White Americans literally have no culture.
White Americans have no culture
Other urls found in this thread:
t. Envious non-white
>british culture
redneck kind of is a culture tough
mud races, language, hairstyles
its all there
>everything in that article is totally made up
>if it isn't, i will claim that the culture had roots elsewhere, implying it's not "their" culture
>totally not a shill thread
British culture has all but been raped out of them by Muslims and progressive. Don’t feel bad, the same thing happened to us around the 70’s with desegregation and the liberal hippy movement
More cultured than you Mohammed
>british "culture"
>The culture of the United States of America is primarily Western, but is influenced by African, Native American, Asian, Polynesian, and Latin American cultures.
The very first sentence is made up. Real American culture is WASP culture and nothing more. It IS African culture now because Americans absolutely cannot help themselves but to slurp nigger cum and give them money for making barely intelligible sounds into a microphone attached to an input in some Jewish producer's studio somewhere, but America owes all of its success to its European people and the only real American is an Anglo, but since times are tough I'll make concessions to the rest of you white faggots who showed up on shores later looking to make a lot of money.
sandniggers have no culture and niggers have no history.
Must suck being a functionally retarded inbred subhuman
American culture created the internet. Now fuck off you lime
>I'm bigoted against whites, and yes that fits the definition
fuck off limey
whites have far more culture than jews like you will ever have.
False, but white culture (in the US) is pretty garbage.
>No Culture
>Continually winning space race
Have fun staying on earth in 100 years pooreurofags
Haha this
Fuck America
kek. saved.
Do you think "Southern Hospitality" is just some bullshit someone came up with? We're smarter, more virtuous, and not to mention better looking than the rest of the country. We fucking made OUR OWN CULTURE you beans and toast eating degenerate.
Maybe once you finally fuck off we can finally stop getting everyone involved in wars for Israel and establish a new dominant world power whose institutions aren't completely subverted by Jews. Take your pet Africans with you, fat fuck.
>I don't know about something so it doesn't exist
>No culture
>posts stereotype