I think Shinka can destroy 70% of Sup Forums in a fight

I think Shinka can destroy 70% of Sup Forums in a fight.

She can destroy my dick

>only 70%
Your faith is too low

At the same time? Yes.

She can destroy me with her pussy

and go for a beer with her afterwards?

70% sounds about right.

Isn't she underage?

She's actually like 500 years old.

I wanna gangbang Shinka

Could you beat Shinka in a drinking competition?

What are we drinking?

t. slav

Whisky, shots. First one to black out loses, leaving your chair is a forfeit.

I got a dog, I can win against her.

She would still beat the other 30% but it'll be a close fight.

Iie, I've been trained by my wife, there is no way I can lose.


I'll shank that Shinka if she comes too close

With her boobies, right?


The bigger the are the harder they fall

My money is on Shinka.

I'd challenge Shinka to a duel where the winner gets my semen.