Why do people try to pretend we don't exist. As if every black person looks like leslie Jones?
Lightskinned blacks
A nigger is a nigger. You nogs sound like you have a white complex. Stay on your side.
Smells like a zoo after sex just as much as any other nigger does. Also they are obnoxiously loud during movies and only want to fuck all the time.
>lighter colored shit somehow isn't shit
Because your people are the worst fucking attention whore traitors on this fucking planet. You identify with x race onlywhen it is convienient for you and parade around like you're some superior beings by birth right. You are nothing more than the biproduct of a fetish. You are shit. Fuck off.
It's a mulatto, not black
Being a mulatto must suck like hell. Only trash whites would fuck a nigga disregard of gender
Why do you guys hate us so much? Is it jealousy?
Because they still insist on going back to their ghetto roots instead of trying to act like white people.
The one drop rule makes us black. The white community makes it clear "you are not one of us" while the black community says, "you are one of us"
Why would we want to act like white people. They're corny as shit.
Yo sauce me
It's not that. It's just white people like to pretend we don't exist for some reason.
what the fuck would i be jealous of?
you are a different species, and i only breed my species.
even if its .00045 parts nigger, its still a nigger.
tragic results of racemixing should be exclusively spreading the awareness to make sure future generations don't mix.
I used to shitpost as Amiri Baraka. A crazed black poet. And uh... you know make stupid jokes about being a... nigga. I used to shitpost the GMSonStreet vids from YouTube.
I should stop trolling. I came really hard a few times to Bethany Benz.
My mom is Criolla but has dark blood from the Med. My father too.
NY Giants, #13 doing it big next year! :D
Yeah totally
Lightskinned blacks have done a shit-ton for the world. And have the most beautiful women.
Socially speaking.. light skinned black girls can realistically only associate with white people. Nogs treat them like shit. Not black enough to be 'black'. Higher sexual market value and maybe smarter, so they often lean toward white folk.. who are actually the most socially accepting ethnic group. Light skinned girls like OP's pic often hate and ignore black culture/people and would rather identify and associate with whites.
At least we have something in common with dark blacks on this issue.
I'm going to assume that they consider you to be aids.
>light skinned blacks
I believe the word you're looking for is "mutt".
Jealous that we have the best of both worlds.
Because there's a lot of other good shit that goes along with 'acting white' that far outweighs being corny. Light skinned niggers, Asians, and castizos have no problem pairing off with a white mate and being included. Most whites would probably just assume you were a Greek, a Fin, or a Spaniard.
No, I've been mistaken for an Arab, but I am American so just a nigger.
Burn, Nigger.
How does our very existence trigger whites?
Because yur culture is literally what is wrong with my country.
>Why would we want to act like white people. They're corny as shit.
I think this is it, the thing about non-whites is that they are a lesser species and simply don't want to better themselves, saying it's 'corny'. This is because they are not as smart. Not as driven. No intellectual curiosity. Quick to emotional surges and happy to sit around all day and do nothing while whites are literally landing exploration vehicles on Mars.
this is all true except you replace black men with whites, they hate white culture because it has no identity and few young men who are sexually attractive, u can blame white genocide or globalists or just a sexual inferiority, but its actually light skinned men who find white culture more acceptable, its a shame because u call them niggers 24/7 sorry to burst that bubble
You're country?
You're probably an Ellis islanders, like 90% of white "Americans".
you may enter, babe
feel free to take off your clothes
>Light skinned black
You're still a nigger, we still hate you, kill yourself or home back to Afrikkka.
Try again. I'm from Atlanta,Ga. I gew up in Fulton Co's DFCS system. I was placed in Zone 4(West side of ATL, Adamsville.) 90 per cent niggers.
Still subhuman
By Ellis Islanders I mean recent immigrant
No, I'm not anywhere near Ellis Island.
Are there lightskinned blacks in africa? Hmmm.... really makes you think.
My family came here through Virginia. in the 1700's
I would enslave that ass
Because NOBODY likes niggers including niggers. Are you fucking stu... Oh yeah you are a nig. Damn I feel like a nig for almost asking that last question.
