Strzok-Page Texts: Form 302 Edition

(continued from boards.Sup

So you comped liberals and blackpilled losers want to see a smoking gun? I found the smoking gun.

Like all good criminal conspiracies, it didn't happen in a single text message written by an idiot, it happened over months, they didn't outright say THIS HOW WE GON BREAK DAT LAW YOLO, and it was paramount in their minds.

Y'all are gonna want to learn what a Form 302 is.

Other urls found in this thread:

See the FBI doesn't do transcript of interviews. The agents conducting them just write notes.

And remember, this wasn't a conspiracy of the whole FBI and DoJ. These texts a rife with references to people disagreeing with Strzok and Page from the FBI. There are competing factions here, some are clean, some sound dirty in different ways.

See, it's a crime to lie to the FBI. But the FBI bases whether you lied by what's written on the 302. That's why some people call it the Perjury Trap form.

Who conducts that interview has a huge effect. The DoJ was not immediately willing to roll over on such an important event in the case and just let the FBI do it's job here.

Hillary wasn't the only one who had to be interviewed. While DoJ was working on immunity deals, various members of the Clinton cabal would have to get interviews. The FBI couldn't just decline to interview key witnesses, you know. Wouldn't look right.

The FBI did plenty of due diligence on the Mid Year Exam on that end. Those are the kinds of things that lots of agents would hear about and know about. Secrets that couldn't be kept and people without insider knowledge could point to as proof of good faith.

But only people doing the Mid Year Exam get to know what happens at those interviews. And the witness doesn't have to volunteer information. What questions the agents ask can have serious consequences on what gets subsequently investigated and whether there is any follow up at all.

I know what you're thinking.

Oh but LARPing user, Strzok wasn't the only agent there. At least two other agents conducted the interview. Strzok couldn't just manipulate the 302s all by himself!

McCabe was supposedly directly supervising all of this. There are tons of messages implying he's talking to Andy about everything going on.

But then why isn't the rest of the FBI supposed to know who the lead on the Mid Year Exam is?

Page was supposed to be the liaison for the DoJ, but actually she's making sure it goes how her dear sweet Petey needs it go.

Page was supposed to be the liaison for the DoJ, but actually she's making sure it goes how Petey needs it go.

Here it is. The smoking gun.

Just a few days before the interview that would make their entire plan pay off. This is the closest thing to an unredacted admission of guilt you're going to find in the public release until this bullshit goes to trial. The 302s need a fine edit. The interview needs to be tweaked just right. Petey needs to make sure he didn't fuck up anywhere, because all their work on the Mid Year Exam culminated when he issued the 302 for the Hillary Clinton interview on Saturday night, July 3, 2016.

She dindu nuffin. Strzok was going to be able credit himself for the rest of his life for giving the first female President of the United States a smooth ride to her election.

All of this really has absolutely nothing to do with Mueller or the Trump investigation. There is stuff about that in the later e-mails. But here's one that makes it pretty clear why the top brass of the FBI would obstruct justice.

They really did not like Trump

A friendly reminder that MYE is an acronym for "Mid Year Exam," which was the code name for the Hillary e-mail investigation. The very SECOND Cruz dropped out of the race, these "impartial" agents swiftly moved to finish MYE. Why? Well, it would look bad if Hillary was under investigation while she was running for office, now wouldn't it?

OP from yesterday, this thread brings a manly tear to my eye.

This scandal is the only story there is. Not the markets, not the budget battle, not anything else.

I love you anons who have committed to getting to the bottom of this.

Here's a bonus about Stonetear bleachbitting Clinton's e-mails. Strzok knew and hid it from others.




1-If you are a shill, open this link, there is the pastebin choice if you are afraid of someone logging you.
1.1-If they dont allow you there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it.
1.2-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one with the text.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.

If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.

Well howdy there! Thank you for your contribution. There's been a lot of discussion going on. One user in the other thread was wondering if Comey committed perjury or if he was left in the dark on some of what was going on. What are your thoughts on that? Here is the text:


>Per atty proffer,
>Combetta says he used BleachBit

This is the follow-up question Goodlatte should have asked Comey when questioning him about Combetta/stonetear and plebbit here:

Comey said that merely replacing the placeholder name does not indicate a crime, depending on the circumstances.

