Sup Forums here. Only time I ever hear about SJW shit is when Sup Forums or the skeptic community cries about it

Sup Forums here. Only time I ever hear about SJW shit is when Sup Forums or the skeptic community cries about it.

It's almost like they don't exist in the numbers Sup Forumsfags and redditors want everyone to believe

Get the fuck out of here ypu neogaf defending nigger kike faggot

you clearly haven't been to post-sec

This is just sad bait

>no one in my basement is an sjw

Op is a confirmed faggot

Have a (you), Sup Forums is basically infested by SJWs

Go back to playing your new bing! bing! wahoo! game, sport.
Adults are talking right now.

Thats cause you live in your basement shitposting on Sup Forums and Sup Forums

You are very very wrong

Go on Twitter if you want to see the belly of the beast

Start with the replies to Trump posts, check their twitter pages, and go from there. They are truly horrible awful people.

t. has never gone to college

Go back to neogaf you massive faggot.

159858008 (OP)
You must be mentally retarded

Shitty bait

get out of your basement nigger, see how the world changed since you dropped out of highschool.

Where the fuck do you live? Vermont or Texas?



>what are newspapers

>Sup Forums here
Sup Forums is more reddit then Sup Forums faggot

You're pretending to be from a board that literally spawned the mass awakening to SJW bullshit because bitches would stop fucking with games.

Go away.