Can an arab immigrant, under certain circumstances, be french ?

Can an arab immigrant, under certain circumstances, be french ?

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short answer :

long answer :
fuck no

Only if they kill themselves

Trips don't lie. This.

I A wild berber appears!

No but you can be a swede.

all french are arabs these days.

Any serious answer would have to be NO.

fuckin mutt

hey yo, thanks for fucking this up for everyone France. While the brits where colonizing some nice place you had, literally by pure misplaced ego, start your own little empire too, except all the good spots were already taken, so you had to go with nigger shitholes of the worst possible kind and sand niggers nest. and here we are, 200 years later, stuck with ridiculous french speaking promoting laws locking France and Quebec into importing more of these insufferable mongoloids. Fuck you. Fuck you so fucking much you fucks.

Mmmmmm..... digits...

>fights for France despite having a shit life in Algeria.
>France lets them get massacred.
Does French perfidy never end?


Could be worse. You could have hordes of spics on top of it entering government positions and subverting our laws in an attempt to destroy us and make us as shit as they were before. Add generations of niggers that barely speak any language.

Or you could have an infestation of chinese and pakis buying out your land to rent them back to you at exorbitant prices.


Because we all know Canada would be a homogenous white country without Quebec importing french speaking nogs and sand nogs, just look at Toronto

how do you think these people get in in the first place? Because they speak french, in the arab world, french is the equivalent of english. All these african shithole, congo, uganda, etc, all speak french because they're old french or Belgium colonies. Once these fucking rats get in they then flee to ontario and the rest of western canada. I've worked in a call center before, the amount of french calls I took from alberta from example is astonishing. And all were Abi Mubdi Arxarkawi or Jean Claude Dieu Didié Marcelle.

When they first arrive, no. Their children will become "French" as in the second and third and fourth gen etc will assimilate to the culture. Will they retain some of the cultural heritage from the homeland? Sure they will. Will some of their homelands cultural heritage be passed down to the first gen immigrants offspring? Sure it will, but the second, third, fourth, etc will become more westernized.

These people will pick up the vast majority of the moral/cultural aspect of the place where they live. These people will be nurtured to appreciate "our" way of life, as in, western culture.

when you're the majority, you won't be what formerly real frenchmen were though

for a generation to assimilate, you need to stop taking in migrants long enough for the first generation of kids to assimilate first, that's what they used to do back then but now the floodgates are open.

No because they live in separate societies.

yes, im pretty sure u already are mixed up with the native "white" french dudes

Perhaps. I'm not unreasonable. Immigration must be closely regulated.

Then integration should be a priority. Find a constructive way to join the communities through rational compromise.

Of course. It's happening. French Arabs have the highest number of intermarriage in Europe. You have a large bourgeoisie class that is highly educated, prosperous and integrated into French society with its values (notably delicious sexual practices) especially the women.

Of course you have a lot of scum especially the idiot young men. For them, the army can be a solution, like sending them dying in a stupid war. Even better against a Muslim country, the fucking irony. In their shitty banlieues right now they are a fucking problem though.

It doesn't work because they know deep down they aren't Swedes. There are a lot of factors that go into it but when you try and tell an eritrean he's the same as Sven he will soon understand that isn't true.

Another thing they do is complain about there being too many white people in their schools. They prefer to be segregated.

THIS. Half of Canada's future judges are Chinese. Good luck with running a country like that.

is a duck swimming in an ocean a whale?

- Large bourgeoisie

Definitely not, perhaps a few house arabs in government but thats it.

First off, please forgive my ignorance as far as immigration is concerned in Sweden. Admittedly, I do not know much here. Would the Swedish government go so far as to bend over backwards to create segregated school systems for said immigrants? If yes, I feel there is an issue ineffective band aid if you will. If your government won't, there is still hope in making constructive changes.

The first gen immigrants may feel this way, but let their children make connections with other Swedes on a human level. If their children can relate to the general population in some or perhaps many ways, your communities will come together almost naturally.

I can't excuse the stubbornness of the first wave immigrants. I hope for your sake things will work out.


According to the state, just being a sandnigger or a nigger is enough to get french citizenship.
Acorrding to myself, if it ain't white, it ain't right.

This is objectively untrue outside of ghettoes

If we didn't have big groups of immigrants it might work. They have become a too big part of the population. We spend immense amounts of money on integrating them but it isn't working. The second and third generation of immigrants are often worse than the first one. They are the ones bowing up police stations. I think the rapists are first generation though.

Honestly France is a huge mélange of so many people it's hard to tell. Millions of Italians, Spanish, Germans, Portuguese, etc. came and they barely have cultural heritage from their ancestors. So same thing will happen with these people, IF we stop immigration and really kickstart the economy for the lower classes of the country. Long winding, bumpy road in front of us. Like so many in the West.

