Islam invading my class now

I need some serious advice, Sup Forums. One of my professors (of a philosophy class) is bringing someone from the Islamic center in our city to talk to us about Islam. I really want to confront him but I'm also afraid of outing myself as ultra far-right.

My positions on Islam are thus:
1.) Islam is repulsive and does not belong in the West.
2.) All Muslims should be deported and not a single refugee should be taken in.

It seems like his intentions are to lie to us and tell us about how Islam is actually a peaceful religion (who fucking cares? Even if it were peaceful, they don't belong in the West).

I have two options here:
1.) Avoid confrontation and not exposing myself by either staying silent or not going to class.
2.) Confront him.

Which should I go with, Sup Forums? If you think I should confront him, give me your best anti-Islamic ammo.

Other urls found in this thread:

If you want to, find a way to do it without being a sperg. Write an anonymous note or something.

Skip the class and get drunk

>81 KB
No, you're right. I think of myself as a tolerant liberal but I'd rather keep the eastern religions in the east and the western religions in the west.

Listen to him while eating dried bacon

Just go for it. When I was in college I had the same thing happen because I had to take a "Diversity" class. When I began the assault, many of my classmates joined in on my side and we blasted the shits out of the campus. Focus on the main points (Islamic culture being incompatible with Western culture, Women's rights, Gay rights) You got it, bro.

Ask him if he believes you should pay the jizya

Being a frier and fry bacon during or before his talk

bend over while he fucks your sister, who's so hungry for the muslim cock

How to get away with criticizing Islam

>talk about the religion and not the people

If you over generalize the people as terrorists you will get kicked off campus. Ironically high percentages of them actually endorse suicide bombings.

So just talk about how the religion compared to other religions is extremely radicalized and can be easily manipulated creating groups like ISIS

Religions don’t have feelings, people do.

Just ask him if apostates should be punished and if homosexuality is a sin

Avoid the terrorism aspect until you clearly have the upper hand, as you'll be met with the "muh 1%" argument. Focus on these points:
>it oppresses women (use the fact women were not allowed to drive until only very recently)
>it kills gays (there's gay concentration camps in Chechnya, a majority-muslim, sharia law area in Russia)

She unironically was just talking about how handsome the Muslims at our school are. Women should have no political power.

Ask him if he plans on making halal food prep law. Then cite places where this has happened
obviously fag rites and women rites
Ask him about global jihad, infidels
ask him about women's clothing and what it means for a women who wears little clothing in public.
Try to bait him into calling them whores.

Just taqiya your way through it and you'll be fine. Hey maybe allah will grant you one wish?


But yeah what your probably going to do like all of Sup Forums is either sit in the back and say nothing because your scared or start whining about how mean Muzlams are to women and faggots lol.

YouTube is now pushing Muslim ads on every video now. Some shitty Haji mixtape.

Ask em what kind of prophet has intercourse with children

This. You can literally quote pages from the quran to prove that it is a religion built on violence, discrimination and conquest.

What are you capable of doing? If you go to class, at least stand with your beliefs, and be there to correct any lies he feeds to classmates. Do you take it upon yourself to educate your peers, or are you content with leaving them to their own devices?

This. Dont let them spew their propaganda. Silence is betrayal

>I’m a feminist and I don’t like Islam for how oppressive it is towards women
>is it true you still believe in female circumcision inside of Islam?
>I have a gay friend from Iran who was almost stoned to death because of Islam, what say you Jihadi?

Play the Liberal but point out the logical fallacies of supporting Islam

dont out yourself. but if he is a "moderate muslim" asking him if he has ever eaten pork or drank alcohol should trigger him. if he says no then try to ask why.

if he says its against his religion leave it at that and know he supports isis because the quran calls for fags to be thrown from roof tops and rape victims to be stoned to death. it demands other religions be destroyed for the glory of islam. there is no room for counter points with those people it is just their book as the final source for data

>Muzlamically allowed


But yeah I have gotten a lot of ads for polygmay website services while watching Islamic lectures before. Probably has to do with the SJWs running Alphabet moving their company over to Saudi pretty soon.

Every time the guy pauses in his presentation, cross your arms, lean back in your chair, and let out a snort followed by asking, "How you figger dat?"

Ask him his opinion on Israel and watch the great shitshow begin.
If he for some reason doesn’t immediately shit on Israel then call him a fake Muslim, spit on the ground and leave.

Agreed, it’s a set up... Islam dude will have comeback scripture. You’ll need high test fuel to get Muslim dude to freak out.

Make sure to point out how the entire religion is based around molding people to conquer other lands in the name of islam. It can't be a religion of peace because jihad, whether through war or reproduction or deception, is such a central piece of it. Make sure he's unable to convince anyone islam is a religion of peace

Does your prophet rape little girls?