1) The FBI knew from "atty proffer," i.e., **BEFORE** Combetta was given immunity (attorneys make proffers to *obtain* immunity for their clients),

2) That Combetta "used BleachBit (a wiping program)" to destroy evidence ("he deleted the psts").

So Comey's answer to Goodlatte, who was specifically asking about the status of Combetta's immunity, was misleading at best. Comey knew that Combetta had done far worse than merely trying to add placeholder names; he had deleted evidence using BleachBit.

In light of his knowledge that Combetta had used BleachBit to destroy evidence, Comey's remark about Combetta's "intent" at ~1:50 is a flat-out lie:

>It depends on what his [Combetta's] intention was, why he wanted to do it.
>Our team concluded that what he was trying to do was when they produced emails not have the actual address but have some name or placeholder instead of the actual dot-com address in the 'From:' line.

How on earth could Comey's team have concluded that when they knew, even before they granted him immunity, that Combetta had destroyed the evidence using BleachBit??

He committed perjury

>if Comey committed perjury or if he was left in the dark on some of what was going on. What are your thoughts on that?

Not sure if you've looked at the beginning of Appendix C, but it contains the e-mails of Comey preparing an exoneration speech for Clinton months in advance of her interview. Comey knew the plan was to obstruct justice to exonerate Clinton, the only question is how much he knew about the details. There are plenty texts showing he was in the loop to a considerable degree.

If he didn't know about Combetta's testimony, and I think that is plausible, it's because of the organized compartmentalization of information in the investigation that I pointed out above. Comey is not an idiot, he was the Director of FBI. He was planning to give unprecedented public testimony about a dubious investigation. Comey would have expected to testify about it at some point. I can see him going out of his way to avoid learning details. That would certainly explain why McCabe seems to have been the direct supervisor on the Mid Year Exam.

Till it gets slid down because of
>6 nigger panther cap threads
>8 would Sup Forums fuck (x) threads
>6 zomg stockmarket!! threads
>5 Trump wants to deport (x) threads
>5 How can whiteboys compete threads

>I can see him going out of his way to avoid learning details.

Heh. I can see that as a possibility. "muh plausible deniability." Sneaky sneaky.

So none of the major news networks other than Fox and I just did a quick search of /r/politics and this stuff isn't mentioned at all.

Am I going crazy? Are we the delusional ones? Or are they?

>One user in the other thread was wondering if Comey committed perjury or if he was left in the dark on some of what was going on.
I gave my thoughts on that in the last thread.
McCabe kept Comey in the dark.

I never recall having to consistently keep so many threads hidden. Right now I have 186 threads hidden.

The National Enquirer will release this on the stands. The mainstream media always loses their shit when the Enquirer breaks something they won't talk about. I'm waiting to see if they actually maintain their silence, or cave to their irresistible desires to call it a rag and cry about how David Pecker is on good terms with Trump, which would draw attention to the story by default.

But yeah - then are we the crazy ones if a tabloid is covering it?

CNN has been covering it, but primarily focusing on the text about Obama wanting "to know everything about what we're doing." Their spin is that the right-wing conspiracy theorists who speculated that was referring to the Clinton investigation are delusional because the Mid Year Exam was already over at that point. They say that it's obvious referring to the investigation of Russian interference and point out Obama met with Putin three days after the text, famously boasting that he told Putin to stop interfering.

CNN is not entirely wrong. The Mid Year Exam was over, though about to be reopened. The text could only have been referring to the fraudulent investigation of Trump. The problem with CNN's argument is that there was only extremely brief speculation that the text was about the Mid Year Exam and within a few hours of the release of Appendix C everyone except CNN and maybe some fringe internet news sites had competely dismissed and moved on from that speculation. CNN is continuing to talk about it, apparently not realizing the implications of Obama wanting to know about the fraudulent Trump/Russia investigation.

Nope. The National Enquirer sources their major stories better than mainstream media does. And the Enquirer has a long history of bringing controversial actual news to light, and the mainstream feels beaten to the punch and/or decides it is "safe" to cover so long as they can begin every segment with, "The National Enquirer reported..." When you hear people talk about "Bat Child" and such, they're making references to "The Weekly World News," a long retired spoof publication that used to be owned by the same company that owned The National Enquirer (and also shared headquarters with them in Florida before they relocated to New York many years ago).

