asian animal you fucking idiot. East Asian women are the only human asians and Chinese are maybe 20% human at most. Japs and Koreans are absolutely top tier.

You fucked up.

>read Sup Forums, they say asian women are the best
Nobody says that you stupid fag. 9/10 people on Sup Forums will tell you that happa children are not worth living out your yellow fever fetish.

He lives in china.

Asian women are the reverse wild stallions. You have to be assertive to keep them. They don't like GlugGlugYummySoyBoys like you, hence why all Asian men are all overcompensating dicks.

look, asians don't have feelings or emotions except for deep love of money and themselves

you're just a tool they use

>secretly record her abusing you and threatening to falsely accuse you of rape as evidence
>divorce her

You got meme'd
Never trust Sup Forums, or anyone else

>let your wife take birth control that pretty much makes her body think it's pregnant 24/7
>wonder why she's always an emotional bitch

So you are complaining about the asian girls as gfs meme or about the marriage meme?

Anyways is your damm fault, fuck you.

Mental health issues stem quite often from happa children. Plus most of the time they just look.. Off. Aesthetic wise I mean. European and Asian bone structures and appearance just don't blend together nicely.
>inb4 obligatory posting of rare/cherrypicked hot happa women.

>move to Japan
>marry a cute waifu
>we have our disagreements, but we love and support each other, though we never talked much about politics
>Trump election comes along and I hide the fact that I prefer him to Clinton
>slowly get more and more signs that she may be very liberal
>sit down for dinner together one night, and the conversation goes political for some reason
>I cautiously ask her what opinions she has that are unpopular
>She answers that although she hates Trump, Kim, and Hussein, and could never respect them, Hitler really had the right idea with what he was doing. Sorry Jews.

I should put a baby in this woman.

you need to get a non-westernised one

what did you honestly expect was this the first chink you ever met?

Didn't you know? Most Asian women love to control their white husbands.

The moment you start putting in her place, divorce procedings. Good job dipshit.

Dude....sorry man, you dun goof’d

Lol you fell for the marriage meme. Enjoy your alimony payments while she fucks other dudes.

>>have to pay alimony
Don't have children mate

>believe everything I read in the internet
Man Up or just kys.

>says if I get any funny ideas she'll say I beat and raped her
Get that on tape without her knowing. Get her to admit that it's a lie.

Doubt it but
>following memes as reality
>not dating people for their personality
Your fault

Married 4 years to an Americanized Asian woman with a great personality. I wouldn't trade her for anything.

asian girls are so ugly. I hate their flat bodies.

t. zheng

Sup Forums here, shit my bad dude. I didn't mean to convince you to fuck your life up.


I have a Chinese wife with 3 kids. She didn't change at all, and is a great mother.

>implying OP can get a qt asian gf
Things that didn't happen for $200

You did it wrong, you're supposed to find an Asian with a good career that offers lots of paid maternity leave. Did you find her at a China One?

One of the biggest problems I have with my Chinese wife is we both make a lot and I want to stay on top of the income ladder. Also mine was a proper virgin until after engagement like a cute non degenerate is supposed to be. Mine wasn't pushy at all and has remained adorable.

Also, averages don't matter, take each case by itself. Her being pushy or doing sex stuff early on should have been a clue.

>1 post by this id
1 post by this id
>1 post by this id
1 post by this id
>1 post by this id
1 post by this id
>1 post by this id
1 post by this id
>1 post by this id

OKAY! I will OBEY you.

This is false, women like unassertive men as a whole because they think they can dominate them, but they are also attracted to assertive men with an eye for responsibility over much else.
Asian and Russian women are the extremes of this. They will walk over you if you give them an inch but they will immediately like you if you're stern. It's a weird paradox, but I've seen it.
The tragic part is Western society doesn't bode well for that type of marriage, as most men are feeble, whiny shits now.

go watch your irregular kids instead of shitposting here

>getting married

Retard detected. There was no helping you.


God, that is sad looking. The thing vaping is a degenerate weeb with half a brain and the wife looks like a perpetual victim with that screaming kid. YIKES!

>be me
>date a Taiwanese chick studying for her master's in the US
>she's shy and awkward, and only about a 5/10 so I assume I didn't have anything to worry about with her in regards to faithfulness
>get engaged
>2 weeks before wedding I start noticing pus coming out of my cock when I go to pee
>bring her with me to the doctor, doctor (a female) awkwardly says that you can sometimes get gonorrhea from public restrooms
>Google when my fiance is not around, find out that is bullshit and the doc lied to me.
>you pretty much show symptoms immediately, it wont lie dormant in your system for a few years before revealing itself
>I hadn't fucked another girl in nearly 3 years
>lie to myself and convince myself my doctor was probably telling the truth, still gonna go through with the wedding
>some random guy messages me on Facebook a few days later and says that she told him to get checked and revealed to him she had a boyfriend. He apologizes but says he just thought I should know
>she had tried to intimidate him into not messaging me by telling him that I have a bunch of guns (which is true) and that I'd kill him for touching her (not even remotely true, she's the one that cheated)
>after he messages me, he blocks me immediately because she convinces him that I'm gonna shoot him or something. I'm disappointed because I wanted to buy him a drink for exposing her as the whore she really was before I fucked up and married her nasty ass
>break up with her, I'm pretty sure she moved back to Taiwan and I assume she's a NEET Christmas Cake nowadays because she was dumb as a stack of bricks and couldn't do shit without someone supporting her

Never falling for the "traditional Asian waifu" meme ever again.