Bring up this and see how he reacts

Do this. Just coincidentally have made a BLT + Egg salad on rye for lunch

also mention taquiya and have plenty of verses from the quran at the ready

Ooh this would be fun topic to bring up.

Yeah when you list the verses of the Quran that are violent and they respond with “that’s not what my Quran says” just go off on a tangent about how easily the Quran can be manipulated

Talk about why they lie about the meaning of the word "Islam" as being peace when it really translate to "Submission".

If it is so peaceful why was Muhammad a warlord? (He really was).

Nope Aisha(may Allah be pleased with her) was his lawful wife and she loved him and remained faithful to him her entire life and never reported anything negative about him at all.

He(SAWS) treated all of his wives and concubines with the utmost respect and dignity and never spoke harshly or beat any of them.

Ask him why every majority muslim country is tied the worst place on earth for gays, women, and non-muslims

The best tactic for Islam is attacking as if you are a leftycuck and actually care about those people.

muslims consider muhammad to be the perfect man, the ultimate role model.
Which is odd because muhammad did so many evil things.

Also this. Hit him in a way that the semites and SJWs in the class would (if they were honest)

Like what?

Tell him "what is your opinion on the anti gay verses in the quoran, do you support them?"

lol that will get him all confused

This never works because their immediate reaction is to go "oh so this is what you think of people who claim to follow the teachings of islam". You may be able to make the distinction between people and ideology but they will cross it easily.

I mean if you're so immature that you can't express only a small percentage of your belief so that you dont alienate people - then yes you should just shut up.

Thats why Muslim abuse women right? They follow what tier prophet did.

Muslim shill, he changed his muslim flag to US flag.

This has been disproven so many times and yet people still believe that Sunni Muslims use taqiyya, don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Taqqiyya is a Shia practice of hiding the fact they may have extreme Shia beliefs in a majority Sunni Muslim society. The Alawites and other Shia sects that have more Gnostic beliefs will not be open about what they believe to the unelect, this is real taqiyya.

But alas I know you guys are convinced that Sunni Muslims are making taquito on you lol.

murdered, raped, tortured, and enslaved people, and commanded his buddies to do the same. Also engaged in banditry. And this guy is considered a saint who committed not a single sin in his perfect life, according to muslims.

The best way to make someone look stupid is to know more about thier area of expertise than they do. Find a Quaran, read it, take it to class, point out the fucked up shit therein about genital mutilation and all that other shit, and make that mudslime look like the ass backwards goat fucker he is. Brown people are intellectually inferior to you, white man, and they know this. When confronted with an even slightly calculated argument, they will fold like a cheap card table. You don't need to make yourself look like a right wing loon. You just need to expose the mudslime for what he is: an inferior person from an inferior culture who believes in an ass backwards pedophile prophet

Plenty of debating points:

====Stupidity, instead of scientific miracles in the quran===========

Surah 65:12 says there are 7 heavens

Surah 21:30 the earth and the heavens were once joined together

Surah 41:11 the heavens were once made out of smoke

Surah 16:79 birds can fly only due to Allah holding them up, and this is a sign for a people who believe


For anyone bringing up the "no compulsion in religion" verse:

"Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191

“Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123

“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5

*Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax (9:29)

*Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (3:85)

*The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them (9:30)

*Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam. (5:33)

*The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque (9:28)

*Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies

*Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them (47:4)

*The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them (8:65)

*Muslims must not take the infidels as friends (3:28)

*Terrorise and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an (8:12)

*Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels (8:60)

Don't forget the Muslim golden age achievement was from ancient Greek and Rome. They took all the manuscript, basically they just copy and paste and nothing innovative happened.

Tell the mudshit youre gay and have a fear of falling off buildings

Fuck off you shitskin

Get the FFR gang in on this. Make them go after Islam in schools like they've gone after Christians for decades.

Win/win. It'll either stop, or you'll expose FFR as frauds.

Is it true that when you say "Allah Ackbar" affront of the mirror 3 times you blow up?

The purpose of this talk is to root out who is hostile to islam.
So you are falling into their trap by wanting to go in there and attack islam.
You'd be better off pretending to praise islam and learn more about who this guy is, how he is connected to the university, and the islamic network at the school and general area. be undercover.

Found the terrorist

some do just like some non Muslims abuse women, doesn't mean it is an inherent part of Shariah law. Under Shariah men have more rights in certain regards and women have more rights in other regards.

The right of mothers in Islam is highly emphasized as the prophet (SAWS) said that the path to paradise lies at your mothers feet, meaning treating her with utmost kindness and respect and providing for her in her old age, and disrespecting the parents is one of the worst sins that will cause someone to enter into the hellfire.

