Onee-chans are superior to imoutos in every way possible. Only plebs disagree.
Onee-chans are superior to imoutos in every way possible. Only plebs disagree
Sisters are garbage no matter what age
is that from the new tank ?
Moms are best
I got eye cancer just by looking at your pic, holy shit.
Unfortunately true. Only in anime are sisters actually lovable.
What about the friendly onee-san from your neighbourhood?
Cowtits are disgusting.
Faggots are disgusting but I don't waste my time shitposting in your threads.
Not if they have cowtits.
Girls without cowtits are worthless.
He's a fucking manlet lanklet. Holy fuck.
best anime
If he was a chad, he wouldn't be marrying a 40 year old woman at the age of 18
with a 12 inch penis.
She's too big. Onee-sans should be nice and slender
Like this?
Both will end up bringing Chads home so you can listen to them fuck through the wall so what difference does it make?
The thread should have finished right at that post.
This. Get yourself a brother who will bring home a woman so you can listen to them fuck without being a cuck
All of this. Oneechans are amazing, but the oneechan body type can go fuck itself. The personality archetype is so-so.
Get your 3DPD bullshit out of here and go back to where you came from.
hi Elliot
Big tits are fine, just not a huge milf-esque body like in the OP
>This thread.
Those weren't even that big, by hentai standards.
I have a imouto, and i wish i had an onee-chan instead
Go big or go home homo
This is true so why arent you posting more oneesan
Twincest is the only acceptable route.
Being taken care of is always superior to taking care of someone, so yeah, obviously onee-chans are great. Motherly love in a voluptuous but still youthful body, they are the perfect embodiment of femininity.
Imoutos are superior.
I like both and if you don't like both you're stupid.
>not wanting a tsundere imouto that will fall in love with you eventually
>she will never become your onee-san
When will the tsundere meme die?
stopped reading there
>wanting a boring submissive imouto that will agree with everything you say just to have your own ego fueled
Low IQ scum detected.
>there's only 2 types of people
>tsunderes or mentally retarded moeblobs
Go back to your boruto containment general.
You can fuck right off m8 and take your tsunderes with you while you're at it.
Fuck off, John Oliver, I know what year this is and it's not one when liking tsundere is acceptable.
Shounenfag, I will beat you to death.
Every year is tsundere year. Go back to the hole you came from.
>18 years later
>he's 12 years old
Jesus Christ, tell her to knock off the soda and fast food and run more
She has big thighs and tits.
I don't a flabby belly or any extra chins so I think she's good.
you have shit taste
Her head's too small.
Nice meme.
get the fuck out, faggot. This is straight board
Meme 50?
The guy who drew that picture. I recognise that slut from one of his works
Now i cant unsee it.