What should we do with this eroge character in the coming showdown with Altair?
Other urls found in this thread:
turn her into mamika
Power her up with semen.
Whore her out for anime budget.
She is Altair
>his waifu is Selesia
Now that's some real shit taste.
Waiting for Makai Tenshi Hikayu
Altair is so smol
there is good chance they just gonna make a doujin/spin-off games with magical girl shit in it
just like fate and prisma ilya [even prisma ilya is now have recognition as a stand alone series]
Blitz is huge.
I want altair to win. Come on let's make more altair fanart, make her OP as fuck
That Blitz and Altair talk was actually pretty interesting, i kinda actually like the things that happened this episode
>eroge writer is a total loser
Is this supposed to be implying something
I don't think I can stomach seeing her lose..
I said from the start that Altair would remind him of his daughter instead of Mamika.
Which one of Altair's classes is the strongest?
I like this show much more when it's not focusing on the gubment side
So I guess she's about as tall as Mamika was, at least with her hat and boots on.
Nasu wouldn't let Saber be portrayed in a bad light during the initial draft and Aoki was bitter over it.
>the main villain's motivation for giving team good guys a chance is literally "I want to see these peasants try and fail"
It's like I'm watching a bad 80s movie. Bravo Hiroe.
Yeah. He's a creep.
How huge are we talking about? 5' 4"? 5'9"? Nips are comically small
Hiatus time
>shark takes a bath in money
>it happens offscreen
I ree'd
also nice how hoboknight shows up after she says this
Meteora and others show was good today
just wait until charon sees this
Truly the femButcher
Which side would Ryusuke take if he showed up? And I assume that eye covered by hair is artificial like his arm.
How will haters ever recover?
The bathtub scene wasn't as good as they expected.
They really nailed it with this episode. It's just so much better when it's not focusing on one thing. It gave me episode 8 vibes
She looks smaller than Mamika.
>Mirokuji nii-chan
That's adorable.
I liked Shark at first but now she's gotten so repetitive
She might really be as smol as Meteora.
> cake is a meme
lol ebin Xd
Just look at Nanoha for success stories. She turned from literal who to a Gundam thanks to fan disk.
They really should get away from those black hole of fun.
Hai, Kazuma desu
We need to take the time to appreciate this fine shark specimen that is saving this anime.
They will naht.
It's a lie
I think pic related saved it better
Why would they wait so long to show anything with Blitz? He's way more interesting than the other shits.
Best dad
>purple hair dressed like that
>not offering to have sex with children
absolutely criminal
30 seconds of Altair is worth more than 3 regular episodes.
She's supposed to be dumb and her plans should be dumb too.
What's she planning? What I got was that she told her about Altair and wanted her to fight Altair because only one reality bending user should be allowed? I didn't get her this episode. I mean, Magane doesn't really need to play with the creations to have fun so what's the point.
This show is enjoyed a lot better marathoned. Shame the hype would die off like a rock if they released the whole thing at once. I loved Altair and Blitz in this, I hope they can deliver with the 7 episodes remaining
How can hime even afford to not use Blitz. Right now she only has Charon and the Yuuya's rival on their side
>have consensual sex with her
>she cries through the whole thing
.. not sure if fetish.
>inb4 eroge writer is wild card of the series and he can pull bullshit for his character
Hai, Kazuma-des.
At this point he and Altair feel more human than any of the "good" guys.
Dont trust her lies
If she is from the censored version, would she have memories of sexy times with the MC?
>lived happily with some challenges but in a world with less suffering than the real one
>I'll stop you and save your dead friend's souls
get swords
>Suffered the tragic loss of the most important person as well
>I can see you're suffering, and I can't help but help a little girl going through that
get a hug
Don't forget Nanoha being originally an spinoff of Triangle Heart 3.
>Notes are most often used as an alternative to long explanatory notes that can be distracting to readers.
Bravo Hiroe
Censored might keep the sex, but just cut it out. So it is implied, along with events before/after, like after-sex bed talk.
> memories
They'd be hazy at best and there's no way she'd remember her cock donor's face.
Altair is straight
>Your suffering is greater than mine, so...
Yes, because she had sex and sex makes babies.
I think he's more of a gag character, they'll toss him aside when he's done making a mahou shoujo out of hikayu
inb4 he uses text from these threads in the next episode
Mamika really had no clue and still believed that friendship and rainbows can solve anything.
Wait what? Meteora wasn't this flat you know. Quality everywhere
>I mean, Magane doesn't really need to play with the creations to have fun so what's the point.
Even Magane can't fight her nature. Fighting someone with similar but greater power and potentially stealing that power sounds hellova fun for her and like she said, she does things for her own enjoyment
I think they missed the crucial detail though. Why would Alice bait Shark into fighting Altair if she doesn't know that it was Altair who killed Mamika? Just because it's the other name Magane mentioned? But she doesn't know that Hime's name is Altair. Unless she learned that during the timeskip, but stuff like this SHOULD be shown on screen, it's a crucial detail.
Can't wait for Magane to NTR Syo as well
I liked how he had to get away from there because he probably played that eroge.
She also called mamika a pretentious bitch after she stabbed her, so there's also that.
But friendship(sex) and rainbows(cock) do solve everything.
Goddman it Kubo
What is Mamika's Archtype and Blitz? Innocence and Mechanic/engineer/Augment?
Blitz isn't augmented, but his partner is.
>She's totally useless
Sci-fi/Mecha theory BTFO'd!
>episode was good
>Souta barely said anything
really makes you think
Meteora was THAT flat.
>Altair super Chuuni fragile girl
>crying Moeblob from a x-rated game
What is Syo's?
Boo. What about that yellow shit with chains and stuff?
He wears leather above his hands, might be fucked in a way too
shonen protag
Want to find out?
Isn't she empress because she can make all men fall for her by showing her panties?
Is that Nunnally?
don't fall into the beautiful trap user don't believe her lies
> Snake charmer
> not dominance over the most powerful domain
Where did her creator come from?
She can't trust men after what happen in this episode
Luckily, there Alice who can show her the ways of /u/
Fat guy even mentions that happens in the game too.
Is she a slut?