While the husband has certain other rights like the right to have sex with his wife when he wants as long as his wife doesn't have a medical reason to refuse sex. That's because refusing the man the right to have sex is a form of oppression as he is providing her with food, clothing, and shelter and yet she refuses to fulfill his sexual needs which could cause him to be more likely to commit major sins outside of wedlock.

I exited browser for a second and my flag reset to default.
The rights of parents in Islam

This. Don't fail us, faggot.

Islam is inherently wicked and evil in its ways. That is a fact and it is not up for debate.

Ask questions in a supporting way, that is a way that seems to support Islam, but the answers create problems.

"I have heard a lot of bad stuff in media about Islam, I was wondering if you could address those things."

Then shoot off a list:
Muslims having slaves
Muslims having sex slaves
Muslims raiding people and killing them and taking their stuff
Muslim child brides
Add a few more things in there as needed.

End with "Is that sort of thing supported by Islam? Would someone who does stuff like that be considered a good Muslim or even a Muslim at all?"

So it seems like a nice soft ball. He denies it all, 'no they are bad Muslims'.

You follow up with:

"But I do not understand, all of those things are things that Mohamed is well documented as doing. Are you saying here that Mohamed is a bad Muslim, even a bad man? Are you saying that Muslims should not follow his example?"

If he ever brings out Surah 5:32, ask him to read Surah 5:33.

It clarifies a few things about 5:32.

What's the FFR?

When? He did kill people in the context of battle just like the prophets of the old testament. Can you provide me of an example of someone he killed.
News to me. All of the women he ever had sex with were in the form of marriage or concubines that he owned and treated with utmost respect. It would be like saying Thomas Jefferson raped his slaves, while in reality they were his women to enjoy and he undoubtedly loved them.
> enslaved people
Slavery was a part of Arabian society and was part of Christain society for over a thousand years. He never enslaved people specifically in kidnapping them but he did own some slaves and treated them very well and his servants were very loyal to him.
>and commanded his buddies to do the same
>Also engaged in banditry
In the context of warfare with the Quryash his own tribe who rejected him and sought to kill him, yes.

You guys like many non muslims don't have a lot of accurate info on the prophet(SAWS) life I would recommend reading this book.

How d’we know you ain’t one uh dem turrists sayin’ taquitos?

Bring a bucket of pig blood and dump it on him as soon as he starts talking, then shoot him to death. Turn and face the class with your index finger raised and shout how there is only one prophet and his name is Jesus Christ, that there is only one path to heaven and that is through slaughtering the infidel, and that we must, MUST, take back the Holy Land and put every Muslim and Jewish pig to the sword. DEUS VULT

the point, ahmed, is that Mo's actions are considered perfect for all time, so that is why muslims act like 7th century warlords, even today.
You know this, you're just trying to deceve people.
And I won't bother replying to you any more because it's a waste of time to discuss islam with muslims.

A deceptive religion that ruined lives of many throughout the centuries, from Spain to Tibet, a religion that are out of date with current world values. Islam is not gonna survive, If you look at other religions that have reformed through out time, they are still strong and growing. Islam is still alive is because of the violence, threats. You tell me which country that Islam resides are there no conflict?

Is Sup Forums full of sjws or something?

The country with the most muslims in the world is Indonesia. Islam is there because of trade whereas the Dutch went to the Banda Islands and genocided people for spices.

OK well I would encourage you to study more about Muhammad (SAWS) because you like many have just heard over exaggerated hyperbolic inaccuracies about his life and personality. Whats the worst that could happen if you learned more about him? It could give you more fuel to attack Islam right? Please read more about Muhammad's(SAWS) life and not just from anti Islam websites.

>You tell me which country that Islam resides are there no conflict?

there are conflicts in every country, wherever humans are conflict is. But yes no one doubts that Muslims are afflicted with tests from God just like every other nation and people. Some nations are tested with peace and prosperity others are tested with poverty and conflict. Some Muslim countries are extremely wealthy and crime free, some are extremely poor and crime ridden. Its part of the decree of God.

>"Taqiyya is a Shia practice only"
No source, errytiem.

Taqiyya is from the Quran, shitskin liar. (eg, Surah 3:28)


That is good to know. I was afraid that something like:

The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: (Sura 4:24) "And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess." (Abu Dawud 2150, also Muslim 3433)

Might mean that when some of Mohammad boys were reluctant to rape women in front of their husbands old boy Mohammad told them 'yeah, Allah is good with that since you own them (right hand)'.

Glad you cleared that up. Looked there for a moment like old boy Mohammad was probably jerking off to the rape show in front of him.

>"Alawites have more Gnostic beliefs"
>more Gnostic
So you're aware of the Arabic-language Gnostic compilation, the "Birmingham Manuscript", which was used to compose the Quran?