Unironically this.

This is a slide thread. I have seen same thread before

saged for larping, sorry not sorry roastie luv. Your chosen stud chose someone else, it happens.
Besides, if you werent a larping roastie the problem was easily fixed.
Feminism made sure of that.

>she'll say I beat and raped her
You might as well do it then and enjoy yourself before you go to prison..


Why would you not a get a prenup with ANY WOMEN, oh my god user you're own stupidity is your down fall


Well if you were an Asian in Asia you could beat the shit out of her but in the west you have no rights.


>getting pushed around by a woman
sorry the main problem is that you're a major beta cuck

>going on tinder
>for asians
Ever heard of WeChat or LINE?

All I've ever seen is that Asians are not human and that is 100% right. They are a hive bug people. This girl wanted your gibs and your white genes you are basically nothing to her.

I'd rather marry a Jewess from San Francisco than any sort of Asian. Jews are Demons but at least they have corrupted souls...Asians are just bugs

Sounds like every woman after marriage to me

Only like 0.01% are good enough that I would consider dating


Judges can just ignore prenups, they're not adequate security.

The only way is to
1) Not get married
2) Make sure you spend enough time apart that legally it's not 'co-habitation'
3) She earns and takes care of herself with her own money, so she can't claim she was dependent on you

If you can set those boundaries, and you still find a woman willing to be with you, you've hit the jackpot, because she truly wants to be with you. Fat chance of finding one like this though.
So really, the only way to survive is to stay away from women completely.

- Use prostitutes and/or sex dolls for sex
- Get pets for love

>Sup Forums, you lied

It's you who chose to believe the minority of redditors we have here. As for me I'm more into black girls.

I wonder [[[who]]] is behind this thread.

This holy shit op is gay

Are you retarded? Be a man and rein her in or cut your losses and divorce. It's just money.

>took Sup Forums's advice
>premarital sex
Pick exactly one.

Alot of sad parts of that video. The cross on the wall that probably only she believes in and just wanted to make her house a little more spiritual while he thinks its stupid. A vaping perpetual manchild at his computer while she is the only one that cares about the child. A hapa daughter that will either turn out to be an attractive hapa and therefore the main sexual object of literally everyone around her or a socially retarded female Elliot Rodger. The look of despair on the woman as she has realized BWC and climbing the social ladder wasn't worth it at all.

Hi Thomas.

>she gets pushy about it
Yeah that's where you fucked up. If you proposed because she was pushing you then she already knew she had a beta trapped.

Asian women will act like the man in the relationship if you allow them. One of my friends is a Japanese lady and she basically owns her boyfriend. He asked her to marry him and she straight up said no because he's white, but he stuck around. He has to ask for permission to go anywhere or do anything.

Basically, if you are the type of person to be submissive or passive in a relationship, do NOT date an Asian chick.

>28 year old Aus fag
>Married to 9/10 Asian chick. Made the mistake of going for looks and not personality... or brains
>She can't even cook rice, toast, spaghetti, nothing. Can't even cook an egg
>When she does have to cook she dumps a bunch of random meats into boiling water, adds sugar and fish sauce
>I have to cook all our meals, and half the time she says how shit my cooking is because it's not saturated in fish sauce

>Get smashed from a speeding car while I'm at the traffic lights (drunk cunt of course)
>Broken back
>Entire time I have to look after myself while my wife keeps asking "why don't you go out with me anymore? Why don't you spend time with me?"
>Have to hobble up to the stove to make food for myself, entire time my back feels like it's about to give out

>Her parents don't like me because I'm white, no matter how much shit I do for them, it's never enough
>Her sister's husband is Asian, but treats her like absolute shit. Beats her and everything, never held a job; her parents adore him
>The first time I got drunk with her family, they all had a go at me and asked why I was born white

>She starts hanging out with feminists and shit at uni (she keeps failing all her classes so she's STILL at uni at fucking 24 years old, hasn't even passed her bachelors)
>All of them are ugly as fuck; both looks and personality. Tell her constantly that I'm not good enough for her, only because none of them have had a guy before because you can smell them from 10 fucking meters away
>I tell her to stop hanging around those crazy whores, she tells me I don't know what I'm talking about
>One of them gets arrested for beating a homeless man unconscious and chopping his dick off. I ain't even joking

I just don't know why I go on sometimes... she really is the epitome of a cunt