EMIYA best Fate girl now.
Saberfags BTFO
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For those wondering why the numbers are so low, it's because only the TM content creators were allowed to vote.
Supposedly Kirei got 14th place, and Sakura beat Rin.
Tell me about the Red Man.
Why does he wear red?
Hardly surprising.
>can cook
>pretty much a perfect housewife
>not cute
>can't cook
>only exists to devour people's hopes and dreams
Sasuga TM.
Takeuchi about to law down the law on those content creators.
>Shiki best girl
It was the right decision
>only the TM content creators were allowed to vote.
>Ryougi Shiki wins
As expected from the Masters.
>Yet, those hands will never hold anything
>So as I pray, Unlimited Saber Works
Takeuchi can go fuck himself with Sabers sword.
>rest of results still not posted
He already does
>delicious deep voice
>inhuman physical and katana skills
>has OP ability
>is gentle person fighting her instinct to inflict death upon everything
>is fulfilled person, married to her husband, devoted, dedicated mother to her daughter
>is at the head of a huge organization inherited from her parents
>her series is much better
Fatefags BTFO KnK wins.
Who cares.
Best girl has been decided.
I wanna know the rest since Fate characters dominated the entire rest of the poll
I'd rather not have more Fate/shitposting
>Sakura beat Rin
Supposedly. It's best to wait for the results though.
>Fate characters dominated the entire rest of the poll
Source on that?
Previous thread. A few anons were posting nip tweets and one stated that Shiki came first by a landslide, but that the rest of the poll was supposedly dominated by Fate characters.
This is so fucking stupid. Why would this bitch win when Saber is so much better?
Ah, I remember now
>Saber better than Shiki.
user please.
Close enough.
Saber is going to always be the face of TM.
>500 votes
Never mind this poll is laughable.
Did you not read the second post? This isn't a fan poll, this is one for only TM content creators meaning the staff.
I find it hard to believe they have 500+ staff. It's the doujin content creators.
Even her creators don't think she's best girl.
What about Arc? Only she can save us from a Fate dominated poll.
Can you please fuck off back to >>>/reddit/ and die
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
The fuck are you on?
Don't know. A few nip tweets were posted, and on stated that Arc got 7th while other stated Fate characters dominated the poll.
I got it wrong. It's not the staff, but the doujjn content creators like stated.
Is that the new Type moon magazine? Anything about Tsukihime on it?
rude, lets all eat some ice cream bro
shiki best girl
>This isn't a fan poll, this is one for only TM content creators meaning the staff.
>Saber doesn't get first place.
>Even her creators don't think she's best girl.
It's not hard to understand.
Reading comprehension you fucking retard
Not staff, but doujin content creators. I automagically thought it meant staff so that's my bad.
>being btfo so soon
I'm glad that Arc is still fairly popular. Gives me hope that one day Nasu will get off his fat ass and do the fucking remake
I admitted by mistake with the staff thing , and didn't go around saying "SABER BTFO".
I just hope they lock Takeuchi in a basement somewhere.
Best girl wins again.
btfo at what exactly?
Goddamnit not this shit again. Honestly, the redesigns don't bother me. IMO, the maids look even better, and while the loss of the granny skirt is a tragedy, I feel like Takeuchi has enough technical finesse now to make it look alright.
Also, it's not that everything turns into Saber, it's that he basically has the ability to draw like two types of faces, and the most common thing he draws is Saber.
Why are you posting an educated prostitute with tits full of dickworms and calling her best girl?
Takeuchi is basically the soul behind Tsukihime nigga
Wait until the rest of the results are confirmed before causing a shitstorm user.
You're practically asking for Sakurahaters to attack you.
>not cute
Maybe if you're gay
more like sane individuals who don't want worms swimming up their dicks
Wait for the rest of the results. If Sakura is lower than Rin then people that hate her are going to shit up the thread, and this is coming from a Sakurafag.
What is with this retardation? There's no fucking boogieman, not everyone goes around specifically hating a fucking character, some people just don't like Sakura.
And that's fine, but posting stuff like is just asking for shitposting.
As long as he doesn't change the maids too much I guess I will be content.
>Dark Sakura
>full of dickworms
Oh good, instead of dickworms she's just full of All the Evils of the World. Faaantastic.
Some part of me wants EMIYA to be the main servant in Last Encore,
I really hope EMIYA is the servant of Hakunon and that they have a big role in the series at some point.
Cockto is a faggot who doesn't deserve Shiki.
It feels wrong though. Ahcha should only be with Rin or Saber
Why do people always get so triggered about Sakura? It's always lel "wormslut" xd, and some Sakurafags are no better and post trollbait shit like that.
Archer should be with Cu.
But Hakunon belongs to Gil.
Oh boy here come the Wormslut shitters.
>implying any version of Shirou will be able to stick with one woman
I can't wait to hear Matsuki voice Hisui in the remake!
Fujo go away
There's nothing wrong with calling Sakura wormslut though, other characters get called shit all the time
What about some friendly rivalry?
Fuck off
Heaven's Feel is pretty faithful
Probably boning Rider on the side.
>Sakura 14th place
You are my nigger
People continue to do it because people continue to react.
It's hard being a Sakurafag and seeing other people react to literally any insult others throw at her.
Just ignore and move on.
Don't know and don't care. I don't bother with shitposters and people who are dead set in hating and misunderstanding/twisting her character to fit their agenda.
If they hate her then so be it, but I don't get why they get so annoyed over other people liking her.
>Sakurahaters are STILL using that one image from the DEEN anime
Got the rest of the results?
>[citation needed]
>my waifu at the top
Fatefags btfo, how will they ever recover?
Because you have fags like
Post the results. We've been waiting. Did Arc get 7th?
>Emiya x Hakuno
Not canon. It's Shirou so he can only be shipped with Saber/Rin/Sakura.
I don't believe any are wide distributed. We'd have to wait a couple of days for more scans, I think. Also this poll doesn't really matter since it's just a couple hundred people at best, and a lot of them fujos.
>getting annoyed over people liking something you don't like
Then who does Hanukon get shipped with?
Supposedly Shiki won by a lot so I imagine the lower rankings have less votes. The TM content creators were only allowed to vote by the way.
My bad, meant to link to