Ha ha! How will Sup Forums goyim ever recover?
>Jordan Peterson Is Canada's Most Infamous Intellectual
Vice destroys alt-right pseudo intellectual Jordan Peterson
>Canadian philosophers
>Canadian Intellectuals
some people can't go all the way. not everything is all or nothing. maybe he is a shill faggot controlled op but he is also getting some soyboy faggots to clean their room. he's not the answer to the JQ and he was never going to be. he is a step. if you are past his teaching then move on. you don't talk shit about preschool teachers because you already know how to color do you? none of these e-celebs are doing anything but trying to make a buck. if they red-pill some soft headed faggot along the way then more power to them. if you are giving one of these e-celebs money you are a huge faggot and should kys though. question everything.
There is a real smearing campaign happening against this guy right now
your flag is peterson's asshole.
Fuck off Peterson. The future is female.
>Jordan Peterson
I never watched this guy when he was posted here. But now that shills are posting anti shit for him, makes me want to watch him.
>j-left undermines centrist liberal individualism
Good. Fuck individualism. White solidarity is the only way western whites will survive.
Fuck Marxism;
Fuck Collectivism
Fuck Feminism
Fuck Vice
his fanbase
No kidding. In the past week there have been at least ~50 anti-Peterson slide threads per day.
He is an existential threat to the left because he's motivating young men to take responsibility again, which is the core reason the west is falling.
considering OP types decent English from a banana eating country, you maybe onto something.
das rite
Reminder: these threads are being shilled by peterson's publicist. they are everywhere in every platform, including faceberg, yt, plebbit and Sup Forums. by participating in these threads that go nowhere and repeatedly devolve into chaos, you are allowing yourselves to be manipulated by actors looking to separate you from your shekels.
that is all, carry on.
Who watches vice other than 20 year old liberals?
First post best post
>Reminder: these threads are being shilled by peterson's publicist.
stop shilling Peterson
Yes, stop it goy!
kys shill
Hello Dr. Peterson.
My room is clean, now what?
the source is my eyes. these comments and threads are everywhere and on every platform, they are all coordinated to bring massive attention to peterson. petrson's publicists are making shareblue look like amateurs.
Don’t be ridiculous, goy
The smear campaign against him is totally koshe- uh I mean organic
you're too dumb to understand how a publicity campaign works. the fact that these threads are over the top ridiculous is evidence of this.
>gaining publicity by making fun of his family and going on about his rug and his patreon
wow, yeah you've convinced me
In fairness, he gets critiqued from the right as well, for shitting on nationalism
>gaining publicity
that's exactly the point. all publicity is good publicity when it comes to sales. peterson knows this better than anyone.
His fanbase are all Rick and Morty/ugandan knuckles tier faggots.
fuck off kike
you're too dumb to understand that you're being manipulated.
Peterson sounds great here
you think Peterson and his publicist sit in a room thinking of ways to astroturf on Sup Forums by bashing his own wife and daughter in order to get more money? are you retarded?
This. I don't see how anyone can take these fucks seriously.
the only retarded person here is you, for thinking this is organic.
Jordan Peterson is an individualist who support multiracialism, he's a leftist not a part of the AltRight or even the mainstream right.
Even in Russia?
He has kept himself away from racist and other easy deflections the left would have used. He speaks well and easily demolishes all SJW arguments.
He will continue in popularity. If parents suddenly see their sons getting successful the parents may then take a look at JP.
They hate him because he is a stepping stone like other alt-lite celebrities to the JQ.
>bashing his own wife and daughter in order to get more money?
Well he did say his best friends are Jews
Of course it isn't, once in a while we push something in, be it julius evola, the gulag archipielago or anything of the sort, we also have intellectual trends, but we have them for a reason and that reason it's fairly organic.
In his book he cautions against diversity and even no fault divorce. I've only heard him speak of taking the best, not hordes of muslims and beaners.
T. Shills! Anti Peterson cucks are out in full force.
His book just came out so they're trying to discredit him
Didn't watch because I don't want to get homosexaids. Did he get BTFO? Or is this just liberals pretending they won via deceptive edits?
vice is literally going bankrupt
they'll be gone soon.
Vice is retarded left-wing propaganda
hooktube this shit. I'm not giving vice my view count.
lol this
Kill yourself. Now.
Are you a fucking retard? Did you miss the entire point, moron? You know what, you shouldn't do anything else, somebody as stupid as you to miss the whole point that filthy irresponsible fucks like you shouldn't have influence in the world should stay where you are.