There was a prelude to this by Sara carter or someone I forget before these texts were released. It's why Mueller petitioned the court to postpone any sentencing with Flynn, likely because he will be absolved of any crime, even though he plead guilty. The FISC judge also appears to be involved in this case where he should have recused. Fuck even manafort will win to have any charges illegitimate. They royally bungled this

MSNBC has also covered it a little. They are using their, by now, tired talking points. Partisanship by FBI agents does not inherently mean partisan bias in an investigation. Conservatives are only talking about this to discredit Mueller. The President is the one who obstructed justice, perhaps, probably, we'll phrase this to not constitute slander unless it's a guest speaker. It's unpatriotic to question the FBI, who conservatives are slandering in toto, and we can't let them destroy our democracy for Fuhrer Trump.

There are other sources covering it online, some grabbed at random:

I guess I should tune in to the enemy and listen to what the recent propaganda is. When the first memo dropped, all CNN would do was host marathon panels about how "sources say Trump's attorneys might advise him to not speak to Mueller" with puppets calling Trump a liar, a moron that his attorneys are desperately trying to protect, and long nothing discussions about what a perjury trap is (that he could avoid if he "wasn't a liar, all he has to do is tell the truth, but he can't, cuz Draumph, hurrrrrr.)"

Sara Carter and John Solomon have been covering not only this extensively, but also the Tenam cover-up scandal. Sean Hannity has been calling them the new Woodward and Bernstein and, god help me, I agree with Hannity.

Here is more content from the prior thread. This is a time that was published by Forbes, but was taken down.

It's also available on Thomas Del Beccaro's website.

Doing God's work OP.


Just trying to keep the signal going. The content reposted from OP is stunning. I do think we need more digging. Comparing these texts to articles, videos, etc.

What excatly do you think their punishment should be other then to be removed from the case and not get a promotion?

Hammering license plates in a prison sounds nice.

There are several relevant, but obscure, statutes in the USC, though I don't know them off the top of my head. Familiar general terms that describe their activities are obstruction of justice and perjury.

These are all felonies. Fine plus imprisonment for no less than a year per count.

SPREAD this. This is a really great timeline of Email/Collusion scandals. Very concise and full of knowledge. I found it very helpful.

It does. But considering all the other stuff people in Washington get away with it seems like an overkill. If you want to put these people in jail for what they did, most of congress deserves a headshot.

Gib banana feet gf

Also great thread

The more eyes, the better. Go here to download Appendix C - Documents. See if names or dates jump out at you. Think back to articles you've read, videos you've seen, and how they could relate to the texts these people sent to each other.

Here is an example of how a text can catch your eye and you can match it up to a video.

This pic is from where Strozk was bashing Gowdy and sending panicked texts to his girlfriend. Talking about how his guy was going off script, and how bad it was. This was during a hearing regarding the handling of the Hillary E-mail Investigation, when Gowdy demanded to know why the 302s were not released to Congress. Here is the full video of the hearing - Go to the 42 minute mark to hear Gowdy asking all of the right questions and making him sweat.

Congress has not had a double digit approval rating since before I was old enough to vote. Why do you think Trump promised to drain the swamp? A lot of Americans would start dancing in the street if most of Congress had their day in court. It's a big part of the reason unaffiliated voters are now the plurality.


The real probem is how these people ever got into such high positions. Simply punishing them without fixing the culture that allowed these retards to rise to power will not solve anything.
Can't argue against your post.

But it better end with Trump in handcuffs in the Mueller probe if it goes on much longer.
I'm not even sure what Trump can be charged with right now.
Hillary hired Steele to talk to russians inside Kremlin to dig up dirt on Trump. And Steele paid those sources with money from Hillary.
So if that does not count as collusion...What excactly can Trump even be charged with at this point?

It's a crazy world that hannity is the only person pushing the correct scandal. Did these words just come out of my mouth?

haven't been keeping up so apologies if this is a question worthy of the new drooling Gerber babbeh, but some user is coordinating this with Sup Forums x2?

hey are these texts as fucking useless as the other ones you keep hyping?

