I get that their IQs are low and they invented virtually nothing but what caused it? Is it because African survival was easier than in Europe or Asia? Also, why are they so much more violent? What caused them to have such high T and Est levels compared to us? Is it all environmental factors from evolution?
Why are black people so dumb?
I dunno. Maybe because Europeans have invaded their land, enslaved them, deprived them of jobs and education, and discriminated against them for centuries?
I know you want to reply to the bait, dont.
And what did they do before then? Build a mudhut?
If Africa was ever actually an advanced continent they would've been able to fend for themselves. Hell they're still sitting on piles and piles of diamonds, lumber, coal and oil and are still massacring each other every other week.
They never received an upgrade. Also they were punished for their degeneracy and early betrayal of God and being in cahoots with the fallen angels. Hence why their skin turned black as a sign that they were cursed.
>why aren't people STILL attempting to recover from colonialism doing large scale mining?
>waaah muh evil Europeans
The Arab slave trade had a much larger impact you Marxist dildo
they did that to themselves even before euro intervention. when euros showed up, it became profitable to the domestic slavers and, subsequently, external entities. stop omitting this information.
I'm not sure we really know, but let me throw a just-so story out there:
Surviving in Europe was harder and people developed more complex social structures to deal with it. It was the need to succeed and rise to the top (only 40% of men who ever lived had children, and they were usually the ones on top) to reproduce within a more complex society that drove selection for intelligence more strongly in Europe as compared to Africa.
>have invaded their land,
How, wouldn't they all die of malaria like they did until rather recently?
If anything their life became better after Europeans came, freed them from the clutches of Arab slave traders and tried to show them civilisation
Says the man with the donkey flag
Poor breeding practices while evolving in an environment that simply provided everything to them.
Africa is a rich country in terms of wildlife and abundant food. There's no struggle when compared to the harsher climates of northern Europe where only the smart and strong survive.
What's wrong with taking that bait, seriously.
Shouldn't we wack that mole every time it pops up?
Plus from what I've read, Neanderthals had higher intelligence, meaning people with higher Neanderthal DNA had higher intelligence.
Why aren't they just renting out their intelligence?
If Africans just became programmers, engineers and scientists
they could recover from all that colonialism pretty quick right?
I wonder why they haven't done that yet.
But higher intelligence is born from better (natural selection) breeding practices.
This is true.
The reason whites and jews are smarter on average is thanks to women, mainly.
Among us, intelligence is considered attractive.
Thus most smart whites and smart jews actually breed.
Intelligence is considered selling out, acting white and being a faggot; among blacks.
Neanderthals lived in Europe for thousands of years before Sapiens, I'm saying whites got a boost from that
They didn't even take that much lol. Africa still has practically mountains of diamonds and other resources, colonialism didn't "rape" the land as you Democucks complain about.
Fact: Africa would be much more technologically and socially behind if white Europeans never interacted there.
They were inferior due to the environment of africa not requiring a high intellect, but i think welfare has also had an impact on their genes, by allowing the dumbest of them to breed like cockroaches
I seriously cannot believe that the niggers i read about in books in the early 1900's or earlier centuries are anywhere near as dumb as these fucking worthless coons running around today, its completely insane, they've just about devolved to a point where they're worse than animals
>breeding practices.
isnt this called artificial selection
I have the same impression, the nigs from 100 years ago were less degenerate
nah cuz trolling is a art form