The end

You wanted civilization to collapse and you're getting what you wished for.

Will you actually go in the woods to live without the internet, warm clean water, central heating, comfy bed?

Or are you going to suffer and then regret wishing for this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah yeah I know, but I wanted non meme answers so I left it out

I don't want civilization to collapse because I'm not some faggy nihilist.

Im moving to japan on the 19th. Kek I cant wait to watch this country burn from a distance. We all knew Trump wouldn't be able to fix the lefts degeneracy. The only way to fix it is to have everything fall and rebuild

oh no some jews moved around money
we are doomed

LMAO Japan is going to collapse before usa

Are you implying I can't heat water from a river and distill it to make it clean? Literally bring that water to a boil and siphon the vapor off to another container, MAGIC clean water.

I'm implying you are too weak to actually do it and keep at it.

My innawoods has internet, clean well water, a comfy bed and a wood heater.
Have fun citykeks

Civilization collapses. Where do your internet, electricity and other utilities come from?

Clearly the world will end once the American stock market falls to the level it was at just a few months ago. Which was a perfectly fine level for it to be at in October, but a sure portent of doom 4 months later.

Retard, do you even economics?

>worst week since 2011
When Obama was president? I thought he was the greatest, though?

>I'm implying you are too weak to actually do it and keep at it.

Because shitposting about it in your room is easy and you have no experience of long term survival in such a situation.

Obama is the GOAT losers

Serious question: What makes this different then the last time?! What makes you think we'll have a collapse? Doesn't this shit happen alot?


No problem

Electricity and internet are not essential to survival after civilization collapses.

>there are people who actually believe the system will collapse because anybody wants it

seems like you didn't understand how this system works and why it crashed over and over again in history

Every action causes a reaction.
When will ((they)) learn?
Hold tight boys. It's not going to be fun, but it is going to be awesome.

I got a cabin. I know how to ride a horse. I can tan hides. My green house is on point. And I know how to make bio diesel.
I'll be fine. How about you?

That is not what I said. That fagget I replied to claims he'd have all that.

Bitch... nothing has even happened yet. Wake me up when pensions implode and corporations start mass layoffs. Then the white boys will chimp out.

I have an excellent understanding of economics and have been investing in stocks and other financial instruments for over a decade. How about you, toothepastebro?

What's going on now is what traders refer to as a "correction". Periodic downward resets of asset prices are normal and healthy parts of a functioning market. It doesn't go up and right forever.

Even if this were to turn into some 2008-level shit (unlikely) modern society would be far from ruined.

>Hold tight boys. It's not going to be fun, but it is going to be awesome.
Are you this delusional because you have autism?

That fagget said he *has* all that. Not that he'd *have* all that.

Interest rates are rising. USD are becoming more valuble.

This isn't a crash - it's a correction. This is indeed a huge swing downward, but we are still above water for the Trump Presidency so far. It may dip down to Nov. '16 levels, but it will be over 20k again by the end of the summer.

We are experiencing a correction during a really stong economy. Things are good brother.

Enjoy being enslaved by the japs, white donkey.

>tfw surrounded by metropolis for 20 miles around
>tfw all reliant on trucked-in food, electricity

>you have no experience of long term survival in such a situation.
Why would you assume that?

But things would return to a more natural order after the collapse. Minorities will have to fend for themselves. Women will look to men for security again. Sure, a lot of people might die. But... oh why am I wasting time replying to a faggot leaf


Yes but he replied to the subject of collapsed civilization. Meaning that fagget thinks just because he's in the woods, he's gonna keep living as he is now

Wife is 3 months pregnant so not a great time.. but we be ight.. I haven’t prepped in years but I’m basically comfy with what I have

I'm not delusional, it just looks that way through the lens of your retardation.

Why don't you just kill yourself if you're that miserable? Some of us are actually trying to make a difference in the now.

Because you have not, fagget. Stop pretending.