If you look like pic related, then you're not a nigger, you're an inbetween thing like mexicans and arabs and other brown people. Unlike niggers who simply by virtue of their very nature have no hope, you can choose to become a part of this great western civilization in body mind and spirit, or you can be a nigger. What did you choose?
I hope you can fight. Because bitches like that almost always walk around with niggers like this.
White people are weirdos. Being lightskinned doesn't make you any less black.
You're still a nigger.
Go do a DNA test and then come back.
A VERY gorgeous young lady! WOW!
Hey, whities! Niggas be cucking you left and right. Black is becoming the new white in America. No finer time to be black in American than today!
I'll feel bad for them after whites are gone and they become the west's new scapegoat.
More cucking whitey...LOL
la creatura del mundo nuevo...
...un futuro americano orrendo...
Yeah, pol is 50% neckbeards(I say this in the most endearing possible manner, OFC) and 50% sexy as fuck mixed bvitches asking the same shit over and over and over and over.
Totally a true story, BTW.
Why do you pretend we care either way?
Black Americans are the most obsessed about people on the planet.
Wait a minute. are you trying to tell me this OP is you?Doubt it.
Not unless you want it to.
No dude. Racial mixtures are just a thing of the USA
"Light-skinned black" is an oxymoron.
They are mulattoes and quadroons.
Mixed of both white and black descent, belonging to neither.
Only and idiot would claim a hapa to be full white or Asian.
The same applies to mulattoes of varying degrees.
This thread makes me sad.
So many newfags replying to shitty bait.
you should see this bitch without make up.
Can I see her without photoshop, please?
nah, that one drop rule is some leftist horse shit. Whites have bred with blacks enough at this point that most of them have a good chunk of white genetics. Not all but I would bet just about every light skinned blackie has a significant amount of white in them.
Niggers are subhuman, at some point they gain enough white genetics to potentially be human (if they have enough frontal lobe capacity to resist chimping out)
>not acting like an ape is 'corny'
The one drop rule has always been the rule in America. TI and will Smith, and Steph Curry are "black".
They can't get away with their blood. Mutties are still good for fucking
>Black Americans are the most self-obsessed people on the planet.
>One drop rule
She's a light skinned black? Why do you hate your own kind so much?
You don´t.
You aren´t human and the monkeys won´t accept you in their tribe.
It is like you have no place on this world.
This is really an odd case, and highlights cognitive dissonance amongst white people. The only question becomes why? It seems like American blacks are targeted for a very specific form of hatred defined by ever shifting definitions and logical inconsistencies.
Spaniards are basically lightskinned blacks via moorish conquests giving them the one drop.
>Lightskinned blacks
Lightskinned sub-saharan people
>dur hur, some immigration official doesn't understand race
>dur hur race is muh social construct
>dur hur white people think this way, us blacks think another
You really are more of a nigger than a white.
Stop bullying Leslie Jones.
Or just regular lightskinned people
For that matter, we're all still monkeys because we all evolved from monkeys. Or we're all technically black because humans came from Africa. You sound exactly like that moron Tariq Nasheed.
I know she's Sup Forumss mascot for what all niggers look like. You guys love to push ones with exaggerated features.
Nah it's only an illusion of the FakeJooTube and the FakeJooRunMSM.
White roasties with actually sexy pert white girl ass(equal curve/extention on both the x and y axis -- See Pic) are the runaway winners in that category... IT'S NOT CLOSE.
>One drop rule
I'm just looking for consistency
Finns don't have dark complexes, like at all. Your NA ignorance is showing, you fucking retard. Why is it always an American that feels like he should voice his mind even if he has no knowledge of what he speaks? Also you can bet your stupid ass that whites in NA couldn't tell a regular Finn from any other white, in fact we'd actually look whiter.
well user, most women regardless of race look funny withouth make up, so no surprise.
She's six foot tall and manages to be funny without "muh vagina".
You bubble in what you are. What he wants is for them to label Egyptians as Black (or allow them to be marked as black)
Seems like he is just conflating nationality with ethnicity