>mfw people deny the holocaust ever happened yet there are piles and piles of evidence proving it actually happened
Mfw people deny the holocaust ever happened yet there are piles and piles of evidence proving it actually happened
It happened but it was mostly Poland.
show me the piles and piles of bodies and I will rethink my stance on it.
I wont hold my breath.
sage this slide thread
It's not that NOTHING happened, it's just the official story is pretty much bullshit
Jew shill Holocaust happened and the Jews bounced back bigger than before, this is a deflection practice to stop talk of what really went on during WW2
Most of the denial is denial of the scale, not denial of an event occurring at all.
Do some research and you'll see that perhaps 5% as many people were killed during the Holocaust as your 8th grade (I'm assuming here, since you still believe it) history teach taught you.
>doesn't post any
My grandfather survived the masturbation coasters. And I bet these Nazi cowards on Sup Forums wouldn't DARE deny such atrocities to his face.
Dig up the so called mass graves and show me the bones, and the DNA tests to prove they are ashkenazim.
Oh wait you can;t because they're sacred burial sites? Cemeteries get move around all the time not these they're special.
Shut the fuck up about evidence, the camps were there because kikes are traitors to the country.
They all get forced to work and kept from undermining the war effort because judea literally declared war on germany, same thing happened with the nips in america
did you not just see the picture of the bodies?
The question is does it really matter that it happened? Th
>100% perfect decomposed skull
>not russian propaganda photo
People died from starvation and typhus due to allied bombing of supply routes, what we're denying is the systematic genocide of a race because Hitler didn't like the very much, despite the plan to send them to madagascar being record and the final solution not existing
>starved malnourished bodies at the end of the war
show me the gassed ones you faggot. Not the ones that died due to allied bombing of German infrastructure.
Who took this photo? Where was it taken? How did these people die? What ethnicity and religion are these people?
Imagine a number so large that if you were to write it down so that every digit occupied only a single cubic plank, before you're a fraction of the way writing it you'll have filled the entire observable universe with digits. That is how many jews died during the holocaust.
nothing triggers Sup Forums more than jews, nothing. Your hatred of jews is the one thing that will always hold you back and make you easy to right off by most people not on Sup Forums. whens the last time any of you could openly rant about jews in public or with your friends and family? Sup Forums is your antisemitic hugbox
all of these are questions nobody asks about any other historical genocide. If the primary victims were not jews, none of you would doubt the extant of the dead
Just because it is not acceptable in our heavily semetically influenced society does not make it untrue
Please be baiting. A picture of ten dead bodies in black and white are proof of what exactly?
Confederates in the civil war had mass graves full of union troops but noone claims they were the victims of genocide, or intentionally killed. People die in wars
Typically what 'deny the holocaust ever happened' actually means is 'I do not think that we are getting the full story and that things are exaggerated and taken out of context in order to support a narrative'.
>piles and piles of evidence proving it actually happened
all of which were debunked
>deny the holocaust ever happened
Almost no one does this. Most of the Holocaust was a lie.
anyone can just say "fake news" and right off any evidence of anything now. thanks, 2016
No other genocide is illegal to deny. Spooky huh?
The nazis were very disciplined archivers. They made notes/logs/entries of everything. Nowhere in the world is there a nazi document that explicitly states "kill all jews and round them up in camps."
Kys kike. sage
t. roastie
In Turkey the Armenian one is. also doesnt address my point. you seem to doubt the holocaust just to be contrarians
i never hated jews until i had spent about 5 years on Sup Forums and youtube seeing them go around calling for the extinction of white people or white guilt, claiming themselves to be white, until it was inconvenient to them, then theyd identify as a jew
hundreds, possibly thousands
then the other kikes, who say they're the master race
every single news article written about some disgusting degenerate shit, like one about how bestiality should be normalized, written by a fucking kike every time
if you dont hate jews at this point its because you're a fucking retard who is trying to avoid the truth and hasnt been on Sup Forums very much for very long
the fucking rothschilds alone own like half of all wealth and they're openly jewish, it amazes me that jews heads arent all on pikes already
Name one genocide that hasn't been questioned. Also can you point to other genocides where it is illegal to question them.
>>mfw people deny the holocaust ever happened yet there are piles and piles of evidence proving it actually happened
What is a Jew without The Holocaust(tm)?
