Hey kid!
Pull my finger.
Hey kid!
It gets bigger when I pull on it
>best girl is an irrelevant side character
how many other series do this
Are girls that fart always best girls?
No. Farts are gross and are the product of a poor diet.
her design makes me so horny fuck
why is such a shit show allowed to have such a great designs ?
Nuns > maids
Prove me wrong.
you can't
this one is easy
you're just a sinner by heart user
What about a religious maid?
She best girl but worst girl at the same time, you could never date her because she has to remain pure and celibate
Isn't that what the pooper is for?
That's just a hotdog.
If you watched the episode you would understand the implication.
What's lewd about a hotdog?
You'll find out when you're older.
>priest she was having an affair with walks in late awkwardly and makes up an excuse
>sister suddenly stabs a sausage and shoves it in her mouth
fucking japan, this series actually seems kinda cool, Catholic X files
I like it
Kate is so disgusting but goddamn she is hot as shit.