ITT we say nice things about Indians

ITT we say nice things about Indians.
I'll go first.

Out of all the peoples that we foolishly allowed to settle in the UK, you guys have by far been the least problematic, and I'd even go as far as saying that, as long as your birth rates don't get too out of control, you're always welcome in Britain.

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Fuck off Pajeet

This is a fair assessment, I


sikhs are ok

They utterly ruined every Subway eatery here in the States. Good thing I prefer Fire House Subs or Jimmy Johns to Subway.

Most Indians I've met have been well educated, hard working and assimilate fairly well, it's the muslim refuse in this country that are the second class citizens. Unfortunately Indians sometimes get confused with muslims which is a shame.

A million times more preferable to niggers
Even accounting for the designated shitting street

Indians assimilate well, work hard, don't sit on their asses collecting welfare and keep to themselves.

I only have a problem with fucking arabs and niggers.

Your people could learn something from their origins, Sven

Indians > Southpacific Asians > Middleastern
this is this shitskin hierarchy

Out of all the Immigrants to America, they have been the most financially and academically successful. They also have good food.

Nah we learn rape from arabs

You have to go back rajesh

Can you unlearn cuck from Latvians?

This. Arabs and Niggers are two sides of the same coin, they are violent and will gang rape anyone

Smoking weed and killing people with tomahawks is top tier culture.

Only good Indians are the ones who aren't Muslims


bullshit. pajeets are a pain in the ass every tine they set foot in a store.

t. never been to Southall

i think hes talking about the 7/11 kind, not the red dots

Poo desporia detected.
Indians are without exception ugly, smelly, creepy, socially awkward, unreliable, lazy and dumb but most of all fucking arrogant as shit.
Get the fuck out of my country's universities you subhumans turds.


what kind of 4D jewish chess is this?


>you guys have by far been the least problematic
Not sure about Britain, but in the USA that Mass Effect turbo anti-white was a Pajeet, so is the current CEO of google.

Because India exported its elite to the USA. That's not representative of your average Indian at all.


You fucking idiot the 7/11 kind ARE the red dots.

Poo are OK in small doses, just don't let them form ghettoes as it will shitting streets for them soon enough.

They also have funny names

Poo desporia detected.
Indians are without exception ugly, smelly, creepy, socially awkward, unreliable, lazy and dumb but most of all fucking arrogant as shit.
Get the fuck out of my country's universities you subhumans turds.

Indians are just dark whites.


Thanks for the zer0. Maths wouldn’t be the same without it.

>I'd even go as far as saying that, as long as your birth rates don't get too out of control, you're always welcome in Britain
pic related, the future of the Thames River

I love when you guys set Muslims on fire.

The chocolate bars in Indian stores are always melted.

I'm sure your description fits some Indians, yet even the worst Indian is still a 1000x more desirable than inbred muslim trash, I'm sure you'd agree.

Cry more white-bitch baby. We are happy to dominate every single industry in America, Australia, Britain, Canada, Spain because we can. White people are stupid, black people are stupid, Euros are stupid, Mexicans are stupid, and chinks/gooks are smart but they have to study 5x more than we do.

Just accept that America is like playing a video game on lowest difficulty for Indians.

We don't even have to try to beat everyone else in America.

Even the dumbest Indians in America become millionaires by owning gas stations and motels.

BRB the entire medical field is full of Indians
BRB tech is full of Indians
BRB law is full of Indians
BRB Indians taking over Wall Street
BRB all your businesses, schools, white bitches now all belong to Indians

LMAO white people always comment on the state of India and how the average Indian IQ is low as fuck because illiterate villagers are lumped into that calculation. They have nothing else to come at us with because they know that we completely murder them in every way when given American opportunities.

Enjoy being brainlets, non-Indians. An Indian person in America can accomplish ANYTHING that he or she wants to. It is quite simply the most amazing feeling in the world.

Meanwhile, white people have to "discover" themselves and all this bullshit LMAOOO just LMAOOOO.


Indians are unironically good immigrants. At least here in Britain. Put it this way, if they were the only non-whites in this country, I wouldn't be on Sup Forums.

dmitry pls

hindoostan has 180 million mudslimes, bang up job streetshitting rag heads.

theyre good at shitting

They may all be stinky autist with inferiority complexes, but I’ll take them crawling all over my campus over niggers, any day.
>safest campus in the US
>whites, poos, and chinks only

one night at 3am I ran over some debris on a highway that got lodged underneath my car

multiple cars drove past as I tried to dislodge it

only a poo stopped to help

Indian girls are cute and have pretty voices

Eh? I'm not against Indians, my original point was Indians can sometimes wrongly be mistaken for muslim garbage in my country, which is a problem they face.

>you're always welcome in Britain.
If you don't mind breathing them in that is

they respect animals

She-pajeets are kind of qt. Would wife.

Sikhs are BASED

we are numba #1. now have some more curry

>Still shit in the street.

Then how come India is a complete shithole?

the low hairline around the forehead always freaks me out


Jew here. Indians are our allies against our enemies.

Based Hindus. The ones here in the UK are bro-tier because they conspire with us to take over UK business.

Indian food is amazing, and I mean real Indian cuisine, not that Bangladeshi bastardized ''''Indian'''' dogshit

Pretty sure those will all be bangladeshi/pakistani restaurants with associated hygiene problems, plus, if you ever eat halal meat, you only have yourself to blame.

Poos and insects are only driven by pure self interest, and never have any empathy. That is why China and India have such shit environments is because they put themselves above everything in the world., they’re basically Jews except super obvious.

