>White people
White people
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reported for not being pol worthy...GET OUT
> emotional support hamster
What have culutral marxists done to America and where does it end?
Hold shit.
Being cruel to animals is the lowest form of niggerhood.
>White women
>He thinks this isn't cultural capitalism fault.
In all seriousness a marxist would be to hungry to waste a hamster.
Hey whites have high IQ, do not question them. This was the most humane solution.
>not putting it in the microwave
>white women
I think it should be illegal for mentally ill people to even have pets. This shit is why I wish we still had an absolute monarchy who can get shit done and decree the euthinization of the mentally feeble, they are a drain on society and mankind.
RIP Markus
Activation of the almonds achieved.
>wite pipo
>wite w*men
>white people
>american 56% women
although white people do have a weird infatuation with animals and pets, this crazy bitch aint white
>"student" women
fixed that for you
I'd hit it
Hm. Not trying to save your child from a fire (and the like) can get you in legal trouble?
That's actually beautiful. A fraction of faith restored.
She'd flush your bean down the loo though
no you wouldn't
the one who told her to get rid of the hamster wasnt white for sure.
must have been a stinky cuban turd.
Just saying black people abuse animals more.
>Belen Aldecosea
She's cute. Would bang.
Emotional Support Oprah
People get free dogs and shit in highschools these days because," I'm sad and the only thing that makes me want to go to school is if you buy me a dog." It's so funny how hard we are spoiling these generations.
If you need another living being for emotional support you a weak pussy monkey and I hope you are eaten by tornadoes
That poor kitty
>implying women are people
May the wind be forever at your back little m80
I'm not sure what that means but I'd be willing to give it a try.
Only a Gaylord would say no to that
I feel bad for the kids and the cats. I hope she hangs.
Someone should make a meme photo of the mice going down on a water park tube
>white people
You mean
>women """ people"""
Nothing says I'm a fuck up like animal abuse.
rip ubend chan
tbf as a kid we were pretty much drilled into the head never to stop for ANYTHING and just leave the house.
>Flushing someone that emotionally supports her as soon as it's inconvenient to her
Sounds like a woman to me.
Oh fuck my dude lemonwinks!
The natural human reaction in that situation would be to try to save your family, no matter what you've been taught.
The fact that she didn't have that natural instinct suggests she's subhuman.
>dumb roastie drowns pet
>blames airport for her retardation
Who the hell would do such idiotic thing as flush your pet down the toilet if someone says so? What the actual fuck. Poor little thing. If there was any justice in this world the hamster would mutate in the sewer and come back with a vengeance killing its former owner.
indeed, this is true
White (((people))) either abuse their pets or rape them. There is no in between
If a father made no attempt to save his children, then that's understandable. If a mother makes no attempt to save her children, then there is something deeply wrong with her. Literally every aspect of a female changes after birthing children on a biological level and a maternal psyche develops and a bond forms which transcends self-preservation.
Clearly, in this woman's case, none of those changes occurred indicating there is something defective about her.
That's a Mexican
And you Muslims are such sweethearts to pet animals? There is no group of people more vicious to animals than Muslims, you roam European capitals slaughtering dogs because your desert cult tells you that they're unclean.
Ketchum .. Ash is that you ?
Super cute desu. Would be invaded by
I thinks she was far beyond the aid of an emotional support hamster.
>I wish we still had an absolute monarchy
Too late now. You fucked it all
>50th thread on this stupid article in the last 2 days
ebin. just ebin
Oh no I AGREE. Just wanted to comment on the stupid fucking shit we were taught as a kid.
I hope this becomes a meme. This shit is too funny.
>white people
That's a strange thing to do to an emotional support animal. The first story I read about it the girl tried to spin in like the airline was forcing her to flush it.
im not saying you'd say no to that, im saying you'd be incapable of getting to that part in the first place
What did u do to ur turtles after u lost?
This sick bastard, Flushed them
harming hamsters, mice, gerbils, rabbits, turtles, lizards and birds should be punishable by firing squad.
I'm about 60% sure we need a devastating war to separate out the chaff now.
>not realizing it's a trap
>stick hamster in purse
>take it back out when you're on the plane
wow that was hard. What are they gonna do? Do an emergency landing to offload a hamster smuggler?
>friendzone a Hamster
>the hamster have to die because of MEMEMEMEMEME
poor qt rodent
Top notch "THIS"
I don't see people. I see genetic weak links that must be purged by the flame. There will be no room for animal cruelty, selfishness, or other forms of degeneracy and sickness in the ethnostate.
555 meant HA HA HA
This is blatantly bigoted, I'm not even allowed to take my emotional support anaconda into public places at all
>tfw china shop bans me for bringing my emotional support bull
>white """"people"""
Fixed it for you.
would impreg
Nobody made her do Jack shit. She COULD have gone through an inconvenience to drive home and figure her shit out.... But it was a matter of convenience to flush it. "Needs Muh feelie-floof, can't function without.... What? Reschedule flight? Flooossshhhhh..."
Is there some webm about hamsters getting tortured?
You seem to be handing out special status to people's pets like we hand out gibs desu. Why do you do it? Might as well just say all animals can go anywhere if you're going to give someone who is a bit nervous a "support animal*.
>he doesn't have an emotional support hamster
This. It would be the same with any animal. They think that they can get away with anything as long as they say they need it for their "emotional support". It'd be just as ridiculous if she showed up to the airport with an "emotional support" goat and wanted them to let her board with it. The plane ain't a fucking zoo. And clearly she didn't actually need her hamster for emotional support because she fucking killed it instead of taking it home or finding alternative transportation.
With a shovel
What's with the Ben Garrison levels of labeling in that room?
Trap furry.
Now I know who to look out for when I go there next time.
be emotional support she meant it acted as her conscience.
Still better than the women I see around here.
Cats are based tbqh, natures (((rat))) exterminator
> (You)
>>I wish we still had an absolute monarchy
>Too late now. You fucked it all
What is a revolution?
This is a capitalist thing not a Marxist thing.
Why are women so evil ?
More white matter in the brain linked to sociopathy and compulsive lying.
> white culture
This is the shit that pol wants
who gives a fuck
>white women
>caring about animals this much
This is why the white race is dying. White people need to stop caring about animals.