Let's discuss the political landscape of Scandinavia and what we can do to both combat and reduce the damage of the ongoing mudslime invasion.
Discussions about how to fix Sweden are also encouraged but they must extend beyond "nuke Malmö".
Let's discuss the political landscape of Scandinavia and what we can do to both combat and reduce the damage of the ongoing mudslime invasion.
Discussions about how to fix Sweden are also encouraged but they must extend beyond "nuke Malmö".
Finns aint scandi
raze Malmö
Scandinavia belongs to the Finns though.
Neither are we but we're all part of the same fold so let's just conveniently ignore that for now
is there anything even happening in Scandinavia right now
neither is Iceland to be honest
scandinavia belongs to everyone
dauður þráður
scandinavia belongs to scandinavians
pick one
then make a thread about the Nordic Countries, you weirdo.
>x aren't y
>divide and conquer
Nice try, Schlomo
Give Malmö back to Denmark we don't wont it any more
Norway is best cause there is less niggers
Don't be such a pussy, it's still good. It just needs a little ethnic cleaning.
Take back Karelia first.
This is just low-hanging fruit for people to come in here and start assblasting about ''Finland can't into Scandinavia!!!!'' I still don't understand how people don't get it.
so you're fine with me including Canada and Mexico in the United States of America? They're part of North America after al, and America is America, right?
we'll gladly take it, along with the rest of Skåne, Halland and Blekinge.
Remove the feminists in government.
Less SJW, more Patriarchy. Trust me, the nogs will not survive that Sweden.
Finland is obvious a part of scandinavia as an extension of Sweden
I just wait for them to die off from implications with vitamin D-defficency
A dick can't function properly without a ball sack.
you might wanna google the word "Scandinavia", sveabror. Finland and it's people are noble, nordic and great, but it's not Scandinavia.
Norway is almost as bad as Sweden, though. The main difference is that they vote for an anti immigration party which is bringing in more immigrants than ever, but seem to largely be unaware of it. I don't think Norway will ever get quite as bad as here, but I'm worried for them because I recognize a lot of the behavior and thought process from the Sweden of 15 years ago.
The best Nordic nation right now is undoubtedly Denmark, but even then there are foreigners that could be done away with.
That would be just stupid.
No thanks, too many white niggers as in Slavs in there now. It's ruined.
We are pretty fucked. Russia is about to come down on us hard. There is so much fucking snow. Niggers and cucks on every corner. I want to go somewhere warm...
>The best Nordic nation right now is undoubtedly Denmark
except we do nothing but bitch, moan, drink and fight. Even the Poles don't wanna come here anymore. But yeah, we have less mussies than the rest of Scandinavia.
Iceland on the other hand, is going pretty much national socialist in the original, literal sense of the word.
I agree Denmark have the best policies on the matter, but an edge Norway have over Sweden is that it is less stigmatizing to go against the mainstream narrative.
Karelians are not Slavs, they're Balto-Finnic.
we don't have winter anymore in Denmark, almost no frost let alone snow this year. Move here, but pick up mma first.
Iceland is rightful danish clay
This one is interesting, The Authority for Social Protection
and Preparedness, MSB, recently taken over by former national
police officer Dan Eliasson, point out the Swedish Democrats as
a threat to Sweden and equate the party with the National Socialist
Nordic Resistance Movement, something Niklas Svensson on Expressen
was the first to report.
Original story here with snippets of the video
I thought Iceland was full of Poles?
That's undeniable.
Recently there was a Soviet tier propaganda film published here. It was promptly taken down, because everybody thought it was bullshit. But not before it could get snagged and re-uploaded.
well, yeah.. but I grant that Norway has a claim to it also, they did discover and settle it back in the day. But then again, Norway is also rightful Danish clay, so... yeah. You're right.
The people living in East Karelia aren't exactly Karelian anymore.
