How will you celebrate when nordcucks go extinct? They did this to themselves

How will you celebrate when nordcucks go extinct? They did this to themselves

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laugh at their mixed mutt offspring, and celebrate the fact that being a white guy surrounded by retarded mutts makes me more attractive to the majority of women

Iz dat U Tariq?

I'll be celebrating by importing an Asian gf to speed up the process.

By making more Nordic clones.
The white washing cometh!

this is how white mother draws her mixed race kid.

this is how the kid looks

this is what she probaly thinks


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

its okay meds and slavs will carry on the white genome, do not fret.


another race traitor. just look at her face, she could hold any kid from asian jungle and she would be as resembling to it as her own.

maybe but maybe it just makes you an easy target. Being an easily identifyable hated minority is not the best deck for finding a mate


Queen of Norway with her granddaughter, she is heir to the throne. Norway will have their first black king within 50 years
We will be kings

Is this the best you can do, pastaniggers?

El Abominacion.


they can have the ugly ones with manjaws, idgaf
>in all fields

Your country is irrelevant, nobody gives a fuck about Your shithole
You will experience King Mohammad the 1 within your Lifetime. Ingrid Alexandra will marry a black guy

>laugh at their mixed mutt offspring, and celebrate the fact that being a white guy surrounded by retarded mutts makes me more attractive to the majority of women

: D please tell me ur larping.

Le 56% speaking out of his ass. Time to put the burger down for a sec and look up some facts. Finland is less than 0.1% non white, 99.8% of Finnish population is Finn, Swede, Estonian or Russian ethnicity.

To every mednigger shill in this thread, if you only make your enemies laugh, you've completely failed in your baiting efforts!

A thing called statistics exists, look into it burger.

Fuck off Nordcuck. The South is still based, why would anyone want to live in the Cold?
Norwegians with their pale skin looks sick

>Varg Vikernes

Zara Larsson is one of the most famous nordcucks, here is a Picture of her and her boyfriend

Look everyone, he resorted to ad hominem!
Point and laugh at our newest exhibit, gentlemen!

Average Nordcuck cuople

By Allah, the nordcucks will be slaughtered down to the last man. The nordcuck females that submit will be sterilized and turned into concubines to care for our black BULLS. The nordcucks stand no chance against KARA BOGA, as ALLAH with Muhammad as his messenger pbuh will bless the black bulls against their conquest of the nordcucks.

Man the amount of black/turk/arab male - danish girl couple i see in copenhagen...


Meds turned into arabs hundreds of years ago



As white white numbers decrease you will see South Africa on a global scale.


>(((They))) did this to themselves

it's the shit eyes that bother me. How the fuck can you love something that looks so soulless and animalistic?

I love how she draws the eyes with such detail when in reality they are soulless voids.


Ill be setting your cities on fire murdering your men stealing all your wealth and raping your women. Just like the good old days.

Welcome to Norway

Get over yourself and stop living a lie.
Skal nok give dig en skalle der smadre dig igennem bjerge, hvis du er frisk din sydlige svans.

inbreds breed diversity.

food for thought

Cuck king of Norway

Are you talking about modern nords? They're imbred with slavs, of course they're going to be weened out

nigger nords wish they could be slavs. Don't paint us with the same brush as those subhumans

Din soster er en kulbrænder, dine nevoer vil være halv somali. Danmark vil snart være et muslimsk land

Of course not potato shitskin, I would never compare you to the glorious northmen.

Why would you waste rare and recessive blue eyed genes with literal black eyes... fucking cucks.

I will not celebrate. I know I give bongs and white euros shit but it's all banter. Deep down I am extremely saddened by what is going on in their countries. If I were a scientist I'd be working on a genophage a la ME that only killed Africans. It'd be a start.

Taking a picture with a black man, guess that means they're together.

>glorious northmen
Top kek

those won't exist in 30 years unlike me


Nice try jew, we all know who is behind mass immigration to Europe

Hello Amerimutt, how are you enjoying your literal slave genetics?
There aren't hardly any true nords left, most of them are tainted with potato and sandnigger blood.


Funny thing.. all these yoga larping women and their body mind consciousness stuff... they still can’t control their pussies.

Evolution is filled brim with dead ends. And now yet another is thrown into the dust bin of history.


I'll be celebrating with a Nordcuck sex slave in my dungeon

Pff you don't know Danes.

