The fuck is wrong with liberals?
The fuck is wrong with liberals?
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god damn this feels so good, please post more crying shitskins
>after X amount of years
Who cares what the amount of time was? I always see this argument but never care
Their political power depends on importing brown people.
They think that if you're here long enough, you count as a US citizen. What I want to know is how he was able to actually do anything. How can you establish credit? How can you even get an ID?
>border control
>welfare state
You can only pick one
I guess he didn’t have enough for a suicide bomb, maybe next time
It took Spain 800 years to expel illegal immigrants.
Shouldn't have let him take the money. Sending cash to the middle east is supporting terrorism.
They should have taken the $300 as well
kek. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
fake documents and or enablers
>less than $300
>pillar of community
Really makes you think..
>please post more crying shitskins
They are all welfare parasites. I hate them so much.
I love to watch them cry and suffer
parasites are WORTHLESS
Don't let everyone in, but Christ, you could afford to be a little more scrupulous than that.
>pillar of the community
>$300 in pocket
Something doesn't add up
Been a pillar of the community for 40 years but his accumulated wealth amounts to 300 dollars and not even a suitcase?
Liberal Bosses are Cheap Labor/Mass Immigration Exploiters. Liberal workers vote for anything that gets revenge on the existence of white people. It's a real match made in Hell. Three phrases will help you destroy the mind game played by the Cheap Labor Exploiters.
White Community Hater
White Self Hater
Anti White
When all three of those phrases make their way into everyday conversation, the Pro White movement will have an effective rhetorical strategy to combat white displacement. Spread the word!
i would like to force all leftis to pay up for these illegals if they wish that these aliens should stay there
let them pay so long until they loose everything
then throw them into prison and let them pay back their debt via forced labor
fuck him and his family
and then they really expelled them. and they got really inquisitive.
>The fuck is wrong with liberals?
But most important believing at a lie because lack of information or lazyness/ lack of curiosity/drunner keagen effect to research for the truth and then acting according to the situation where the lie is truth
>In US for 40 years
>Leave with $300
Wow, it's almost like he was in the land of opportunity and didn't really do much
So I guess they know they're losing so the propaganda is gunna get ratcheted up.
>pillar of the community
who couldn't follow a simple law
But he was a pillar of the community
40 years in the biggest economy in the world and he managed to make $300. He deserves it.
That's when he first got here. He currently owns multiple business in the area. His problem is that he married(got a green card) an American and later got divorced, she later claimed it was a sham marriage just to get the card.
He got married to a different women but his case is caught up in the legal system because it was originally flagged as a fraud case.
Bah gawd, that's Al-Qaeda's no music. he's hijacked the plane. He's turning it back around!
more like an anchor.
Maybe he should have become a citizen legally, then.
good. his offspring ought to be hunted down as well
that's all well and true but republicans want the cheap labor just as much. the politicians anyway. we don't have a real oposition party to the democrats. the republicans all want the same thing just sub out the welfare to niggers and spics to welfare to military industrial complex. even most democrat voters want a secure border and a crack down on illegal immigration. doesn't help they frame the narrative along with the media and instead of illegal alien they are dreamers and dacas.
I'm sure they can expect a collapse without him. This is the kind of hateful divisive policy that is Trumps America.
We have got to start going after employers
What does this person have to contribute to society?
CNN should learn to write coherent sentences.
Turns out that communities dont need 5 pillars.
>pillar of community
>passport? i don't need no stinking passport.
Lel, true paragon indeed.
I’m pretty sure all of his family wasn’t paying for his medical care. Which is probably why he got deported
Laws only apply to white males, best get used to it!
He shouldve moved here legally wtf its not my fault you broke the law for your own gain
Will automation be the death of immigration?
He was on his way but he got divorced and his Ex-wife stuck it to him. She later retracted her claim and says that ICE coerced her into signing it. Either way it's just CNN cherry picking a case that's completely different then most deportation to pull at heart strings.
This guy looks pleased.
40 years and only has $300 to his name and wears one set of clothes. but he was a pillar of the community, the same community that snitched him out?
But if they did that, how could they manipulate people?
Maybe pay your bills next time, old fart LMFAO
>A man robs a bank. He manages to avoid capture for years. The police find him and send him to be jail
You mean Jews
very good, godspeed ICE, deport'em all
Why do they spotlight stories like this when it only shows how parasitic these fucking illegal immigrants are?
