Episode 3
Can we all agree that Astolfo is the best girlfriend?
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Except for, you know, not being a girl.
Yep, Astolfo is my waifu
How badly outclassed by Chiron is Atalanta? Also, how the fuck are Chiron and fucking Karna "bad" servants?
Incorporating the mythos would have Karna literally steamroll fucking everyone by nuking the world and catching the Moon and Venus in the blast radius.
Stop relplying to Astolfo nigger.
is Atalanta a tree?
it's already a universal truth astolfo is the best girl
Why is Spartacus' smile so infectious boys
Tatsuya Yoshihara animated most of Karna vs Siegfried. He posted the raw key animation online, it looks better than the final product to be honest.
Could you guys stop being a fucking faggots?
Chiron outclasses her a ton, but her NP is better than his. Karna and Chiron aren't anywhere near "bad".
where do you guys watch the new episodes? last time i found a link just by googling i got what seemed like auto-generated subtitles
You first
This is your Mordred tonigh, keep in mind that he's now yandere.
The final product looks nice, it's just ruined by the shitty TV blur. It will look better and clearer in BD.
>F/A general
Join discord
I agree too
can you?
Throwing Saber at a problem usually helps
>Chiron and Karna are "bad" servants
Who lied to you user?
I'm not a faggot if im becoming the girl (male)
Sleep tight paladin.
Pretty sure that in raw archery Chiron outclasses basically everyone. Chiron is Saggitarius, he's an archer so famous that the Latin word for Archer is just his constellation.
ProtoMo-san wants to rape his father I don't think i'll really help
Sieg is ridiculously cute.
if hes wearing a skirt he's a girl
Karna is literally said to be a top tier Servant.
Karna is only bad in the sense that he consumes an asston of mana. Even a top of the line Master would be close to dead if Karna went all out for too long.
I'm so glad that Apocrypha is the True Thinking Mind's (read:fujos) Fate. So many hot boys
>Sieg finally appeared
And there the anime goes into the trash
First Saber a best Saber. An imitation can never surpass the original.
I thought basically all the good catalysts were supposed to be used up.
false statement
Good to know, because, let's face it. He seem Hercules tier.
Karna's fighting style is beyond imagination! I can't imagine how will a fight between Karna and Herc be.
Just the most famous ones.
Siegfried is the best Saber
Mage's Association hoards them. It's also vaguely implied that Karna might come to you if you specifically try to summon him just because he wants to answer your wish, so he might not even need a catalyst.
>heracles tier
Karna is explicitly at I'm-Actually-Trying-Now Gilgamesh's level a;pmg wotj Arjuna, Archer Heracles, and a few of the more broken Casters. Grands are still broken as fuck.
Pounding Sensei all night long!
He is the best possible Archer. In the sense of the strategic role.
>Sup Forums has more than one million yuri threads
Why don't you complain about them?
>a;pmg wotj
are you okay user
After you.
We're talking the most powerful organizations in the magic world in this war, though. They both have stupid amounts of resources to spend on getting good catalysts. Besides, look at Sisigo's, for example. It wasn't at all determined which servant he would get- all he knew was "this is from the round table, it's gonna be some round table knight". Hell, of the Yggdmillenia servants, only Astolfo and Franky are specifically summoned with artifacts of their lives. Chriron is just generic "ancient arrow", Sieg is just a symbol associated with him.
tbf I'd argue that liking a trap isn't gay when you don't realize it's a trap, that's kind of the point.
>An imitation can never surpass the original.
Typical Arturiafag, hasn't even read UBW. Probably thought Fate was the whole VN.
Have you got a stroke?
I only watched episode 1 when I was half asleep. Can someone explain why the guy crossdresses?
Y-you okay, user? You want us to call an ambulance?
Part of his legend.
shotas are so hot and sexy
>Church and Mages Assoc. hoard all the artifacts.
>Go outside
>Grab a leaf from my tree
>Summon a great Servant that's invulnerable everywhere but his back
>Make that retard wear armour on his back
>Explicitly forbid him from associating with femboys
>Win the war
It's still gay.
>Gilgamesh's level a;pmg wotj Arjuna,
The more I try to figure out what the fuck this was supposed to say the more my brain hurts.
