*Drops mic *


No whore gets to say what I can and can not claim.

Big if true


checked and kek'd


it doesn't matter if it existed pre Nazi Germany

Really makes you think...

Why does every literally who that makes a social media post end up on Sup Forums?

Is this the facebook temper tantrum show?

tits or gtfo

6 gorillion was last year
we're up to a more accurate 9 gorillion now
get with the program

It's too bad you can't gas a collective consciousness.

(((they))) obsess over symbolism.

If she did not show tits, her points are invalid.

>in acient times
>implying its not used today by hindus/buddist world all over in religious ceremony
i like when they get mad like this..

It's pretty antisemetic that she only put 6 million.

it's just some lines arranged in a pattern, people get so triggered by innocuous shit. A swastika isn't going to pop off the page and start gassing jews, calm down.

Lol bet the hammer and sickle doesnt offend her

fixed it for you


Probably has no problem with the commie sickle

the symbol didn't do anything.

if (((you))) really cared, stop driving mercedes and bmw cars, don't buy swiss watches, hugo boss clothes and don't buy from bayer, basf etc.

the companies were active collaborators. but since they are profitable and put $ in (((your))) pocket or give (((you))) status, (((you))) won't say (((oi))).

Must feel good for this lady to tell people of a minority religion that they cannot use their religious symbols because they said so.

Its a psyopp

>go to Japan
>Swastikas everywhere

Based nips


I don't get it.

There were far worse atrocities in the 20th century than the Holocaust. Even if it was as bad as they said.

Get da fuque over it.

hahah no fuck off skank


Stopped reading here.

I wonder how big the explosion would be if someone told her that commies were orders of magnitude worse in every single way, killed way waaaay more people, and enjoy near-complete immunity for their heinous nefarious sinister and downright evil behavior?

Because it's all designed to piss you off


All cultures used it though.

>I know what the swastika means
>unless you're part of culture that regularly used it
makes perfect sense goyim

>can only come up with biased two wrongs make a right opinions


Even though under its symbol it gassed 10 times as many Jews +6 million though.
Oh wait that would be the east-block only.
Pic Related.

why be bothered by something that is correct but you interpreted incorrectly rather than the fact that they said that isntead of who
dumb fucking sandnigger

we need mo money fo dem pogroms!

figures a nigger cant make a point without chimping out and screaming about it

Wow she's absolutely right. I'm gonna drop the nazi imagery from my life and vow never to post another swastika online again. I never thought about all of the victims that I am disgracing.

This is a big game changer for Sup Forums today..



Stalingrad was Hitler's fault


So you're saying the commies -weren't- worse off and more evil in every single way than the Nazis?

Go straight to the gulag now.

The symbol represents more than just Nazism, where is the justice in banning it now?

So all that REEEEEEE about how shes not ignorant of history but will continue to act ignorant about it for the sake of a misguided compassion ? Did I get that right ?

Proof it, didn't think so.

>collective consciousness
I havent participated in the hallofcost so why should I feel bad?

I know I'm not the only one who read that whole text-blob in a screaming-in-nearly-psycho-rage screech?

These people are mentally ill.


I'm German. Does that count?

what exactly did you "check"? Fucking new fags, I swear.

Yes, go ahead.

Pick that mic back up you fucking kike

So you're saying big boss was a nazi?
He saved child refugees in angola,
But they decided to follow that white boy.
And it ended badly for them.

Harry Potter and Star Wars don't count, cunt

no i am saying stalin was, but that doesn't mean the commies were. they were made to fear stalin more than hitler. the germans actually liked hitler and believed in his ways. most germans looked at russians as inferior scum. they were fighting to end russia while russia was fighting for their country.

That flag a cute

To slide important threads and get people to angrily shitpost reactions to the offending post., they can't win against facts so disruption is their only play.

Others don't get to assign value to symbols used by your ancestors. This is more white shaming. They assign the same value to runes and germanic pagan symbols, this is more gas lighting.

She was probably trying to be sensitive to indian culture, missing the fact that europeans have been using the same fucking symbol since forever.

In ancient times the swastika symbol was used for......

its to slide threads and get gullible faggots like you to bump it

kek clearly you are mentally ill. OP has a point, its just that Op is too retarded to see that Sup Forums users love nazis and wouldn't use that as an excuse to use the symbol, they literally stand by the symbol and the meaning we all know. so stupid thread. but also those people that do try and inform people about the past culture of the symbol are annoying fags who think they know shit and you dont.

>inherently tied to Nazism
Uhm, no sweetie. Ganesha would like a word with you.

Spoken like someone who truly has no idea what they're talking about.