>killing niggers and kikes reclaiming our streets and mansions isn't going to be fun and awesome

You are that faggot who wants to look (((mature))) but just harms our Race. No one cares about your signalling faggotry.

Top kek delusional cucks

>Will you actually go in the woods to live without the internet, warm clean water, central heating, comfy bed?
already did it. and survived.

>stock market correction

How is this a civilization coallose dumbass?

Difference is that you can't really point to a thing that Obama did that caused that drop, but you can point to Trump being a reason for this drop.

>The anxiety that has gripped the market this week appeared to escalate Thursday just as President Donald Trump and lawmakers were setting the government up for annual budget deficits that would routinely exceed $1 trillion. The higher that deficits rise, the more likely it is that interest rates will surge, too, and undercut corporate profits, stock prices, consumer spending and the overall economy.

babby's first market correction

I bet if you lost your internet you would commit suicide. Eurobitch. You’ve never done any form of major physical labor because you’re a little bitch boy who sucks his thumb all day. You fucking 6’2” 135lb sack of shit freaky weakchined motherfucker

Bitch you aren't making a difference.

I live inna woods already, and I will continue to live pretty much the way I do now, except probably without Internet. But I do have radios to shitpost on, and hand-crank generators to power them.

>Because you have not, fagget. Stop pretending.
But I have, Ahmed. This thread is top-tier faggotry.
>in all fields

>this is all he has

You know I am right, you fucking bitch. Why call anyone a cuck when you're the one flapping it from war? kys.

The Dow will hit close to 19600 by the first week of March. Make cash shorting. Then buy the dip/plummet. It is a bear trap. It will then slingshot back close to the 25,000 range. At that point sell as the volatility continues and the decline to the 19000 range begins again more gradually, interspersed with some dramatic reversals.

I know you're delusional and wouldn't last a single fight

Just kill yourself already, you'd be doing the rest of us a favour by getting rid of your defeatist existence. Stop pretending you'd know what the fuck do to if the collapse actually happened.

>kikes raping children and the fbi and cia helping them do it is "civilization"
>meanwhile retarded lemmings suck kike dick and pray to kike Gods and degrade their morality and society for shekels and shiny material things

This isn't civilization, this is a kike nightmare. Burn it all and everyone who defends it.

>Will you actually go in the woods to live without the internet, warm clean water, central heating, comfy bed?
I got a cab out in the nowhere with its own water supply and sewage. There's plenty of ammo and land where I can plant potatoes and vegetables and there's plenty of deer to shoot as well.
I'd be more than happy to see everything collapse, but it wont happen.
we will continue to rot forever with more shitskins around, more taxes and regulations and less freedom.

kek this.

the only power this bullshit has is what the collective believes it has.

what if there was total financial collapse and literally everybody just ignored it went about their business as usual the next day?

literally nothing would change.

financial collapse is just a psy op, the real collapse is psychological. if you convince the people that nothing needs to change if financial collapse occurs, then nothing would change.


Real life goes on no matter what grand sweeping narratives you've been manipulated into clinging to.
You'll understand when you're older.

-437.94 -1.84%
time for trump to aplopzy for replacing the jews with a protestant

oh no another economic crisis, i’ll be forced to wait on selling my house a few years justblike last time

Where are you going to find the fuel to heat your water? When the grid goes down, people are going to burn every last during the first ice storm.

So when can we start killing niggers without consequences?

We're going to kill all the Jews, burn their system to the ground and then use their wealth and resources to rebuild. It's going to be fucking amazing. Make Humanity Great Again.


Yeah, that's pretty much it.
>Wow, no internet, wat do?
My small mountain community will continue to produce clean water. There's one pass in from the cities which is easy to barricade off. Lots of hunting, fishing and arable land. Damn, I mean, I guess I'll just have to pass my time reading books, fucking my wife and raising my kids.

shit man the market has never dropped before, this is the end

The power cut out on my end of town for an hour around 5 this morning. Even though it was -28 I went and just stood outside.
You don't remember the noise a city puts out until you remove it. I could hear my fucking heart.
You don't remember the light pollution a city gives off until you remove it. I could see the fucking stars.
It reminded me of being back on the farm as a kid, laying in the back of the pickup and watching the skies.
It was fucking great.

stock marked crash is not the end of the fucking world.

