Give me all your redpills on the Holocaust.
Give me all your redpills on the Holocaust
Made up by Russian Jews.
Fooking drunk micks shitposting again
holocaust was real and kek agrees
criminalization of holocaust denial tells you everything you need to know
potato famine was only terrible because the english were exporting all the normal food and left them to live off of potatoes which were introduced post columbus genocide
It tells me that you live in a cucked country without much free speech
happened, but likely not 6 gorrilion
people were burned alive by incendiary bombs and nukes
Fire and Fury: The Allied Bombing of Germany, 1942-1945 is a good book that covers it
All of the death camps were liberated by the Soviets for some reason
If there was jewish holocaust
Why are there still jews?
Because the fit ones were kept alive for use in slave labour camps. If there was no Jewish Holocaust, why did two out of every three Jews in Europe dissapear after the war?
Himmler admits the "extermination of the Jewish people"
I'm so glad they stopped using this picture from a train crash to represent burned bodies in ww2
Making it illegal to deny or declare it as irrefutable fact is suspect enough.
If it weren't for the level of smug, i wouldn't wonder why someone went through this much effort to make sure everyone believes the holofaux.
I'm sad that idiots think this was 1912...
no snow on the ground. ground obviously just cloned with photoshop to cover the bodies,
so called train wreck photo never appeared before the Ghosthunters program. Not in any newspaper. no negative of the photo exists from Dresden.
original Auschwitz photo prints in higher res than shitty denier fake.
sorry but it is time you stopped using this stupid fake.
because if you lived in a country with a few million Nazis who wanted to rise adn take control again it would make sense to allow them to tell lies about their crimes.
If Germans are efficient, why did volkswagen cheat emissions?
it was propaganda by the russians
Germans are still finding (((thermite))) bombs.
This one's interesting.
11 million died, not 6
They didn’t, it was another form of holocaust reparation by the Jewish controlled media.
this one is just anectodal evidence, with good citations however, it'd be decent.
In the Polish death camps?
Polish death camps were horrible so much Jew sufferink! Poles should not have secretly gassed all those Jews!
Holocaust is fake history which you have to pretend is true to make (((them))) happy.
>my grandfather's uncle spent half a year in Treblinka in 1942/43 for smuggling cigarettes across the ussr-germany border
>he lived for the rest of his life with the number on his arm
>he said to my dad (he died before i was born, my dad simply repeated his words to me) "it was like a normal prison and now i get a crapton of extra money to my pension for that tattoo lmao"
Now I wonder if the other camp inmates were really treated much worse than him, or if he was lying about how light it was. Too bad he's dead, I have so many questions. I must say, the Holocaust is a one big rabbit hole, with many contradictory things on both sides.
"German" engineers are often Chinese and Indian immigrants these days. Just like in the United States, they cost a lot less.
by good you mean "really really crap"
Einsatzgruppen were SS (and others, not regular army) with a specific function - who reported to Himmler that they killed hundreds of thousands of jews in special "judenaktion" they were not a regular part of the army. they were not soldiers.
2 articel 19 says that the tribunal will not be bound to technical rules - so they could not get off on a technicality. Evidence was presented - some of it questioned successfully and dismissed - but not all. the point of the question is that none of the defendants denied the facts, they accepted, proudly in some cases - that the mass murder was done, but thy claimed it was under orders as a defense.
3 take Oskar groening as an example - a man recently convicted of war crimes, who has been vigorously combating deniers for forty years. he testifies that he saw the gas chambers the selections the bodies and the crematoria - that it was all true. He was under no pressure to do this, and in the end it lead to his conviction on his own confession. (I think wrongly, or at least he should not have been given a custodial sentence)
4 is actually a good question - it is not name calling to point out the nature of those who publish the denier lies.
5 is not an answer tot he question.
6 yep, you got that right. it always meant mass murder. Hence references to "special action" against the soviet PoWs and Gypsies (who suddenly all disappeared... odd that...
7 is not obvious, but anyway...
8 is just being deflective and stupid. They were talking about gassing vans, which are specified and we have orders for them, the correspondence is obviously and explicitly about them.
9 were there ten thousand men (soldiers) in the Bergen Belsen camps. Is there no moral culpability in not feeding starving prisoners (who have been starved for a long time - they didn't get that emaciated in a couple of weeks)
Checked. It was bants friend. Cheap labor is fucking us all.
Now, they are making holograms of the Holohucksters, because they are going to kick the bucket soon.