>I thought Iceland was full of Poles?
they have some, yes, a lot of Poles who got tired of Denmark are now going to Iceland to work. But it's a bitch for them getting there, so it won't pose a real problem.
they never really were, but calling them Slavs is kinda rude I'd say.
>not sure if stupid or just trolling.JPG
Any danes wanna travel to Malmö an arrange a right wing debate club night?
It will be in preperation of swedish election
no seriously, don't call people Slavs unless you really, really don't like them. Or, if they're actually Slavs, of course.
You didn't get the part where the USSR moved actual slavs to live there after the Finnish Karelians were mostly evacuated into the rest of Finland after the wars?
you realize it's just a russian city full of russians now?
Pick one.
Greenland just buys our beer and lets us fuck their women, thats about it.
Iceland is honorary scandi.
Sweden should be excluded from all Scandipol threads untill they fix their cuckoldry.
and part where stalin genocided most finnic/karelian population during his purges
uncle Stalin did nothing wrong
he did, he died too soon should have suffered few more days while shitting his pants
nuke Malmö
Okay, maybe I got a bit carried away there. It's more like the Northernmost Scandinavia belongs to the Sami and the Northern half of Sweden belongs to the Finns.
Lost cause. Better learn polish
Do whatever you want with Sweden.
But keep your nasty Minttu breath away from all of Norway and Skåne, all of which is rightful Danish clay.
.. and Halland and Blekinge, min kære broder.
is that fucking silverfang?
This graph is not accurate or very predicting due to the massive change in the political landscape in at least Denmark.
I hope you are right
or else? danish invasion? hahhahhaa
No hard feelings though? You help us with Sweden and we'll help you with Norway and Skåne? No need to be enemies when we can be friends.
So do I.
I have a bad feeling about SD and their bandwagon 180 right in the heels of the right gaining popularity.
I cant help but get signals they are only doing it to avoid the parties such as NB and DF to gain popularity and will 180 again as soon as they gain momentum.
why bother? the ruskies are gonna fuck you up anyway.
Nord/pol/ does have a ring to it
>This is just low-hanging fruit for people to come in here and start assblasting about ''Finland can't into Scandinavia!!!!"
That wasn't my intention, Binland
Not America, nobody cares.
commie delusions part 600001
Sure, I have nothing against finns - theyre usually bro-tier and funny as fuck and they know how to properly fuck around and have a good time.
Also finns are not lanky soyboy faggots unlike 90% of Swedes.
Take over Sweden and we can establish a new kalmar union under the banner of Greater Finland, Denmark-Norway with Greenland and Iceland as I guess vassal states?
It's almost as if SDs can't be trusted. Must be why they were sent in gulags first after ruski rev
Iceland can be a honorary full right member for winning the Cod war.
Kek, take it. Along with 80% of our invaders.
Kek! thanks for the laugh, finnbro
kinda funny how these threads always turn into shit flinging contest
Fix Sweden? Sorry to say but that can't be done anymore without ethnic cleansing. And that that sort of thing simply Can't Be Done in current Europe, no matter how many % SD gets in the elections.
And yes, we other Nordics aren't that far behind.
True, Iceland is technicaly more Scandinavian in culture, language and traditions than most of actual Scandinavia - they should no doubt be a fully fledged member.
I really dont understand how the left here keeps getting vote, they break promises and go back on their words time, after time, after time.
>implying we wont send them over the new established border, ahmed - they are swedish citizens.
swedish education bois
I don't know if we will ever save Sweden. If the whole world change their view on refugees, maybe. But as long as most western countries think there isn't much of a problem with mass immigration, then nothing will change.
Friendly banter my mongol friend.
Iceland belongs with norway if anything.
Half the population is working in norway already.
Indeed. The transformation is complete for sweden.
You mean Norway belongs to Iceland?
No, as long as EU and UN acts like a seperate sovereign government that controls the political landscapes of member countries - it can't be done.
As soon as the EU parliament falls and sovereign control returns to each given country, it can be done.