Leave the Jews alone you faggot...pol is a board of peace


You're confused. Sup Forums is a truck of peace.

>Super high population density
>imports food
>imports fuel
>no guns
>next to china
>small military
>High debt to GDP in the world
RIP user

nope nope nope you lie...we love the Jews and hate the mooseland

I bet he takes an NK ICBM to the asshole.

I have always gotten what I wanted. It comes slow or fast, and always at a tremendous price. I have honed the conjurers art.

You have to go back.

>reading books, fucking my wife and raising kids
That's all you need.

i already do live in the woods. ama
Was a genetic engineer for Bayer Crop Science but went off the deep end about two years ago
I was in one of these threads earlier talking about goat pussy and my other civilization bearing projects.

Pic related, not mine but similar

>financial collapse
>just ignore and go about business

I wish it would be possible. But once the ATM doesnt spit out money and the food costs 2x and you lose your job its gg

Based on what, you stupid kike? You're just scared because Whites will wake up.

That isn't my fault that you're a defective piece of shit. I hope you fucking die and I am more than capable of lasting a fight.

haha die mericastock
sold off stocks few min before close
earned on dow jones going down all week.

>really strong economy
>checks Fed rates
nice meme. Fed rates will never go to market levels. Savings accounts will never make more than 2% ever again. Why?
Because if the FED and the ECB move the rate to even 5% like in 2007 every countries tbills skyrocket in interest cost and most countries will be rated as junk.
The next collapse will be around 2.5-3.0% fed funds rate.
Unemployment and Labor participation rate have uncoupled as well.

“If you don’t let black bulls breed your daughter the enemies win!“

I'm white you retard, in just saying you're a pussy who won't do shit,and even if you did you'd get rekt

I already sleep on a concrete floor, eat stale bread and very few possessions. I'm not poor at all, I have plenty of meme bux and I just don't care, they are digits on a screen. I will never care about material possessions and consumerism is cancer. I welcome innawoods.

yeah that's my point, none of that could happen if people ignored the psy op. it'd be business as usual.

Imagine how many countries would arrest you for that comment. Thank god you live in America

52% white
remember that you dirty disgusting nigger, and stay on the fucking basketball court.

my stocks are up 5% today...
really makes you think

>not having a years worth stored and living near a feild

You used to be down with the sickness, germany

Life can be comfortable or uncomfortable. And men can be good or bad. If rather not be a money obsessed kike, my faith will carry me through.

You have nothing to base that off, you stupid clog nigger. Before replying like a butthurt sperg, understand that you are projecting what you really are onto a fucking obscure cantonese battered housewife forum.

Just stop.

>Having to bug out innawoods
How far behind ARE people?

I can survive in the Norrheast US with nothing but a knife and canteen. The weather is warming now too so it isn't even hard mode.

Only a pleb needs internet and stuff. Let's separate the men from the boys. Lets see how all the screaming sallys and nancys fair when true grit is needed.

Triggered. Stay in your mosque, Abdul

>had +$28K in my account at one point
>planning on buying a house soon
>down to only +$11K now
>all in less than 2 weeks
>entire presidency's gains are going to be wiped soon
>still haven't found a house since the market has nothing on it right now near me
This is retarded, only my crypto portfolio is supposed to act like this

tbf japan could be self sufficient if they wanted to - and I bet their society could rapidly adapt to any drastic shift better than any other. Just look at this shit. Mother fucking ques. QUES after the tsunami. And dont get me started on post war japan

>not already living in the woods
you can get internet in the woods now btw

Son...a new society will rise from the ashes. One falls and another begins. Question is, do you have what it takes to thrive? Do you?

>You have nothing to base that off,
You sperging out is an obvious sign. Is that your boy crush, fagget?