The best I can surmise is that Jews died during WWII, that many Jews starved toward the end of the war when Germany couldn't even feed their armies, and that the number is exaggerated. Now the Holocaust is an unquestionable shield for Israel and it irritates people, so they make exaggerated memes to trigger JDIF and raise the profile of the topic itself, hoping that eventually (((they))) will eventually admit that it wasn't a purposeful mass extermination. It's the same as the average ironic Nazi, not to be confused with ironic Nazis, who are triggering triggerable faggots in order to get the topic of the circumstances which caused WWII on the table, in the hopes that (((they))) will eventually admit that Hitler is not the pure evil boogieman just-as-oppressive (but less up front about it) modern nations pretend he was.
Yep. It's like denying the resurrection of Christ or transubstantiation 500 years ago. The Catholic priests of 500 years ago needed bullshit laws to protect their holy twaddle. The Holocaust priests of 2018 need similar laws to protect themselves.
10 is just sad. the memo is not fake, nor are the other memos and the correspondence from Topf and sons, nor is the testimony of the engineers and management from Topf. The person wrting this has no idea about what a crematory oven can do. see
11 is a bold and stupid lie. really, not a single Polish jew was killed - just 97% of them (nearly three million) vanished? they did not emigrate, they did not go elsewhere, they did not appear as survivors. this is blatant tosh.
12 they were neither felons nor prisoners of war, and in any case, those were not penalties imposed on PoW camps.
13 no they were not for delousing chambers - the "dead body cellar" or "gassing cellar" as they are referred to on the blueprints and in the builders correspondence, were not suitable for delousing clothing. Auschwitz had delousing facilities elsewhere.
14 - is just a stupid answer. Secret from the victims prior to their death is not the same as keeping records of who is admitted to the slave labour pool. They kept no record of the names of the gassed
15 well why not? Most deniers on here seem to think that shooting jews (babies and all) is a good thing.
16 nope, it has not been exposed. You are not being attacked, your lies are being shown to be lies.
17 No there is nothing wrong with the idea that they did not want people (especially jews around the world and especially in occupied europe) to know that they were not actually deporting them but were in fact killing them en mass
18 again, a weasel answer.
19 the correct answer is many were gassed and cremated.
20Not only is ther more than one spelling for the name of the town (idiot) but yes they were discovered months later - and that still does not answer the question of how they died (and why they had bullet holes in their heads) on one day.
21 they were not going to kill all the SS men who worked at the camp.
>he best I can surmise is that Jews died during WWII, that many Jews starved toward the end of the war when Germany couldn't even feed their armies, and that the number is exaggerated.
so what of the million and half shot by the germans in mass shootings across the east?
or the half a million from Hungary and romania and France who were sent to auschwitz and treblinka and then just disappeared? or the 213 000 jews of Lodz?
Being Jewish did not give captured partisans any protection under the laws of war.
So when they report that they have killed a few hundred partisans in a month, and report separately the number of Jews killed, listing figures for men women and children (thousands of children) totalling 300,000 you see no suspicious pattern here?
Bloody frog apologist. I suppose you think Israel has a right to expand across the middle east like a tumour?
Try doing some research. You'll be surprised. Watch David Cole's documentary. Really. Please, actually my negro immigrant friend.
>going through the trouble of posting a dozen lines of made up bullcrap that no one will read just to push the jidf agenda
c o p e
your austrian buddy should be arriving at any minute now as well with the blogposting too, you jidf love these threads
>I suppose you think Israel has a right to expand across the middle east like a tumour?
no I don't
why would I?
I just want to make sure that liars about the mass murder done by the Nazis know they are lying. Not an apologist, just someone interested in truth.
and you will find very little truth in David Cole.
well it is better than being an idiot denier...
>reddit spacing
you're wrong if you think you're fooling anyone here noseberg
Didn't happen
The second part of your post is irrelevant. Communist Jewish partisans who surrendered to the Germans were legitimately shot under the laws of war, but you can take comfort that they died for the good of the cause.
You know we had never heard of reddit spacing when I learned to type. Reddit was not invented then. Nor was the internet.
and we never talked about it when this place was /new/ or in the first days of it being Sup Forums
we appreciated clear arguments, well laid out
unlike you newfags who think that "reddit spacing" is an argument.
thousands of children
fuck off
Top left is literally a shopped image
>David Cole
Watch it ffs pls. You'll be very surprised.