>fake news
No, they were debunked. Fake implies they were maliciously made up. So are you trying to tell us you know its debunked but lie on purpose?
How rude
Piles and piles of proof that only 250 000 died and there was no mass extermination
Provide a single document. Signed by the official ranking members of the NSDAP stating in any way shape or form the intent to enact a final solution wherein jews were systematically murdered.
Any scrap of paper work. Take your time
Next maybe for bonus points justify why one of the core nuremberg trial stipulations was that
>Evidence is not necessary to establish guilt
Mfw people wont shut the fuck up about shit that happened 5 fucking decades ago.
>The Holocaust(tm)?
The Holocaust™
I hate mac/phone users
7 decades
Mfw people wont shut the fuck up about shit that happened 5 fucking decades ago.
Unless you lived through it personally, take it with a grain of salt. The further back it goes in time the more magical the story becomes
Whoops. Wrong fucking video. But still relivant.
lmao, no no no we just deny germanys involvement. those were all polish death camps
anyone can just say "real news" and write anything and call it evidence now. thanks, all of recorded history.
>what is an origin myth
If the holoHOAX was for real, why so many lies about it?
Lies like the one that had Jew ashes/fat used to make soap? Turned out to be a lie. The one that had Jew skin used to make lampshades? The one that had giant electrical mats used to electrocute Jews? Both LIES. The one that said Bergen-Belsen had homicidal gas chambers? The one that had the shrunken Jew heads? Both LIES. The one that said steam chambers were used to kill Jews? That a secret Death Ray killed 20,000 at Ausshitz. Both LIES. The one that said electrified water vats were used at Belzec and one that said 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz? Both LIES, since that number dropped to a little over one million, and that included non-Jews.
Then there's the LIES about Majdanek, which originally claimed around 600,000 dead Juden, but now the number has dropped to around 70K. And my fav, the one that said DER EVEL Nazis used a huge electric chair, capable of frying 10,000 Jews at once at Ausshitz.
So if they LIED about Ausshitz and Majdanek, why and what else did the holoHOAX liars LIE about? And where did all these holoHOAX survivors come from?
Retard. The answer to this is simple if you LISTEN like you're supposed. The Nazis found out that blood was combustable. Effectively increasing the heat of their ovens a thousands fold. This coupled with their ability to shove 10+ jews into a single oven at a time allowed them to burn the bodies in mere minutes (It was necessary to use women since they had more fat on their bones which increased the temperatures even further). In short. 10.000+ bodies could be cremated in a matter of seconds.
There's a fucking typo in the first sentence. If you want to be taken seriously at least proofread your shit.
>muh nuclear secret powers
>muh using nuclear magic to instantly destroy a 10m cube of bodies
Only more depressing thing I remember some jews actually trying to use the above as their new excuse.
Google "is it illegal to deny" and see all the results that pop up. Then think about it for a bit
Pic related
>Show the gassed bodies
Interesting that the OP has chosen to completely ignored your comment. I wonder why?
You forgot the best
>Open air cremators where the sheer mass of bodies caused the inside to turn to 10.000C+ furnace which liquified all bodies and ashes instantly (if sufficient women and children were added)
thats why theres no ashes :^)
This isn't a fucking youtube video. Learn your shit.
OP disapears.
OPs leftypol retard shill friend disapears
all that remains is one staunch shill. the typo-finder. here to fag around and avoid any actual debate because of the ease with which the holocaust can be disproven
>desperate attempt at deflection
shill tactics have gotten absurdly stale
Show me one video of it happening.
sources familiar with the matter have debunked the holocaust.
>When a shill tries to meme
You dumb fuck, the Turks deny the Armenian holocaust.
This. And this
I can't tell if you're baiting or not. Explain how 11 million people died due to bombing of infastructure.
Note to self, always refer to posts as 'comments' because it triggers loser faggots.
You got piles and piles of bodies?
Also before anyone brings up the trials at nuremburg, look up testimony under duress. They had to admit the holocaust happened or else they would be executed.
I think the mental retard meant to say "To claim the armenian genocide happened is illegal". He's too stupid to know anything about actual history though. Ergo, he believes the holocaust happen
Typhus, food shortages. This has been infinitely well documented.
