Post stuff you remember growing up that wouldn't be allowed in the current year.
Post stuff you remember growing up that wouldn't be allowed in the current year
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The truth.
Smoking indoors in public.
Fast food places, the mall, movie theaters, all had ashtrays.
I don't understand
what about this wouldn't be allowed?
Rubbish bins at train stations.
Ah well, at least we have diversity.
white people
anything and everything
Bunch of white people unified. Seems benign but today at least half of them would have to be nog and the other half women.
In Living Color
When I was a kid I was allowed to roam the neighborhood with friends. Just had to be back for dinner.
I doubt kids today know the feeling of freedom.
>concealed carry
>pocket knives
Shooting in the backyard.
You're not allowed to have pocket knives? Wtf Switzerland?
Oh shit... I remember my dad shooting into a stack of yellowpages in a box in the backyard to blow off steam.
Yeah its hard to imagine the demographic change having anything to do with this because thats just racist.
>Be 8
Teacher reads bible stories to class in public school.
I carry pocketknife to school, teacher sees it, holds it through class, gives it back before boarding schoolbus. Same thing would happen with throwing stars.
Yes we still can, it's more a societal thing. People get scared if they see you having a knife on you. If I d'carry the knife like the guy, I would be subject of searches by police constantly.
I carry a knife daily plus other EDC stuff.
Still done often in rural America.
Yeah. And older (over 10) siblings babysitting younger siblings.
>If I d'carry the knife like the guy, I would be subject of searches by police constantly.
For the last 18yrs at least, I've never left the house without pic-related pocketknife clipped inside pocket. Never been asked about it. Even once. Although when I was a city-fag for awhile, some nigs I worked with would question why I carried it when I would pull it out to open boxes or something. Stupid niggers.
A conservative opinion.
So did commercial airlines. You used to have to go to the back of the plane to smoke. Seems hard to believe now.
>Live in California (seriously thinking about moving from this once great state that has turned into a shithole)
>Fireworks - we used to buy them outside every grocery store. Lots of sparklers, firecrackers, M-80's and such. Always a lot of fun. All that fun ended because liberals hate the 4th of July and hate America and anything celebrating it must end. (We used to have huge fireworks shows as well but the city where I live said "it is not in the budget" but they have plenty of money for goddamn faggot parades and niggers and mexican cultural days.
>Lawn Darts - There used to be metal lawn darts that you would throw at targets. Those were fun outdoor games that CHILDREN used to play. Liberals banned those because they were terrified of metal dart thingees that looked scary.
>riding bikes and skateboards and skiing / snowblarding without helmets. Riding motorcycles without helmets. If you wanted to be an idiot and get your brain splattered all over the road then you could. Now it is a nanny state with helicopter moms.
>Relaxing at the park if you are a white male. If you go to the park and just sit down on a park bench there will be calls to the police / sheriff department and they will come up and ask you what you are doing. Helicopter moms panic if a white male comes to the park.
>Smoking in public and in some cases in private
>Yard sale / Garage sale on the weekends. Now those are only allowed one day a month on the first saturday of the month.
> kids sitting in the back of the station wagon or not in "child safety seats".
Land of the free...
>no goyim, packet knives are too dangerous
>now it takes the gun or else it gets the fine again
slipknotfags should never have been allowed
Being honest. Not fetishiizng everything black people do. Making silly jokes. Liking the president.
nigger piles, smear the queer.
we played these things
Good comedy and dark humor.
It's rare to find any dark humor these days that's both funny and popular. I remember comedians and movies would use racist jokes, fat jokes, sexist jokes, jokes about different religions, and jokes about both left and right wing politics. Now it's rare as the kikes have taken full control of the entertainment industry. Although it isn't the funniest show (pretty retarded at times) South Park is the only show i can find that slightly has some dark elements to it without being scrutinized by Liberals, but it has dumbed down over the years for obvious reasons.
>Rational logic
>Decision making
>Bicycle tires
>Personal property
>Children walking to corner store
>nigger piles, smear the queer
How could I forget! Many busted lips, bloodied noses, but the worst was getting the wind knocked out of you and wondering if you were dying.
Playing outside instead of staring at iPads. Using imagination with your friends to do all kinds of shit. To this day, the most immersed I’ve ever been in something fake was when I was playing war or cops and robbers or castles with my friends as a kid. Minecraft and YouTube just isn’t the same for kids.
Lawn darts. /am old
Starting around the age of 7, I would commonly chase the pretty girls at recess and kiss them when I caught them. Pretty girls never complained, enjoyed the attention. That lasted till about 9 years old, when a heavy, ugly, dykeish girl that was never chased, and used to run interference for the pretty girls, complained.
Even in the 80's, even grade school age, ugly chicks were still ruining things for everyone else.
Of course nowadays I would probably be suspended from school.
Kiss chase? It was the other way round though girls would chase the boys
This, but it still applies in many White rural areas.
Interesting to me is when I grew up in the 1970s no one worried if we disappeared into the Jersey Meadows for a day so long as we got back for supper. I lived in a very nice neighborhood but children were tacitly expected not to be stupid. It wasn't even discussed. It didn't NEED to be discussed.
We used to ride the trains into NYC to buy weed (this was when NYC had ~1200 murders a YEAR!) but we had no troubles because we didn't start shit. Now the place is peaceful and gentrified but the fear is ridiculous. We'd ride our bicycles up to fifty miles away, just cruising out of curiosity.