Collusion is not even a crime. Left-wing sources getting leaks from the Mueller team claim he is currently being investigated for obstruction of justice related to directing his son's (Donald Trump, Jr's) initial statement on the Veselnitskaya meeting and the firing of James "I leaked classified information for the express purpose of getting my dear friend Robert Mueller appointed as special counsel to investigate claims (that I personally know to be fraudulent) of Trump's collusion with the Russians" Comey.

It's obviously not going to work, so there is rampant speculation on CNN and MSNBC that Trump will perjure himself. To the left-wing press' credit, Trump's own lawyer shares that concern. You have to be an idiot to perjure yourself, and, well...

No, but you're going to need to learn what a Form 302 is.

If they were that useless why did Page and Strzok get removed from the case?

lol na im going to not waste my time on some dumb niggers conspiracy.
just like the dumb fucking text you all were pushing the last few days with 'obama wants to know evrything'.

>the p-word
what is wrong with these vaginas

>To the left-wing press' credit, Trump's own lawyer shares that concern. You have to be an idiot to perjure yourself, and, well...
You know that is not true. Anyone would be fucked going into a meeting like that, where the entire purpose of the meeting is to get Trump to perjure himself.

And why did Mueller and Rosenstein hide that fact for a few months? If they are so useless, why did Rosenstein wait until 30 minutes before he was about to be arrested for contempt of Congress before he agreed to allow the Inspector General to release copies to Congress? Why did the FBI publicly claim thousands of the text messages had been lost due to a technical glitch, only to see the DoJ find and release them mere days later?

To quote my Senator, Ron Wyden,
>there is an odor


It's not the most glorious moment for the FBI.

Not me. Some faggot banned me there long ago and I just don't bother to work around that ban. Fuck em. Somebody else of course can do it.

paste it here you faggot

I'm a paralegal, not in criminal law, but I deal with potential perjury in every case. You have to be an idiot to commit perjury. It's as simple as using a hedge like, "I think it was something like," or "I can't remember exactly," or "Oh yeah, I had forgotten that, but I still can't recall the details." Intent is important in perjury. For fuck's sake, Bill Clinton beat a perjury charge for making a completely unhedged, direct statement by arguing "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."

That's why they didn't get Papadopolous and Flynn on perjury. It's a higher standard than lying to the FBI. And lying to the FBI hinges on the Form 302, which is not backed up by any transcript. Even then, Flynn and Papadopolous plead guilty. It's not clear from publicly available evidence that they would have actually been convicted if they fought the charge.

So you think he should talk to Mueller?

I have no experience in criminal law, but it seems like Mueller has run out of other things to do related directly to Trump and will just waste time on other avenues until Trump talks to him. Eventually, he would probably try to issue a subpoena to get Trump to come in for an interview and fighting that would be bad optics, even if he wins. Strategically, it's probably better the closer to the midterms that the Mueller investigation ends to minimize Progressive turnout, though maybe they are crazy enough to think a Special Prosecutor telling them Russia collusion is a nothingburger means we're in a fascist dictatorship that can only be stopped by participating in our free and fair elections.

My instinct is he shouldn't. All I have seen from the media is, "Why won't he talk to Mueller?" There is obvious pressure for him to do so. I see a clear trap there. The media will clutch at any potential leak, even if it is bullshit, to further try to hang Trump in the kangaroo court of the mainstream media. Damned if he does; damned if he doesn't. So I say, fuck 'em and don't bother talking. It's a waste of time anyway. It seems pretty clear with all the digging done that all circumstantial evidence points at Clinton for any alleged collusion.


I thought about that too, I just have a hard time seeing how Mueller can't get Trump, if not on perjury, then on lying.
If you read the charges against Flynn, they just wanted to get him on something. They fucking listened to the phonecalls Flynn was having, and they only got him for "lying" about phonecalls he had months ago. Not for the actual content of those phonecalls. And Flynn voluntered to that meeting.
So far, what we have seen from Mueller is that he is just as big a tool as all the other FBI agents in this case.
Now, if Mueller would be fair, as Trump has asked for so many times, the whole case could be laid to rest with a quick meeting.
Mueller: Did you collude with Russia
Trump: No.
Mueller: Thank you for this meeting and this investigation is over.