>Live in a country where everyone bends over backwards to accommodate you
>Huge issues with illegal immigration and you have all the help in the world to become a citizen
>Live in the USA for 40 years and never become a citizen
>We are supposed to feel sorry for you that you're getting deported because you didnt become a citizen in over 40 years
Fuck those shitskins, I cant even go a week not renewing my inspection sticker without being pulled over so why should I feel sorry for this muslim fucking our laws and not becoming nationalized in over 40 years
>all these people that love him
>Nobody tries to make him a legal resident
Why not both
Comma a bitch you muthafuka. Watch yo back
he's the one who called ice
>pillar of the community
>here illegally
i notice they say "after living in this united states for nearly 40 years" and conveniently cut out the part that he was doing it illegally
>pillar of community
>muslim community
>pillar is deported
good, let's see that subversive community crumble. Isn't islam illegal in the U.S. anyways?
They also conveniently leave out how or why they were caught and deported.
Did they commit a crime?
Were they on welfare for years?
Pillar of the community gets caught using an EBT card and then jumping in his Mercedes G ride shortly after?
so low iq
The media, CNN et al,. is controlled by Soros, Open Society, etc. They want to destroy nationalism and any concept of national laws/borders for their own benefit. CNN's Twitter account just does their bidding.
they have the power of soy on their side
I'm calling fake fucking news. They post a single out of context picture and expect us to believe the story they attach to it. Even if the story is true, it's an appeal to emotion and does nothing to disprove the validity of Trump's immigration policies.
Appealing to emotion gets a lot of fat idiots on twitter going and NOTHING ELSE
>40 years in capitalist heaven
>$300 to his name
You have to go back
>Appealing to emotion gets a lot of fat idiots on twitter going and NOTHING ELSE
That is honestly the only tactic the left has, is just endless appeals to emotion and tugging at heart strings. And it being CNN I am pretty sure its fake news too.
>The absolute state of the us
>Underrated post and checked.
Lol, these stories make me so happy.
someone should post this video in ye comments
Let them all be deported into CNN members houses
Hard to be a "pillar of a community" you illegally infiltrated...
Oh well...
He spent X amount of years in the US, therefore he has shown that he can coexist with the US population.
No, he can coexist with his immediate circle.
Great, then he should have applied for citizenship. 40 years is plenty of time and he wasted it.
Because you will absorb and pay for the world's poor and then become poor yourself.
Why are they deporting these people and not the subhuman gang members first?
or whatever these stupid fucks are chanting these days.
so fuck laws we don't agree with. like... where they come from?
they can deport his two daughters on the end into my house any time.
40 years and not even trying to become a citizen?
am i right about this?
>40 Years in US
>Only $300 in savings
Pathetic. Living day to day on our taxes. The man should be going home with several thousand in cash at LEAST and living like royalty in his POS country.
user, pls. White males do everything in their power to make sure illegals can't become citizens. CNN told me so.
>that image
All I see is a a guy who had 40 years to become a citizen and chose not to so is now experiencing the consequence
>isn't islam illegal in the U.S. anyways
I wish
fake social you buy from a gang who abducts and murders actually Hispanic american citizens visiting mexico
I'm a liberal and I don't care that he was deported back to Jordon. He was here for 40 years and couldn't apply for citizenship?
ex wife got butthurt he divorced her and fucked him over
said their marriage was a sham one to get him citizenship
obviously his current wife will arrange his return on a new case
40 years
Who is really at fault here?
Can I get on a plane to Jordan and live in that country for 40 years and not get btfo?
Yeah, but it doesn't make sense the way you said it. If we only have one option. If we had proper border control we wouldn't absorb the worlds poor. Loads of these people come to our countries without getting benefits. Theres no reason we can't have proper border control whatever is going on in our countries. It's like saying don't let your country get to rich or poor people will want to come to it. No, border control is basic and should be enforced whatever social policies or programmes we run.
>live in the USA for decades
>can't be bothered with something like attaining citizenship
>he managed to not murder someone nor have someone murder him, this is the bar we use to measure if someone should
AAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH loving it. Always make me feel good when I see these sob stories.