Wasn’t it the founding fathers of America that believed that all people where created equal...

Wasn’t it the founding fathers of America that believed that all people where created equal? Aren’t you disrespecting the people who paved the way for you to be able to be a fag on the internet?

"all men are created equal" is a statement of right to self rule, free of the king
Hence "Declaration of Independence"

because the crown still thinks they are god, and sadly they still own america

OK I'll do it

Equality of opportunity. They never said niggers like you are my equal. So what's you're point, nigger?

I’m white

sure you are juan

prove it post your penis
put a penny on it and a note with timestamp

>all people

Words can change how they define and how they are used over time, especially over hundreds of years. I used to think people were just ignorant but later came to realize they were tactically ignorant and hoping to lie and confuse those they argued with.
"People" had a different definition, kind of like how when terrorists kill innocent people and are confronted they claim they weren't innocent.
Unless you're going to think you can fool anybody claiming that after that, when they were constantly talking about race and ethnicity they forgot to correct their document. As if.

Also, the word "fag" in the UK refers to cigarettes. Wow, amazing....people talk different, really made me think.
All this from somebody your founders wouldn't consider a person, either.

Let me get this straight: if I make a point that you can’t disprove than I’m a race that you deem “lesser” so you can feel like you won? Are you 5 fucking years old?


Do this one next, OP

if you are having this much trouble with basic logic you are confirmed nigger

Wow! You sure trolled me! You must be the coolest person in 5th grade!

The guy who wrote that "all men are created equal." owned slaves. Its a lie in both senses. 1. It is untrue. 2. Not even the person who said it really believed it.

While that is true, I still believe in the statement. I feel like all people should have equal opportunities. I think a black supremecist is just as bad as a white supremacist. I know that this will never happen because humans are complex, but I wish people would finally accept other people for who they are. Unless their harming people. Then they can fuck off.

Scalawag is the appropiate word.

It was really a slap in the face for owner of the North American continent.

If by equal you mean white male land owners, then sure.

Ignore shills

They believed that all people were endowed with inalienable rights upon birth. That was their idea of equality. That everyone should be able to live their lives with the freedom that the constitution grants.

>I’m white
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, yeah right.

If you’re a nigger lover, you’re not white.

"Created equal" just means we're all worthless parasitic piles of flesh at the beginning. Some of us grow out of that stage.

hipster cuck southerners are the worst of the worst

>natives had no concept of property rights
>totally owned the continent tho

Depends on what you considered people back then.

You mean that you didn't know that George the Third was the owner of the North American continent at the time of the revolution?


Swing and a miss

>young "southerners"

Except the south is currently seeing fuckloads of yankees and yuppiespawned hipsters move into it, fleeing high-tax shitholes with unbearable costs of living like Commiefornia and New York (CITY!)

If you don’t want to actually debate a topic and instead want to act like a fucking edgelord about it, then I’m done wasting my time trying to reason with you.

The founding fathers wrote all men were created, while at the same time all of them owned slaves and completely believed niggers weren’t human.

No, he believed it, he just didn't believe blacks were people.

You sure trolled me! Praise Le kek! xddddddd

You're the faggot ignoring evidence because you really wish the founding fathers gavs a shit about you, Paco. This country was made for white, European men who believe in God, and not a single fucking person otherwise.

You want to know how strongly they felt about it? They thought we'd own south America by now, too, and they still wanted it to be white. Give you three guesses how all the brown people would've been dealt with.


Fuck Repo niggers.

Do you know what you’re typing out? And you wonder why nobody likes you.

Non-whites were not considered people back then.

I don't need people to like me when I've got objective truth on my side, queer. You've gotta go back

>I'm white

Do you actually think that everyone who isn’t an inbred buck tooth hill billy is automatically black?

>I don’t need people to like me when I’m always right!
My fucking sides

>Do you actually think that everyone who isn’t an inbred buck tooth hill billy is automatically black?

Yeah. That’s what I said.