The trap is perjury and the fear that Mueller would pursue even a spurious perjury charge. With the latter, a Republican Congress that refuses to impeach gets accused of obstructing justice and muh blue wave hypothesis and muh absolute demographic majority myth sweeps a supermajority of Democrats who impeach and convict Trump in 24 hours.

>Collusion is not even a crime
It's not a crime.
However, "collusion" is grounds to open a counter-intel operation. Rosenfuck knew this, and that's exactly why he chose to start it with that.
If he would have named a criminal charge, they'd have had MUCH less latitude in their shenanigans. But by calling it "collusion", it gives mueller free reign to go where ever the "evidence" takes him.......such as ANYTHING that can get them some dirt on Trump, so they can control him.

But I'm looking forward to the 10 pages democrat memo. No matter how many words they use and how much classified information that gets redacted, I don't think they can explain away the fact that the Steele dossier was the main reason they could spy on Carter Page, and that they did not inform the judge about the nature of that dossier.

>I don't think they can explain away the fact that the Steele dossier was the main reason they could spy on Carter Page, and that they did not inform the judge about the nature of that dossier.
Of course they can "explain it away".
It's easy.
The memo can say "We've determined that the dossier was of limited use, and played basically no role in obtaining a legit warrant".
Then the msm runs with that line.....non-stop for a week or two.......and then the line changes "The debunked Nunes memo".
And then they ignore the truth, and keep saying the same Dem bullshit over and over.
There, now it's explained away.


Yeah, it's gonna be good. Here's a fun exercise, pay close attention to left-wing media coverage of the Schiff memo from the two days before it gets released. Then watch the left-wing media coverage after it's released.

If it's like with the Nunes memo, the coverage will be almost indistinguishable, but with a couple of cherry picked sentences added in to make Trump sound bad and defend the Mueller investigation that get largely forgotten within a week. The Schiff memo will have an extra scoop of "Trump redacted my truth to power!"

I'm looking forward to this as well. It's possible they might wait, though. Wasn't there talk of more texts being released, or is this my imagination? All the democrats have at this point is spin, lies, and pee pee fan fiction. Most of these politicians are little more than the worst sort of sleazy attorney you can possibly imagine, who will build a false emotional narrative, omit information, then try to save ass with technicalities (i.e., Bill Clinton's classic "define is" moment). I wonder if they'll hold out until they're sure our boys are done digging and releasing information before they blow their load. I guess even if they are caught in multiple lies, they have the media on their side, so.... It will be interesting.

So the Jewish cunt is making it all work the way she needs it to? Who sent the text message last spring that said: “don’t text me any more”

>The memo can say "We've determined that the dossier was of limited use, and played basically no role in obtaining a legit warrant".
I don't know, a lot of republicans seems eager to release the affidavit.

If the two memo's say two completely different things, then the direct sources should be released, right?

Page I believe

She sent it, lel.

Shills are shilling in vain

>Who sent the text message last spring that said: “don’t text me any more”
Page sent it to soyboy Stzoke.

His usefulness was at an end.



>If the two memo's say two completely different things, then the direct sources should be released, right?
They should but, one side is going to pull the “sources and methods” card. IMO whatever side pulls this card about the fisa warrant is the one that’s fucked.


>I don't know, a lot of republicans seems eager to release the affidavit.

I wonder if nunes has the balls to call in Roberts or lower judges and put them to the questioning?

Bump for smoking gun

>IMO whatever side pulls this card about the fisa warrant is the one that’s fucked.

>If the two memo's say two completely different things, then the direct sources should be released, right?

No, no, no. The direct source is the application made to our top secret court. No one can know what happens at the secret court. No one should have even known who the secret court issued warrants against. Absolutely no one should have known that the secret court approves 99.9% of warrant applications!

You are a foreigner trying to destroy our democracy. Probably a Russian via proxy. And I don't mean with a VPN. I mean you are three Russians in a human costume.

their relationship was fake. this is just them ending their dumb set up narrative

Yea....russian's are everywhere now!

I wonder what's in that redacted text.


Sunlight is the best. Will they release everything? We'll see. I do know one thing, though - The more eyes, the better. I'll be certain to read everything and know it well, then read the Democrat memo.

I am pretty sleepy user, honestly I am

>I wonder what's in that redacted text.
My guess?
Comey or someone from the IG's office.