Baa baa black sheep
The US is your birthright. I thank the military for moving me around the world and detaching me from home, but in my day you were fucking expected to see the world and make something of yourself. My peers mostly did that and those I'm still in contact with are prosperous and comfy.
Everyone should leave their birthplace no matter how comfy. It makes you more experienced at life. You can't download that.
going through airport security without being surprise cavity searched by a perpetually angry negress
This movie.
Doors being left unlocked at night. It was still the case when I grew up, but old-timers around here will tell you that when THEY were young, if you couldn't find a place to sleep you could actually enter someone's house at night, sleep on the floor and no one thought doing that was an issue - you'd probably even get offered morning coffee when the owners woke up.
One of my favorite nooks growing up was called "ten little nigger boys"
Also, riding bikes just for the sake of riding bikes. Doesn't seem like kids do it anymore.
Comedians that are actually funny.
This sounds both fun and scary.
I love to hear the life stories of random strangers. I'd also love to shoot anyone that illegally enters my home. How did old timers not end up putting and axe in some random stranger's head?
Pic related
High trust community. It wasn't until urban areas grew large and "diverse" that people really stopped trusting strangers to have good intentions. And that still isn't the case in rural areas where everyone knows each other - they tend to be hospitable as fuck even to people they've never met before.
Brer Rabbit
Baa Baa Blacksheep
British Bulldogs
Smoking in a restaurant
Getting lifts with strangers, and apparently even the show Friends, is racist by today's standard
Quite a few episodes of Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry are probably racist assholes by modern standards
I still do this, but I also live on 10 acres.
No seatbelts, firing a 357 magnum into the hill behind my friend's house
Dukes of Hazzard
Must be a different culture. I live in a small town (didn't grow up here) and never heard of anything equivalent.
>Ace Ventura
Bad guy is a mustacio'd man who went undercover as a women who was the chief of police.
>Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Then Ace exposes her as a man by ripping off all of her clothes and turning her around to see the bulge of his dick taped back between his buttcheeks
>does this in front of all of his/her employees
Telling a girl that I like her without being accused of rape.
I grew up going to a white majority rural school, gun racks with guns in your pickups and everyone had a pocket knife just out if practicality. No shootings or stabbings ever. Don't you could get away with that now
Yee haw!!! Everybody around here loved the Dukes when I was growing up.
watched this with my 10 year old and he didn't get it...
fuck society today.
they're fucking with my kids heads.
i promise to do my part to help him emerge okay.
I remember Rambo 3
>Rambo goes to Afghanistan
>Joins terrorists living in caves
>Trains them
>Helps terrorists fight invading Russian forces
>End credits dedicate movie to brave Afghan freedom fighters
Girls dressing relatively modestly and still being attractive and distinctly feminine.
PB Max. God fucking dammit, I'd sell a kidney for these to make a come back.
>were proud of our world famous Swiss Army knives
>Don't you fucking dare carry one though or we'll throw you in jail and give your house to Malala Halalbalala
That code for anal?
Ace Ventura
Homosexuality is still around, sir.
When gays and trannies were comedic.
fistfighting was almost a daily occurrence in our school… one on one, no biting or hair pulling/nut kicking, when someone had enough you won… nobody ratted - even the losers. Teachers were seldom interested anyway. It was a coming of age test your metal pecking order thing… it actually helped build character to learn how to take a beating.
Now you can't even raise your voice without getting sent to the principals office.
When there was people with egotism, you were allowed to disgree with them, now if you so much as annoy them you will be attacked, arrested for made-up reasons and shat out of existence. In the past people that were egotistical and hedonistic had enough ration to allow people to disagree, now it is like confronting a bear in the wilderness, how these people get inwardly. At some point in the recent past history jumped the shark in regard to these things.
And guys would dress like this and everyone thought it was stylish.
Calling everyone "faggots" and "gay" when they did something lame.
Me and my brother were trying to sell holiday greenery to this Jewish guy as part of a fund raising effort for Boy Scouts. When he shut the door on us, we joked about him being a money grubber. This made my father platinum mad.
Power Rangers was always just a bunch of American drama bullshit latched on to a Japanese sentai show. It always looked like just what it was - a bunch of completely unrelated scenes mashed into a single show. That being said, I will never stop laughing at the fact that there is a "white power ranger".
sides bursting LOLOL i remember getting blind sided and falling straight on my back couldnt breathe, thought i was literally dying...LOLOL
Not from my childhood, but Obligatory.
5k isn't a small town. That's a small city.
I grew up in a small town, 800 souls. Eeveryone leaves their doors unlocked. I mean, if someone needs help and you're not there and it's all locked up, how are they gonna get that help then?
get your faggot shit outta here
this KKK nigga on howard stern is all everyone needs to see
Carrying a gun with you without everyone freaking out
It said not allowed in current year, faggot.
without looking thought FOR SURE that the vid was going to be Alan talking about ladyboys. hmm ok...
>yeah good goyim be a degenrate and give me your money
who could be behind this...
Remember all the old slang? Radical, tubular, awesome, da bomb, tight, fresh, fine, etc.
Being a straight white male.
My gf-in-high-school's little brother brought a .357 to school to show off his Christmas gift to buddies
I also remembered another story told to me by another old-timer. Kids would do all kinds of shit that would probably get them placed in foster homes today
>throwing live rounds into campfires and seeing them go off in random directions just for lulz
>using explosives to fish
>everyone over 12 years old carried a survival knife on them at all times
I also remember "gnarly" being an American term for something being cool
Those forearms are like 20 years older than the rest of her
Dont rounds need the barrel to actually be propelled anywhere?
Toy guns.