Ah! Ah! arab,

Listen to them yourself, if they can choose if they want to be with people who look like them or be around a bunch of white people. Most would choose to live with their own. You can't just spread them out, they will be drawn to their own one way or another.

Is this an arab or French woman?

Sweden has no past experience with immigration. Especially with Somalis and Eritreans or even worse Afghans. Fuck this is the lower bottom of the planet. Good luck with that.

Ins't french someone who was born in France?

The afgans are actually somewhat retarded, mix that in with Islam and you've got yourself a hellhole if they are allowed to grow in numbers.

It's over frog. It will be over 50% by 2025.

No. Simple.
Sand nigger =/= francophone

Trinity of Truth.

Check the numbers, they are quite surprising. Of course the ascenseur social is broken for the majority but I know many around me in my work... Meritocracy means really something for them.

Usually it is a woman who feel liberated from the religion of its parents and marry another bourgeois Français, whether French or not. It is rosy picture from the top I'm conscious of that.

arab (maghrebi, actually)
former education minister in a socialist government
and hated till the marrow by everyone, even leftists, for her absolute and arrogant incompetence

southern French look pretty much like that, though, granted
only northern France has ever been White, anyway

Considering they fled their country rather than fight they are honorary Frenchmen.

I will look into the statistics later. However, I don't doubt you. What is the status of law enforcement in your country? What is the emphasis of national security in Sweden? Also, what is the public opinion overall in Sweden concerning immigration or immigrant violence and could you provide me a link? I am genuinely curious.

Is there a surmountable movement to impede to influx of immigrants to Sweden? If so, is it a double digit percentage opposed or closer than that?

In Europe some countries are better able to integrate migrants than others. Then some migrant groups are better integrated than others.

In Germany the Turks don't integrate. The Germans don't want either. A lot of young Turks, 3rd generation, are constantly reminded of their origins even if they are born on German soil. They say they are Turkified. Meanwhile most of the migrants from mainly European origins are well integrated and become, ironically, 'biologically' German, Bio-Deutsche.

So it cast a somber veil (so to say) on migrants from Syria, Iraq, etc.

Same thing in Sweden, except that they never had experience with integrating migrants and theirs are even worse.


Legally yes, born on French soil get French citizenship. But you have crazy laws, like the 'chain migration' or regroupement familial where entire family are allowed in France with useless wives speaking Arab, do not working, etc.

I'm for assimilation but a massive immigration restriction must happen with strong national core values reaffirmed.


They also seem super violent, with a good true rape culture in their blood and genes.

I don't want to be arrogant, France has a lot of problems with that but I can't imagine them being from even worse shitholes and speaking zero French.

Swedish job market is also very close to outsider in an high-income economy. I wonder how these retards can earn their due, if ever.

I can talk about this for hours, it's really bad.
Quitting in record numbers. One brave policeman that was going to be retired told the truth behind the crimes, it's immigrants overwhelmingly. But we don't get to see statistics on ethnicity.
>public opinion
And the problem is that the media is telling us that we've cut down on immigration, even though 2017 we took in almost as many as the nightmare year 2015.

All of us are getting tired but many politicians lie, so we'll see hw this plays out. You might think you're voting against immigration but you're not. SD is trustworthy and they are growing in numbers. The other parties are merely imitating their rhetoric.

No drepanocytose proxy data is laughably wrong. 3/4 of babies in Paris area being Africans and Arabs? LOL.

I don't want to minimize the problem though but this map is so wrong.

2017 had the same numbers than 2015?! So people speaking of backlog asylum seekers were right after all. Fuck that.

Do you have an official source? Thanks.

Well we can't find out because french government doesn't want to show demographic data.

It's a myth... INED has all the data necessary with children born of at least one foreign parent, two then by origin of parents themselves. Check the data.

It is statistics per ethnicity that is forbidden, and of course that's a good thing because defining oneself as Caucasian is quite ridiculous.

This may be a radical idea and feel free to completely dismiss it if you feel it should be as it is pretty much conjecture on my part...I feel as if the U.S. involvement in the ME somehow constitutes a negative sentiment of the west and unfortunately, for you, you folks have to deal with the backlash of the people who leave fearing for their lives and the lives of their families who view our western culture in a negative light.

Is there perhaps any truth to this or is it pure conjecture?

Bretagne master race

Help me user, it seems lower in 2017 (good god!)

and to be fair, we have a much bigger problem than shitskins (as it is now)
and that is communism
even the conservative party president, wauquiez, is a national-commie little cunt, who loooooves wealth tax and sheeeit, just like the lepen shemale
all in all, there undoubtly is an absolute majority of communists in France
fortunately, they're too dumb to ally and win (for now...)

