Other urls found in this thread:
>ayo gibs me dat
the meme is real
>Petition Asks Marvel To Give 25 Percent Of ‘Black Panther’ Profits To Black Communities
Can we all refer to BLACK PANTHER as COAL TIGER as was his original name
>propping up niggers for 300 years
who the fuck cant afford a movie ticket
KEK they are barking up the wrong tree if they expect disney to share its shekels with goyim
why don't the big movie companies just give black viewers a discount if they care so much?
>assumes black people are too poor to afford a movie ticket
just how racist is this author?
if ever there was a thing you guys would want to start accelerating, this petition is it. being pressured into giving 25% percent of their profit or suffering bad press from the left over it would ensure that Disney never makes a movie like that again.
because they're in it too look like they care, and hoover up some cash from a group of people who would never go to a marvel film any other time. it will bomb in Asia and they'll ride of their greatness for a while and how progressive they are for making it.
We already do
That's how the virus spreads!
Movies aren't the sort of ticket I'd be willing to chip in to buy them.
Blacks suck so bad, they still need a handout from whitey.
you know I just found that petition and it doesn't even have 800 signatures. this is about as fake news as you can get.
He/she/it/xir is probably black or transnigger so it's not really racism to ask for gibs or assume that
I like that US blacks think they deserve some of the money that could go to helping "their" cultural homeland, but instead they just want free money.
I'll buy them one way tickets back to apefrica
Stop making shit up mate
>It would probably be a real headline in the coming future unfortunately
Things must be really really bad if we can't discern satire/jokes from what niggers would really do
Stop posting this shit fag
are even Sjws starting to be fed up with shit at this point or are they drinking the koolaid even harder? 75% of all articles relating to "PoC" read like a parody somebody on Sup Forums would write, the memes are not only becoming real they are transcending themselves
Did Bill Bradley really write this OP then delete it? It’s not on HuffPo & I wanted to throw up going to HuffPo
I've taken too many black pills and become angry for satire or jokes anymore. I feel nothing but fury now.
this one is though