These threads should be gassed on sight by the mods

then they obviously aren't superior t jack shit

stfu moor

>Le ahmed looking up to nord/shitskin hybrids
>Muh ancestors
No, it all went to shit once the jews convinced eurowhites that interbreeding with non-whites would be beneficial.

she's fucked so many niggers she's an honorary Kardashian


burgers disgust me

It's called economic opportunists and cucks. You nigger.

everything you use was created by nords , the world would literally not notice all slavs disappearing over night and not care about it

>t. muslim

> Nords
> Absolutely zilch.
> Germans are nords but they're an evolved nord
> Inferior Masterrace, but a masterrace


Thanks for pointing it out. Her child's eyes are pure black yet she draws them as grey/blue.

Kinda wishful projection. I think she know she made a mistake.

Varg is starting a dynasty that will keep their heritage alive.

not really. romans and austria-hungary built our shit. Tesla is more relevant than any Svensk Fishnigger or whatever, but I admit I like my Volvo

I like nordcucks, I wish anglos were extinct.

Women are really that stupid. Very sad.

>white women are mixing it up
>meaning they are picking not white males
>thinks being a white male is an advantage

As many of you know, Mediterranean women go crazy for Swedish and Nordic men in general. Why is it that they hate Mediterranean "men" and only go for Nords?

When Giancarlo and Matteo are sitting at home in their boyish rooms, still living with mama at the age of 26, Francesca and Gianna are out riding the Nordic wheel of fortune, so to speak. Could it be that I, as a NORDIC bull who lives in his own apartment and is 191cm tall is simply a better choice than the halfling it*Loid or sp*Loo "man"?

Feel free to discuss why you think this is. Mediterranean men are obviously welcome to chime in, but please try not to lash out in impotent insecurity, alright? I don't want to be "that guy" but it's not my fault that one day Caterina feels like having a dish of big fat Swedish Meatballs, with a side of Norwegian salmon, and maybe even a little bit of Danish sausage? Hell, she might even be hungry for Asian food in the form of a Finnish bull sometimes. But never, never is it an Mediterranean man. Will we be seeing a Med Elliot Rodgers soon?
Mods don't delete thread, I'm warning you.

>Surprised that nord/slav hybrids were niggers
It's almost like you're a potato poster. Oh wait!

Your country is Spanish clay, we could have given you some Spanish genes, but we was civilized and didn't rape people

Varg's fucking mean, potatonigger. Don't leave us for Varg, por favor :( :( :(

Nords have literally not built a single thing, they've never been relevant. Germans yes, but I don't really consider Germans as Nord nords,

Nice try kike

Fuck off jew

You are just uneducated and wrong. Romans and Greeks were and are completely irrelevant compared to Nord civilizations that emerged in the 1500s.
Austria is btw also counted as Nordic culturally as is Italy.

The reason why you don'0t understand this is because you are just ignoirant.

>Not pioneering seafaring
It's like you learned everything you know from shitskin sandniggers

Lebensraum them and make a larger living space for my Slavic kids




I mean... I'm just trying to show most of you the truth about nordlets

We were civilised and shit.

Cherrypicked stories. Only a very small minority of our women goes for the small nord cock

>Francesca and Gianna are out riding the Nordic wheel of fortune
>While Elsa and Julia are out having a train ran on them by ahmed and jamal.

>nordic bull

>shitskin explaining whites to me
Yeah, you seem to have a great understanding of race. You're not white, ahmed. Your ancestors come from the east.

They already were going extinct, they had negative population growths moron.

Ummm. Italy is not nordic, and Idk about Austria, if they're nordic they're nordic. I'm still not wrong. Most achievements from nords were from Germans, I do think it proves that there's a difference from scandinavians and Germans.

They didn't pioneer seafaring

Women of color are getting sick of these white bitches fucking with our menfolk. We need each other white bois.

Indeed, also why would anyone want to touch a nordcuck or dutchcuck? Dutch women smells like shit


>They didn't pioneer seafaring
Right, just like the Chinese didn't pioneer math.
Keep talking shitskin

>meme flag
Probably a shithole country.

Italy is counted as nordic culturally after the 1500s. Same with England, France, Swittzerland.

That's why this whole med vs nord thing is stupid. Romans and Greeks are completely different cultures. They can't even compete in the slightest to Nordic culture.