Reminder that identity politics is trash tier. You need to develop yourself into someone worth following before you can lead anybody to the promised land.
This is true. Why though? He doesn't seems that powerful
the publicity he's getting here and in other social media is mostly negative and all have the same talking points. as a psychologist, peterson understands that negative publicity increases sales for new products or ideas. this phenomenon has been thoroughly documented by psychologists and is used by publicists.
JP was a little sloppy here and it was made to sound something like "Women wearing make up and high heels in the workplace are literally asking to be sexually harassed"
Which is kind of true, but it is the current year and all. Nothing will come of this though just because Vice isn't at all a credible source of journalism in the first place
Vice can't and never will be able to "destroy" anything.
Yeah I have never heard a single rebuttal it is always just personal attacks or "he cites this guy too often!".
It's pretty fucking comfy knowing that the left finds him such a threat because what he's saying is absolutely right and is being said in a way that can resonate with the people drifting lost and aimless in a world that doesn't 'agree' with them
They did a pretty good job of destroying Ukraine.
>The war here is really bad guys
>We should send them weapons, but not US troops
Fast forward to 2018
>Why is Russia trying to undermine our Democracy?
>clean your room
>sort yourself out
>don’t forget the 6 gorillian
>Could jewish individuals use their position of power to seek out revenge for places like Russia and Europe?
This is asked at around 2:50 in OPs video. Anybody has the video with Jordan B Petersons answer to that question?
Risk and morty is literally the complete opposite of peterson
"Well goy nothing you do matters and everyone is going to die so just sit here on the couch and watch tv, its science after all!"
That kinda nihilism is exactly what peterson is against.
You're just jealous of jews. -J. Peterson.
dude he's not a leftist, just because he isn't full 1488 does not make him left wing
oh look, 2 guys talking about shit that has no real life value. meanwhile other people actually work.
He's popular on Rogan and Rubin Report, which makes him dangerous for lefties
You faggots need Jesus.
>professor of psychology
>gets accused of pop psychology
How can these leftists even say things like that without shame?
I just wonder how long he's blackpilled desu. He's breaking apart; he cries all the fucking time. I think one day soon he's going to realise the scale of the problem he's up against, he's going to realise it goes so far beyond what he thought that he feels as hopeless as the people he wanted to "save".
Or he won't and he'll just carry on getting nowhere.
What the fuck happened here? I lost sight of Peterson for a while, I come back and now Sup Forums hates him? Somebody explain this to me.
there are like 3-5 people on Sup Forums (at least two of them are leafs) who obssessively shill against him 24/7
lol "vice" got destroyed when Gavin McInness admitted that he no longer lives within leftist ideology and in the same breath admitted he is a Zionist. He is one of the founders of vice. Also JP pointing out what make up and high heels are for demolishes the entire argument of sexual harassment, with that point I'm sexually harassed every day when I walk around in the world. kek kekington
obvious shilling.
Universities HAVE become indoctrination factories for social justice ideologies.
I like him. Modern pop culture and society is lazy, superficial, and empty. He pushes for responsibility, meaning, and challenging yourself. Values society used to have... I can get behind that.
Peterson denounces right-wing at every turn, he is not Sup Forums. The left does what it always does, call everyone they don't like a nazi.
i don't trust any talkers who have no real job or profession other than talking.
Well fuck.
He's pretty much a centrist, he's not a leftist.
Same thing happened to every great man. It'd be more of a shame if there WASN'T a smear campaign going on right now
not everyone can be a ditch digger user
Sup Forumsacks act like fanboys, raising their momentary heroes up to a god like status, only to follow it with an angry mob attack aimed to bury their one time leader, due to the Sup Forumsack's destructive and mischievous nature.
There has been 5 threads a day on average against JP for the last few weeks. Why does Based Peterson trigger so many people?
He just makes more money every time anyone does something.
They can't do anything to him because he actually speaks substantively about subjects, doesn't over generalize, and is good at jumping on every popular podcast.
>clean your ass boyo
>7 figure salary / year
McInnes should hang for founding this cancer!
Has anyone else noticed that lauren Southern threads have died and JP has replaced her.
Same shills doing the same thing.
To think they are this scared of a milquetoast cucklord. They are absolutely fucked.
deceptive edits
There's a lot of pro JP threads also being spammed now that I actually read the catalog.
The whole point is to distract us from something while destroying his character in the process.