Glad you disagree with Israel and their genocide of Palestine. You have to look deeper, too. Why does the world tolerate this? Why do people.always fold before them? I'm not saying "all Jews". But alot, especially rich and powerful ones. Sadly you can't tell until it's too late. Some rumoured are benign, but doesn't mean we should rollers them either way.
Ask yourself why people who don't play by the rules of the international banking system are so persecuted. Why banning ursury is considered so bad. Why cant a country choose its own rules and leadership? Palestine held a free and fair election, and elected Hama's. Now Palestine doesn't exist. Why is NK such an issue? Who cares about a third world dump with T-34's in military service?
I'll tell you. Jews.
I once saw someone here prove that every photo being used by OP (at the time not this OP) was a doctored image.
Really makes you think.
Sage to this thread tho
Not that j e w s are any better. They mean to commit atrocities that will make the einsatzgruppen look like inept choirboys.
But, if they do it to sandniggers; who really cares?
Fucking Ghost Adventures? Really? I don't think a TV show about tracking down and communicating with ghosts relies on much accuracy and honesty. You guys are fucking retards.
The holocaust is not exceptional in its relative dimensions nor in its execution in regards to violence commited by humans against humans throughout history and even to current day practices. What is exceptional is the amount of resources invested into propaganda about the holocaust in regard to associating it solely with jewish victimhood and the amount of political capital generated from it. The obvious result is a progressively increasing resistance to feeling guilty about it by each new generation which will ultimately result in the holocaust being regarded as a propaganda tool to shield and empower an undeserving group of people who will then be removed from power by an outraged public, further reinforcing the idea of a divinely mandated victimhood that jews suffer from.
Could you jpg that for me just a little more? Thaaanks
Yes, he did join specifically for that purpose.
I wish this was more widely known and understood.
Very well said
Why are there more bodies on the ground in the Auschwitz version? Why would they go to the trouble of editing a photo to remove bodies from a photo for an episode of ghost adventures?
Something fishy here.
OK, I'm usually trolling the shit out of you fags, but I want to say this one serious thing about the Holocaust before I go back to trolling you homos:
There 's a big difference between being a "Holocaust Denier" and a person that is skeptical of the spin that the snowniggers and the burgers put on it after the war. I don't think that you will find many people who will deny that Nazi Germany targeted (((them))). Otherwise, Einstein would';t have left Germany and the Nazis would have had the A-bomb first. But, you will find quite a few people that will admit that they think that the numbers are just government spin to subjugate the German peoples after the war.
That's the only redpill I got for you - "Deniers" are dumb fucktards; otherwise, the US wouldn't have been able to nuke Japan, as Einstein would have stayed in Europe.
Einstein triggered the Manhattan project but he wasn't smart enough to be allowed work on it.
Ever hear if the U-boat U-234? Its surrender allowed the Manhattan project to succeed.
So Einstein leaving Germany proves that Jews were gassed with zyclon-B?
Yes, and this false history has a sociallaly toxic quality if enough people believe it to be true. How many blockheads in Germany are unable to oppose the colonisation of their land because of Holohoax induced guilt-tripping?
Don't be irrevent. He's saying it wasn't just Jews, it was all subhumans and criminals. Nobody was gassed with zyklon b you fool.
>>give me one-sided bullshit without evidence that agrees with what i have already decided
oh fug those digits
>Fake country
>Fake stats
Remember the six million...fleas!
>Give me all your redpills on the Holocaust.
ITT gaslighting jews posting strawmen and talking to other gaslighting jews
Here's the biggest redpill: Whatever the truth, it's irrelevant.
the ends justify the means, then?
I saw this photo in a youtube just today. What is this meme trying to say? This is a shit meme. Is the meme saying it's fake?
David Cole is my favorite jew.
Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would tattoo a man, before throwing him into an oven.
but the mass murder of millions should no be denied.
tattooed for slave labour. Not all were killed on arrival. Just the women and children and the old.
>replying seriously to a banepost
Fuck you, you croissant eating faggot. If I think that 6 Gorillian or even no kikes died in the Holocau$t, then so be it. I sincerely hope your country falls into Sharia Law and every ethnic frenchie is killed.
You are a disgrace to our flag and our country. You are a miserable human being.
>Defending the frenchie faggot that doesn't want freedom of speech
>Says I am un-american
Is he black?
He's right though, anyone that agrees with censorship and thought control is our enemy
Asshurt redneck detected.
They went to israel/invaded the US.