This guy knows.


when push comes to shove, poos will stand with the white man against niggers during the race war. I know this because a poo in loo kicked off a small scale one in a kenyan boarding school once and all the brits, italians, and poos fought against the niggers until the cops sent in the dogs to grab the nogs.

Bitch lasagna

100% this, I had a gf that was an environmental health officer, she told me stuff that ensured I will never set foot in another Pakistani/Bangladeshi shithole ever again.

There are shitty food outlets in every country serving all manner of foods, just don't eat where you don't trust the cook.

Never in my life have I had a problem with them. They're a bit cheap, their food smells weird to me, some of the guys don't use deodorant correctly, but I'm not going to hate them for any of that. They're mostly peaceful people. Have you heard of an indian going on a killing spree or fucking children or robbing a bank?

I rememeber back in the mid 90s when you types of people were saying that about total niggers.. then it was the cholos in the late 90s.. then it was the hard working "mexi-bros".. You shouldnt judge people without interacting with them. You are obviously doing that about poos. Try to befriend them and interact. Try to get to know them on a semi-close label. Theyll label you a weirdo, pervert and child molester behind your back. You dont know about this do you? They do that, all of them. Just like you didnt know how selfish these hard working mexicans were until they got you fired from your jobs and now openly hate you. Fuck my race, it has the worst, most vital flaw of any race and that is cuckery/false sympathy. It is a flaw worse than any flaw that any other race posses or combination of them. I would rather live in mud huts with nothing to eat and die at 23 than have my world built up like this and then taken away. And still goes on. Whites dont even have a clue, even those red-pilled are only scratching the surface. These people are like Mr. Magoo, its so fucking sad ive had to abandon ship. I would even be nigger if those people accepted me.

TL;DR: They fucking hate you, you brainless, dickless, spineless paddy-ass idiot! Keep seeling our race out.

let me share my amusing encounter with apu the national front member
>be me
>in cornershop run by apu
>negro is arguing extremely aggressively with apu in almost incomprehensible english
>I walk up to the counter and the indian screeches "THIS IS NOT JAMAICA, THIS IS ENGLAND"
>negro leaves sulking
>indian to me "i hate black man they are worse than dogs, they come to this country looking for pennies do you know this"
>"i know this"

There's nothing nice to say about Pajeets. Their literal shit hole country should be nuked off the face of the planet before they produce a disease that wipes out humanity.

>britbong fantasising about how indians should behave when clearly reality is much much different than that but he still thinks any non american will believe this


uhh there's 7 elevens in the UK?

no really i swear this is true
non whites don't all get along together you know

>I will never set foot in another Pakistani/Bangladeshi shithole ever again.
I went to a conference for a talk in Mumbai, stayed at their version of a 'five star' hotel. I ended up getting kicked off the plane in Germany because I was so sick. It took 3 days until I was out of the hospital. Fuck india

Their thick rubbery skin means they make excellent footwear if you got a potent disinfectant

Checked and true.

I only know a few Indians and they are all great people, they love Britain and British people, they hate Muslims and anyone who takes the piss, two of them are Sikhs whose grandfather and father served in the British army with distinction.

I'm not one of these idiots who hates all non-whites, I just hate cunts, it's just that some cultures and races have more than their fair share, Indians are not in that category by my experience.

That's what you get for swimming in sacred ganges you fucking retard.

>I went to a conference for a talk in Mumbai
race traitor

any1 who supports shitskin businesses deserves the shit they get to the realest whites, stay away from non-white businesses


Indians won’t buy property that has an odd number of corners

It was for an international conference on fluidized bed reactor design. I only drank bottled water and ate at the hotel. I knew what a shithole the place was, but had to go because of work. Never again

What kind of superbug? Xenomorph?

All Indians I've met while travelling were savages who couldn't even chew with their mouth closed. Absolutely no manners, loud and smelly.

I guess the food tastes good, but that's all I can say about nice things of Indians.

>I guess the food tastes good
What? They basically eat spiced grass

So sick of this race pandering horseshit. Threads like these just make me hate shitskins even more.

Oh yeah that is actually one thing. So yeah there is that

An ally against the chinks, hence the constant dc chang threads. Also commonwealth member.

This is actually an actual quote isn't it? I mean he was always writing about filthy mongrels and negroes worshipping fishmonsters in his stories after all

I've been getting gangstalked by a group of Indian men in my city for a few months now. This isn't paranoia either I know it is happening and know why. Back in October I got drunk as fuck when I was at the pub alone and ended up shitting myself and vomiting behind a Hindu temple. I am pretty sure some Sikh bloke saw me, and since then they have been stalking me. I see them outside my fucking house, I see them at the supermarket and they disperse when I arrive. I KNOW they are stalking me because I tested them by walking up and down the beef aisle at the supermarket then quickly turning ad they were standing in the beef aisle, all 5 of them, pretending to look at BEEF PRODUCTS. There is no reason for that other than stalking. I've also heard Indians on the phone late at night outside my window, so I know this is happening. I've removed all the spices from my kitche and still smell turmeric and cumin everywhere I go. I hate Indians, fuck them.


Just okay? Sikhs are bro tier, you fool

cuck them and buttfuck their wivez and daughterz you fag

You dun goofed Nige, they're going to shank your ass and leave you bleeding on an alley.

Indians are fucking perverts and the most socially awkward people ever.

That said they're chill and unlike chinks they don't get scared hanging out with non asians.

My dentist is Indian and he has a British accent more British than my own, and he listens to Radio 4.

If only civic nationalism worked like this all the time.

thank you for not saying a word when I buy a Arizona and get out weed money

I never buy fuel from curries as they a sways have dirt and water in their tanks and I'm sure their 98 octane is really 91