They will never be accepted in French eyes unless they marry into the royal family.


bretonimals are not even Human, let alone White


you gotta say bregnoule


ETHNIC STATISTICS ILLEGAL? Get your shit together, France.

Noice trips of truth

"skin color is a social construct" tier question
have a you

The Middle East is the battleground of the West. The US have after 9/11 invaded Afghanistan and that was a necessary thing to do (everyone agreed).

For Iraq it was divisive but the UK and others were totally OK... Libya was completely backed by France and the UK for crazy reasons I can't completely understand. In Syria the French government was pro-regime change and even had a hard line against Iran!

Now we have the fight against ISIS where Russia and the US use their proxies to fight one another. It is changing but basically the West is doing war and business in the ME without shedding too much blood. So yes we have a responsibility, for waging useless wars, Iraq in pole position, and not helping these countries to stabilize because they real institutional shitholes.

With all that said, is there a real revenge to fight against the West because of these stupid wars and interferences? No.

This was a huge debate in France but don't have a true political Islamism in Europe.

not when your name is najad belkacem


That's pretty self-aware of you burger-man.

Of course not, retard. French is an ethnicity, fuck off back to Africa.

No. Are you the EU flag poster that admitted his dad was gay and his mom was a lesbian? This is the kind of thread I would expect from a queer's bastard.

>Libya was completely backed by France
gaddafi power held sarkozy by the balls, seeing as he gave him shitloads of money
why do you think the kikelet let the sandmonkey plant his tent right in the Elysée's frontyard?

Can I be a black woman? Fucking retarded

The second generation descendants of a non-Muslim Arab can be considered French, provided that they have assimilated and have either converted to Christianity or were never a Muslim.


every french speaker i see on social media is either a nigger or arab

>Usually it is a woman who feel liberated from the religion of its parents and marry another bourgeois Français

Funny my french female friend who i am kind of involved with somewhat , her mother is from an Algerian familly who fought in the war against the germans and she married a french guy but their familly shows no signs of even the slightest islamic footprint especially the women

By commie you mean pro-state with high taxes? Then you are right.

Problem is in France, individuals are anarchists and not very responsible. They cheat all the time. This is especially true in Paris and around. The country is very diverse and a strong state is needed. Between the individual and the institutions, there is nothing standing really.

So everything is closely integrated with the state. Problem is that it is inefficient because we relied on the EU and we don't have any sovereign power left, the currency being the first.

So all these pseudo-politicians want the power but have nothing really and are just machines to apply the directives of the EU.

French people are anxious and scary of the future because of that. Something's off and they feel it deeply.

you already are shaniqua

Yes. Just like Arab immigrants in Germany, can become German, Arab immigrants in France are French. Proof:

A lot of migration data in Germany is kept silent, but sometimes stories do reach the surface.

Figures from northern Germany say 34 refugees brought 130 family members to Germany. That’s almost four times the number of people who applied.

According to German law, those affected have to bare the costs for the entry themselves. But as soon as they are in Germany, the state (the taxpayer) will pay the costs.

In another region something similar happened. In a case from the district of Pinneberg, a Syrian man moved to Germany with his four children and his first wife.

Later he brought four more children and he now received permission to bring his second wife as well. He received permission for the family reunification because “children can’t live without their mother in a foreign country”.

Sources say this is already the second case of polygamy among Syrian refugees in the district of Pinneberg. In Syria, a man may marry up to four women.

While the war in Syria is coming to an end, there are still no concrete plans to return refugees. Meanwhile family reunification will continue and will be paid for by the German taxpayer.

This is not an argument.

I live in Paris and 3/4 of newly born babies being blacks and arabs is laughable.

They use their wifes as cows. A breeding tool. I wouldn't be surprised.


For a country of 10 millions people, these are huge numbers.

30% of Muslims in 2050 is really possible then.

>coming from the country with nigger majority cities

who cares france is a joke
they got shat on by the Mexicans of the middle east and counter colonized

Begging the question, "what does it mean to be French?"

El goblino...

"It is always difficult to make predictions about the number of residence permits granted, because so much depends on what is happening in our world. In addition, we do not know what migration policy will apply after the temporary legislation expires in 2019, comments Fredrik Söderberg Bruce.

A quote from this article( After 2019 they can decide to open the floodgates again, I don't trust them at all.

be a pied noir

Since French are black, no.

I only mention it because our government has much stricter immigration policies than those of other western countries do. It seems to me that our western allies are taking the brunt force effects of the ME occupation while we seemingly carry on without the setbacks of these immigration issues as well as the possibilities of an increased likelihood of terrorist attacks. That is your burden to bear ultimately. I can only thank the strict U.S. immigration policies for that.

I try my friend. Keeping an open mind helps me as a person more than I can comprehend myself.

the post: quality
the trips: further confirmation

No. But Moors are French