But let's be clear here. We are both in agreement that Mohammad was a pretty terrible person and who did terrible things. More line with ISIS than with modern European morality. That if he existed today and did the thing today that he did back then that there would be calls from all over for the US to come and spank him good.

At least we can agree on that.

Do they have Catholic priests or Christian youth Pastors come too? What about Buddhists?

Sounds kinda one sided don't you think?

>What happens to someone if they defile the Kharan?
>What happens to a woman who is raped?
>What happens to a woman who is unfaithful to her husband compared to a husband being unfaithful to his wife?

blah > Koran

>One of my professors (of a philosophy class) is bringing someone from the Islamic center in our city to talk to us about Islam.

Your professor might be a normie cuck, high achievers can be cucks too! I know plenty! If you get the chance, you should ask as many red pilled questions as possible and video record it covertly! Ask Lgbt BS, what are his pronouns?, ask: is it true allah is gay?, cite the muslim lbgt societies, ask: if he's sunni, then ask why is it shia is the purest form of islam, or vice-versa, quote the opposition, fuck, you're doing philosophy yourself, you should know how to be disingenuous when framing a question! After all this, report back to Sup Forums!

>I'm also afraid of outing myself as ultra far-right.
Get out LARPer

Yea they are rich because of Oil, what else? And yes there are conflict in every countries with significant Muslim population. If you guys aren't here we only gotta worry about the mentally unstable. Keep been ignorant

This focus on the political aspects.

I think he should ask more deeper questions.

The Koran is pretty clear about taking rape slaves and how that is just fine. It isn't considered wrong if she is married even, because you own her (right hand).

But, my buddy has a thing for red heads right. And I got this fine red head. Now, I don't want to give her to my buddy or sell here. That ass is fine after all. But I would like to loan her to him for a go round.

I don't want to have to kill her though for being a slut. That isn't a winning choice.

So, is it permissible under Islam to allow my buddy to fuck one of my rape slaves without having to stone her? She is under my right hand, she is acting under my orders, it just isn't my dick this time.

Stuff like that we need to clear up.

Just pretend you're a Jew or that you love Israel and cry about Iran or some shit.


Kek I like it
I wonder where op is located. He should protest to the professor and get other religions allowed to come in for discussion like said. If he is in Arizona he should get pastor anderson to come in

If you look like a sand monkey you could lie about how you are a christian escaping from Iran Iraq or whatever shithole middle east country to find safety from Muslim discrimnation.


Stand up to him and others will be glad you did even if they stay silent, just as you are thinking of doing. Others may even join you

This. Bonus points if you have camera rolling for his inevitable chimp out.

Report back with findings.

aha Sunnis are highly critical of Shia practice of taqiyya many of the famous imams have written at great length on the impermissiblety of doing this. Its a really funny dyanmic that you guys have vecome conviced that every Muslim is doing taqiyya and when we try to answer you on the issues you have with Islam the answer is never going to be good enough because you think we are all lying.

It makes it impossible to have a genuine conversation. Oh well.
Seems to be a mistranslation issue. I will have to study this further but I have got to go soon.

Nope will have to study that one gotta go.

Well I can agree that he existed in a different time period that exercised a different morality yes. The founding fathers of America would be considered terrorist extremists by modern standards as would Jesus and all the prophets in the Bible. Yeah modern morality in western nations is post Christian and secular and only recognizes liberal concepts of consent and individual autonomy and is relativistic, except when it comes to attacking Islam.

So yeah obviously we have a different moral standard because Islamic morality is derived from the Quran and Sunnah and modern European morality is derived from enlightenment era liberalism and humanism.

Grow a fucking spine
Confront the teacher in front of the class about how Islam's only philosophy is fucking submission.
When he brings up the "golden age" rip him a new asshole.
If they try and suspend you or whatever take that shit to the ACLU those Jews live for that kind of stuff
>City Islamic center
Kill your cucked fucking local reps

This, also the blt is a good idea, and if you feel like it also get a side of pork rinds

I don't want to get kicked out of uni for my far-right views. Sorry. I'm pretty open with my family about my ideas though and some friends.

This. Otherwise you could say a parent, grandparent, etc or even a hypothetical friend did. Tell some anecdotal story.

use this chance OP.
confront him with arguments, not blind hate.

this is a very good opportunity to see if your hate has any groundings.

if you find yourself in a position where you feel forced to insult him, you might want to rethink your attitude.

but if you can debate him and find strong arguments, well this might redpill some in your class.

make me proud OP

Start with this

Change your ring tone to "We will take Jeruselem! Deus Vult!" and have someone text you in the middle of his presentation.

Just hit him with this

>people still believe that Sunni Muslims use taqiyya
>Divide and conquer tactics.
Kitmanning much?