


I know, how terrible of cnn to not background check the claims, but instead go with whatever Media Matters and John Podesta told them to report

Fail level: tumblr


Translation: the left is awash with a wave of cognitive dissonance when confronted with the fact that "innocent until proven guilty" used to be a thing.

>he grabbed his wife while she was in the shower and yelled at her

This is the fucking sad state of modernity when this is used as an attack against a white male.

>don’t touch your wife
>don’t yell at her

is our Lord and Savior

Women should be struck by the back of the hand much more often

maybe these types of posts work better on reddit? were you hoping for upvotes?

>women sometimes act like crazy insane psychos
>because of this sometimes they need to face the harsh reality of physical force

looks liek makeup, theres 0 swelling or inflammation.

she's not white. who cares.

CNN is trash


It's not surprising that cynical partisan hacks would either want this to be the end of Trump or ignore it completely.

I say: it's the Chief of Staff who's at fault. Trump is always gonna Trump. Get rid of Kelly.

Anecdotally my dad was a commander in the military oh, 30 years ago? Kelly had a reputation for not severely punishing officers caught abusing their spouses. My dad would send them to Greenland or jail, sometimes both, whereas Kelly would just relocate them to a more or just as comfortable base.

So this isn't really surprising to anyone

Why do GOP family values look so similar to black ones?

Trump is loyal as fuck, this is a strength and people see it as such

The fuck up faggot

All he had to do is say, "if the claims against him are proven true, then he is a disgusting human." And then moved on to talking about whatever else, like his gay 3rd world military parade.

From Dailywire

>As you probably know, he says he’s innocent. And I think you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday that he’s innocent, so you’ll have to talk to him about that.

What Did Trump say wrong here?

I read the claims by the ex wives and they were basically that he got angry and called them stupid bitches. He was 'emotionally' abusive. Once he punched a door.
For this the media is making him out to be a monster. Because of what his cunt ex wives claim that isn't even abuse.

She looks like the female version of Schiff...

And if she was white you’d just say

>burn the coal

The absolute state of Sup Forums


Came here to post this. OP needs to watch his faggot mouth.

Statute of limitations ran. He is innocent because they never claimed it against him until they were paid off by democrats. It's a political move.

If Porter is a righty.....
>not guilty

>she hasn't been told twice
Well at least she's not completely stupid.

Have you considered suicide? You should.

There was another thread with this same topic. Had to make another one, did you?

Back to tumblr. March!

Weren't people complaining about Trump assigning guilt to alleged and untried traitors last year?

>"if the claims against him are proven true, then he is a disgusting human."
That's an insult. Trump usually doesn't insult people who aren't against him. The yard stick for Trump is, "would I consider this an insult if someone said this about me," and he would.

Why is this so hard for people?

Also no damaged vessels in the eye itself...

But he's a gay man

$0.02 have been deposited. Keep it up! You’ll have a new fedora in no time! Good work! Yay!

$0.02 ain't enough for my invaluable service.

>she said that she guilt tripped him into taking the photo himself (????)
>she said that it happened during their honeymoon
>he also strangled her
i bet that some kinky shit was going on there, that looks like a 30 min - 1h old punch blemish

"Ass kickings don't just fall from the sky"
-Bill Burr


she would have other marks on her if she was really in a fight with him.

>saged for faggotry


The FBI is in charge of vetting these people, and he was on a list to be let go anyway because he couldn't get a full security clearance.

This is a probably leaked from somebody in the FBI to attempt to distract from their crimes.

An unironically redpilled movie on shit like this.

Innocent until proven guilty

come to Sup Forums, pay the toll

Innocent until proven guilty.

Hilarious to me how the people saying "innocent until proven guilty" are the same people who spent months writing fanfiction about a pizza restaurant

>are the same people
You got their internet history shit pig?
