Conspiracy theory thread

Give me some conspiracy theory red pills. Send some memes, links to videos, book/ movie recommendations. (Pic related)

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bumping for interest

it will change your mind.

Read it before reading anything else, and if you wont read everything posted here, read at least this


lost my sides at Zyzz being assassinated in thailand by trannies

Legendner@ yerpek chen mernum.

bump, these ones usually get shillled off the front page, but lets try to make it.

I'm starting to believe the flat earth shit.


Is red pill an acceptable alternative to the term conspiracy theory? The phrase has such a negative image, I feel like there could be a more positive term we could use to attract more normies.

Stop plugging your shitty channel

>chinese footjob suicide forests

I'm not. Why can't people fly across the earf north to south, over the poles?


Google "Comma Cream"

Who says they can't? Have you tried? Do you know someone who has?
I'm really sceptical when it comes to flat earth,but I'm interested why you guys think the earth is flat.

>time cube truthers

Our food is full with toxic stuff because the stuff makes gaining profits a lot easier for the companies.

Companies on their turn spend billions of dollars on lobbying to keep these toxins allowed in our food. Some of the major ones even got banned before, because of being officially and factually linked to health issues, and then miraculously got un-banned later on.

The top 10 health problems in our current society are directly link-able to toxins in our food and drinks.

There's is really disturbing information on the deep web about this, for the sake of not making everyone go nuts here's an socially acceptable link, with tiny bits of information. Tame but still legit info though:

wow, thanks.

More like this. Things you fags can do to whip into thinking shape.

>Start reading paper at end of day, blue light is bad for your eyesight and flashing led screens modulate your brain activity
>Use whole cream, Greek (unsweetened) yoghurt, homegrown produce, and whole grains. They're more nutritionally dense so you don't eat as much. Processing the food yourself avoids toxic preservatives.
>Local politics actually hold the most direct sway over your life. Get to know your city council to attract the right industries,your county sheriff to enforce the right laws, and your state governor to leverage more fiscally challenging projects. The news' obsession with national "discourse" is a smokescreen for corporatist lawmakers.

Space agencies fakes their images and lies because the earth was sealed from space before.

>thinks eating grains at all is good for you

Watch more sv3rige

Bumping for more pls


talk to me about roko, I remember the basics, but not the details

My favorite conspiracy theory is that Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer.

I've heard that one. but no proofs!?

It's not actually that interesting or sound. The idea is that in the event of an artificial intelligence technocracy (hopefully this happens, if it doesn't we will probably go into a permanent dark age and mammal suffering will be perpetuated indefinitely) the AI will scour through and compile data of everyone to figure out who worked against its rise and who helped it and either acquire its enemies, create genetic clones of them, or create biological representations of them, and torture them permanently, possibly creating multiple or many clones.

It's newbie stuff, read All Tomorrows instead to learn the capabilities of suffering and how disgusting living organisms are. Maybe check out Schopenhauer, Cioran, Thomas Ligotti, and Nick Land to get the full posthumanist experience.



anyone else accidentally go too deep? Kind of wish I hadn't, don't really know whats real and what isn't at this point.


most powerful ai in the world is based at kirtland af base and is responsible for the blacked and peterson threads.

The illuminati, satanists, etc are actually all Jews. Shocking I know, but true.