Communism killed millions upon milions, devastated cultures, degraded everyone unlucky enough to be born under it, you had no rights, none, and any form of dissent was punished in the most extreme physical way possible, usually, beatings and death were commonplace, people getting "vanished" off to some gulag and never seen again was commonplace, and you have the audacity to tell me that it was just stalin?

Homey o sapien, I lived under communism. There is no other system yet-existing that is as evil horrible terrible and soul-killing as communism.

tfw you search for her on facebook and it takes until ‘sarah pal’ to auto suggest her page

Fucking irrelevant cunt hag, go beat your kids and skin some varmints. Stupid bitch got a tiny little taste of the spotlight a decade ago and she’s just been chasing that dragon ever since.

are you fucking retarded?

Doesn't she know that if every normietarted wearing a hot pink Swazi over a day glow shirt color - they could literally take the symbol over and I think it would be funny as fuck.

-"muh collective scar muh collective consciousness" what are you even, speak for yourself fucking cunt

>but that doesn't mean the commies were
>All commies were good goys, they only murdered, raped and joked about it because they feared stalin.
>Being this dumb
Not sure if b8ing or actually this stupid. 5/10

but see we are not talking about communism we are talking about two sides in WW2 and only in WW2. And the nazis were worse end of story. Not only were they worse, but alot of the germans and all of the SS were much worse to. Russians were fighting for their country. Stalin was a horrible person that doesnt mean the russians fighting were when 1. theyd be killed for retaliation, and 2. they were fighting against an enemy that viewed them as scum anyway, you fucking halfwit.

No, I was talking comparatively about Nazism and communism in the grand scope of world history and events.

You want to make it only stalin vs hitler for some dumbass reason that's transparently obvious to me; you are a communist who is going to keep lying and defending and deflecting until you have a noose around your neck or a bayonet stabbed in your back.

Communism is far more evil than Nazism. Period. End of story.

Return to the outback now.

Because the OP cannot make authentic arguments.

>Lel mike drop ecksdee!1!1!1
>Sum randum nigger said sumthing!1!1!1!

yeah they raped germans that was bad, but not surprising. maybe the nazis shouldnt have invaded their home and treated them like scum. and you say that like thats all they did throughout the war. youre an idiot. and your biased way of thinking shows you are the one who is ignorant.

When I was a kid we were taught about the 4.5 million. How are people still being killed in Nazi death camps? You would think we would hear more about the Nazi death camps still operating and killing Jews. Why does the media not cover it?

Can't wait to hear about all the sickle and hammer symbols getting the axe because of this line of reasoning

Oh wait

I wasn't making it hitler vs stalin, i was talking about ww2. during ww2 nazism was far worse than communism. period. end of story. return to your third world country now.

muh 6 gorillion

>ww2 nazism was far worse than communism
> end of story
>because I fucking say so

>millions were murdered and it (((left a scar))) on our collective coinsciousness
well that’s the point of HOLOHOAX, BITCH. Go exercise compassion for Communism victims and shit and shut up. Join the US Army, support feminism, go die for Israel.
by the way guys, if you often interact with muslim people, spread jewpills to them.

Ding ding ding. This user gets it.

When confusion reigns the programming has a better chance of success. The thing they fear most is any contradictory hegemony to their ideas and programs. They want the masses angry confused and directionless.

lol what a dumb bitch

You should use "who" for the relativ pronoun in an essay but "that" is fine for colloquial speech or shitposting. If he'd used "whom" there where it's nominative case, I'd agree it was abominable.

guilt by association. you know what else is associated with some pretty terrible things? humans. time to join us down here on planet earth.

>no because that's reality. my opinion makes no difference

>drops brain

fixed it for you

We've been on to your shitposting for a while now, JIDF.


Is ichigo /ourguy/ yet?
The jews fear the samurai!

The concept of “worse” means different things to different people. It can never be factual, no matter how strong your opinions are or the consensus on the opinion. You’re tryint to make your point like a teenager.

If you have the ability to explain why you would’ve preferred to live in the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany, please tell us.

Adults tend to think a little deeper than “because I say so/period/end of story” logic.

From her point of view, in which nazism is evil, she has a pretty good point.

He literally only attacked because "Stalin" was in the name and figured it would, piss him off.

His ego made him attack rather than picking a better target.

Who is she replying to? Or is that just some off the cuff projection meant to fish for (you)s?

Facts stay facts after all.

We fought Muslim warriors as we took Jerusalem once. We will fight Jewish lies as we take Jerusalem again!

Denier! It's 60 gorillion and always was!

Process/reaction testing for AI.

But 1940s are ancient times now. Why are we still associating the swastika with something that happened 80 years ago? What if someone today just likes the way the swastika looks?

its b8
i hope