>11 million people died
You mean 16 million anti-semite
How can you possibly deny thousands of first hand account pointing to the same story.
That's because this is a slide thread.
oh shit, Stasi got him befor he could finish his spurious thought
>2.6million jews in german controlled lands
>after holocaust 3.8 million holocaust surviving jews pull pension from germany
>shame about the 6 million that were killed though
lmao. lets discuss some first hand accounts
>masterbation machines
>prince of persian knife killing rooms
>rollercoaster that brought you into a gas chamber
>BABIES that were forced to drown their PARENTS
>Giant electrical chair that could kill 10.000+ at a time
>dogs trained to rape and castrate
>blood used as jet fuel
so many first hand accounts. i assume you believe all of the above right? because if not you're a holocaust denier
bait/slide/shill thread as per the norm on this board
How come the food shortages come directly after Hitler comes to power and invades Poland? Did an alien come and suck up all the food?
>deny something that never happened
Why do you deny the Holocaust didn’t kill all the Jews in Europe?
Wow, that's like 20 dead people. Just 5999980 missing.
™ is option+2 on a mac keyboard, or on the symbols page of an iphone emoji keyboard.
Sounds like a windows and android problem.
>Did an alien come and suck up all the food?
I'm not sur if you're familiar. But shortly after hitler invaded Poland a huge war broke out in Europe. Nuts right? But it's true. It happened. Huge war. In Europe. Coincidental I know but it did happen. People often refer to this as "World War II". Because previously there was another big war in europe called "World War I". This resulted in a lot of material shortages for germany due to a combined 3 global empires attacking it from multiple fronts and bombing its supply lines.
Their families would also be targeted as well. Remember Dresden?
Look I believe the number of people who died in the Holocaust it exaggerated and most people did not die from concentration camps. But denying the Holocaust all together is just retarded. There are literally camps you can visit ( I've been to Auschwitz ) where you can see where everything happened.
Jews orchestrated the holohoax.
Pic related
Then explain why non Jewish people had food but Jews didn't?
I mean a phone post screencap works too I guess; at least now I can have some variant saved.
>we have prisoners
>we have actual citizens
>who do we choose to feed when theres a food shortage?
Do you; when running low on food choose to give it to your prison or do you feed yourself?
I would shoot your lying kike of a grandfather in his lying face
>There are literally camps you can visit ( I've been to Auschwitz ) where you can see where everything happened.
So you're saying you saw the masterbation machine, the prince of persian spinning blades room, and the giant electrical chair that could kill 10.000+ jews at a time? Or or you implying you saw some video footage of the gas chambers being used to kill people despite the doors not being sealable. You saw that the gas wasn't use to delouse to deal with the terrible typhus issue going around all of Europe at the time? Amazing. Truly. Amazing
Everyone was starving. The camps were low priority relative to the needs of the army. As should be expected since jews had instigated the november crime which cost germany its pride, nation, life, and self determination.
old german story from 1943
>woman walks by me with chunk of meat
>she says they are giving away meat down the street
>go to see what because hungry
>no food
>see horse in middle of road dead of exhaustion
>people are cutting chunks off and handing it out
Did happened but not to the extent and with many of the more macabre or cruel details that are regularly portrayed. No Skin made lamps no tattoo collecting, etc. No six million, many less...
Ok so in Germany people were starving for whatever reason so only Jewish Germans decided to give all of their food so they can't survive. How come the Aryans didn't give all their food? You are basically saying Jews are more nationalistic towards Germany than Aryans.
I wouldn't be surprised if they did. It's been weaponized in every manner to destroy the west.
>Free labor during war time
>I know, let's expend immense labor and energy killing them
>The coal to fuel the furnaces ALONE would be impossible to source during war time
How retarded can one lie be
The fuck kind of meta-level retard posting is this.
You going to answer the question? It's really weird how only Jews died during a famine don't you think?
That is the laziest shill tactic I've ever seen in my fucking life. Do they teach you all how to debate or just fling stupidity at the wall and hope people aren't paying attention?
>jews were round up
>jews therefore had any access to anything at all in regards to provisioning out resources
Kek. This. It's like he tried to have a thought and it caused a massive train wreck in his mind.
how retarded is it considering it has helped to push jewish interests for decades without people questioning it?
Why do you assume only Jews died?