Pick one
If I didn't know better I might say the whole refugee things was planned from the beginning to be the enemy that unites Europe when we finally wake up to the problem, but ain't nobody gonna believe the federalists are that smart.
EU is one of shittiest things to happen in politics since politics, so maybe you are right.
At least you tried icebro, seeing who is Scandinavian and who isn't is more important then niggers and Muslims taking over Northern Europe
The problem in Sweden more than anything is the iron grip the media has over the citizens lives. On paper we have certain rights and freedoms, but these rights and freedoms are constantly bypassed, not by the government, but by the media. The media in turn gets funded by the government, conveniently enough, and is largely owned by jewish corporations who also have a massive influence over the EU, which directly dictates which invader goes where in the EU now that national border control no longer exist. Just look at the EU outrage when Sweden instated ID checks at the border.
Make no mistake, it's no coincidence that the people pushing for Sweden to become multicultural are the very same people who pushed for it in Germany before WWII. Funnily enough, we too have our own growing national socialist organization now. Just like Germany way back when. There is no doubt in my mind that a majority of Swedes would turn on the government in a second. They know this, and it is observable from the way they've been turning up the propaganda machine output recently during this election year and the year leading up to it. The question is, how quickly would NATO intervene at the behest of the EU?
Maybe it will serve as a wake up call for other countries, though. Our jewified MSM has actually started to publish articles about Malmö lately.
Still, here's hoping that a miracle happens and we can embrace our Swedish brothers again when they manage to get their country back.
Scandinavia sucks ass
>As soon as the EU parliament falls
Is this ever going to happen?
Brexit was a fluke and even now the EU is tearing into the UK for not staying with them like good goys
I can't imagine that the rest of its member countries (apart from maybe Poland, Hungary and the like) will feel all too interested in leaving
I dont know, sounds too good to be true that it would be a well thought out plot.
Most likely it's low-key ethnic cleansing by turning every european ethnicity into a afro-semitic ethnicity.
Why though? Theres many theories, I personally don't believe the whole "IZ DA JOOZ MAN" - No doubt theres some zionists involved but meh.
I still believe it can be EXPLOITED to unite europe though, but every idea of a homogenous europe presented in any shape or form is always dismissed as rayciss xenofopigg fasheeesm.
It's going to be tough, as especially our young population has jumped on the muh tolerance train.
I fucking hate the world we live in
no. scandinavia is only an interesting place when scandinavians Leave scandinavia... we are autistic shutins and we like it that way no news are good news. and then came the jews...
Scandinavia belongs to Allah!
>I really dont understand how the left here keeps getting vote
The same way they always get their votes - giving away free money.
Those countries are probably the least likely to leave, I'm not entirely sure but I think they are the ones who benefit the most from the EU financially. Of course finance isn't everything, and given the choice they'd probably leave rather than take in rapists.
Hopefully support for the EU continues to erode here. They've already tried instating the euro and failed twice. Recently they changed the way our coins look which in my mind is likely leading up to a third attempt, by making our own coins resemble the euro coins more, hopefully by then all support for the EU will have vaporized.
>we other Nordics aren't that far behind.
"herroo ferrroo waitu peoporrrr"
Fuck off, Fingolian
I was pretty bummed out about losing scandinavia, but I think the muslims who conquered it were probably more happy to get it than I am sad to lose it. So, whatever.
Total sharia in the world increased
are you fucking blind?
The EU can tell us to do exactly what the EU want us to do, and if we don't they can shower us with sanctions which in turn completely fucks the country among many other things.
They have so much power over member states it's not even a question IF it's true.
Never said it WILL happen, all I'm saying is that EU must collapse with the sovereign power returning to each country before anything can be done within each country.
Blexit is only a fluke because of EU's power to fuck anyone who doesn't do what they say - which is exactly what I'm talking about.
At this point EU is basicaly a tyrranical dictator.