Gordes got himself the real leaf that fell on Siegfried's back.
Don't question it
>dies in episode 5
"[...]Along with Arjuna, [...]"
I'm guessing it's "along with"? It'd be right, at least.
>summons a black bull to cuck Sieg
>wins war
Siegfried is compelled to leave his weak point exposed. It's part of his curse.
So why is Sieg so bad? The show's been pretty good so far, why is everyone saying he's going to be a problem?
S-Shut up! Siegfried is cool!
Because he's your typical bland MC and hijacks the plot
I wanna fuck it
>Jeanne unfazed when Vlad gets mad as fuck after she refuses to assist Black side
>Starts stuttering and blushing like a schoolgirl as soon as she meets Sieg
Volume 2 is weird as fuck. It hasn't gotten as bad as Sieg hijacking the majority of the plot like most people say, but his chapters feel so off compared to the tone of the rest of novel. I'm inclined to even say this is worse than Saber falling for Shirou, because at least that stuff didn't happen until partway into the route instead of immediately after meeting him.
>call over a protestant priest friend, have him bless my fig tree
>cut my hand a little to stain a leaf
>summon the hero of Germany's greatest legend
Actually the memest catalyst yet
Though I guess "hey my family passed down a version of the necronomicon gonna cast an incantation oops summoned a servant also with a necromonicon" is pretty zany too.
5 episodes for each chapter
I don't know who I want to be more.
Gordes is a Magus
Most Magi are retarded
But Gordes even more so
Because people are operating off 8th hand information and it's just become an accepted "fact", partly because the story went in a different direction than people thought it should.
Sieg won't be nearly as bad as you expect.
Because they need something to shitpost about.
Sieg gets all of zero character development, hogs all the screen time as time goes on, the world repeatedly bends to his whims and he has worst servant. It's pretty bad m8.
sumanai-san strikes again
>he's the oy gold servant I've summoned outside of the frees
Fml desu
t. Siegfags
As a Siegfried fan I will always be asshurt.
Because he makes Apocrypha stop being about a 7v7 fight.
I'm a fujo too but you're deluding yourself if you think Apocrypha is any good. It's the poorman's cheap fast food to Zero's gastronomic restaurant. Even the prettiest 2D boy that ever lived, without a good, well told story, might as well be trash on the side of the road.
I tried to keep hope but I'm dropping it, like I should have after watching episode 1.
I'm indifferent to him. Even if you don't like him there's plenty of other characters to pay attention to anyway. Especially with the anime's breakneck pacing.
>Protestants still existing in Germany
>Christians still existing in Germany
I found the weak point in your plan, user.
d-delete this
Because he had a story? there's more to fiction than winning the fight user.
Shirou 2.0 but much worse.
Why does Mordred dress like a slut when "she" wants to be a man?
Cute boys have much more impact than angry vampires, user
>call over a protestant priest friend, have him bless my fig tree
>cut my hand a little to stain a leaf
>summon the hero of Germany's greatest legend
This is just not how catalysts work
Good, it has too much hetero for fujos anyway.
>having a story
Sieg has no story, you're delusional. Just about anyone else is a far better choice for being the 'main' protagonist. Fuck's sake following Shirou's bullshit or Chiron / Frankenstein's Monster and their masters would make for a better fucking story. Even Spartacus would be more interesting.
Oh I know it's trash
I just like Sieg's design enough and have enough hope for cute Ass moments and Chiron being the prettiest and Karna and Siegfried being cool for me to keep watching.
Because he's one of the few things the author created himself for the novels. So he gets shoved into an established setting like so many awful fanfic OCs and the story suffers all the same problems for it.
The stuttering is due to Laeticia, not Jeanne. Laeticia is an average schoolgirl.
>Siegfried...being cool
But he does, and so does siegfried, who I was actually referring to.
You guys actually just want nothing but big flashy fights and powerlevels don't you?
She wants to be a boy because only boys can be kings, but that doesn't really matter anymore.
No because he got side-lined and killed at the start, but kept making 'cameos' because Sieg is a useless faggot.
>Give your OC Donut no powers
>"Oh, I know!"
>Make him turn in to Siegfried because of it