Not being asexual in 2018

>not being asexual in 2018
sex is icky

Because any young person with a brain and sense of caution will realize that STDs, false rape accusations --- generally the consequences of entangling your life with others, especially women, isn't worth losing your relative freedom.

Sex isn't what it's cracked up to be.

>implying they aren't just masturbating more
>implying this isn't more degenerate


I can tell you right now with the utmost certainty that it has nothing to do with not being "degenerate," but everything to do with Western society becoming The Behavioral Sink and a large chunk of our population becoming "the beautiful ones." People don't want to believe it because shit doesn't add up the way it should but despite sexual liberation and the deluge of social media and dating apps/sites providing more opportunity than ever for NSA promiscuity, people are becoming preening soulless husks with dwindling interest in relationships or procreating and are having LESS sex than they did 10–20 years ago. They fucked like rabbits in the mid-'90s but it's been trending down, with people having sex at least once a week nosediving and the people having little/no sex spiking.

Search your extended social circle, you know it to be true, especially if you yourself are in a happy relationship and can look at other women you know platonically (especially your girlfriend's friends) more objectively. Mid-to-late 20s women who obsess over their appearance and perfecting their winged eyeliner so they can show their friends, entering early voluntary early spinsterhood because they conflate the ill human condition and their lack of interest in guys as a problem with the guys themselves. Mistakenly thinking "the guy for them" is around the corner and that they have all the time in the world waiting out the clock for something that probably won't come and probably won't fix things even if it came. Don't get me started on guys, turning into a bunch of depressed video game playing sad sacks who fill the romantic void with "You Love, You Lose" folders full of neotenous camwhores like Anzu and lacking the virility to even bother masturbating anymore.

Shit's fucked, dude. The modern age has killed the human spirit. It's not like back in the day where you had a small community and appreciated the little things and experiences that come your way, we've gone full Paradox of Choice.

great post, friend

>mid 20s
>able to keep count of how many times a year you have sex

How is that even a thing?


Masturbating never gave me AIDS


More women are having more sex than ever, only male numbers are dropping.

Why the fuck would I stick my dick into someone who's
f)Can ruin your life if at the drop of a dime


>more daddy issues and birth control available than ever
>Sup Forums is too autistic/ugly/fat to take advantage of this


Quality post. I can add that over the last ten to twenty years, there has been massive social dissolution in Westrrn society. The rate of single motherhood, racial alienation, and complete breakdown of communities have created an entire generation of men and women who never learned the necessary interpersonal skills to effectively communicate and mate with the opposite sex. Women are absolutely clueless about men and vice versa. Sexual wisdom is not being passed down, instead neurotic and fantastical notions of gender equality pollute the social pool and lead both men and women into further estrangement and confusion.

>Actually fucking someone with daddy issues
>Relying on birth control/on your partner to take it
You're setting up yourself for failure.

>his partner doesn't have a birth control implant

I bet you don't know a single person who committed treason and wanted to sleep with you.

>his partner isn't a sexbot/waifubot

its just hypergamy
chad only has so much cock to go around
so women wait their turn on the carousel, some of them have to wait a long time

also women always lie when asked how much sex they have, even anonymously they'll lie just by automatic unthinking default.

I've never had sex with another American. Is it good?

>They fucked like rabbits in the mid-'90s

It actually got worse than that until about 2008. The 90s were still connected to the past as in christian values, family based tv shows etc. Shit really got hedonistic at the turn of the millenium and went on until around 2008 until what you are saying became somewhat evident. It doesnt seem as profound as you are saying.

BTW: Why dont kids these days have an accurate understanding of the recent past? When i hear these kids speak of the 80s or 90s they hit so many spots that would immediately tell anyone alive then that they were not alive then. I hear them talk about any time pre-70s and they are very accurate. How did the 70s, 80s and 90s (especially the 90s) get erased from history?? Because it was good for whites? Holy shit. Its like the 90s never happened because that was good for white people..

(((Fucking Parasites)))

>tfw you profit off this madness
>tfw the spiral hasn't reached the bottom yet

feels good to be a Western smut game creator in 2018

>Playing into the female game
Oh cutie you're the one getting victimized by them
They're the ones who can't do without
We used to get submissive wives for our dicks now we get unclean roasts thanks to dehydrated bets fags like you

You just know its only whites not having sex. Probably related to the lowering life expectancy, mental health and all around quality of life

Can confirm and check. Women are told to take charge. Men are told to be good cooks and do housework. The only problem is a woman won't be satisfied with a house husband like that and she'll go look for a Chad who doesn't cook or clean to fuck on the side. However she won't be with that Chad because he won't let her be the man in the relationship so she goes home to cuck boy and makes him eat her cummy pussy.

I'm disinterested in sex. And have been since college. Sadly it's hard to find a girl who is equally disinterested.

32/m/not a soyboy

>having sex is beta
>now we get unclean roasts thanks to dehydrated bets fags like you

Go ahead and change that we to an I. I love talking about women on Sup Forums to incels its hilarious.

Is there anything more hilarious than realizing that by attacking "degeneracy" you were really attacking reproduction?

>everyone has to approve your reproduction
>only intelligent people follow the rules
>no one intelligent ever reproduces

Some of you really are fucking idiots.

Feels bad man

You're fucking retarded, no one is having sex just to reproduce, they have it feel pleasure. If a baby comes along they just grind it up and abort it or have it grow up in a shitty childhood red pilling it.


Less men have more sex,more men have less sex.

If not reversed,sexual inequality will deepen more and more.

>he has never actually fucked a girl with daddy issues

WEW BOI you gon learn


Protip: women became sluts and expected too much of men at the same time. Men realized this and either adjusted to not give a fuck or opted out of the high risk/low reward state of relationships today leaving a disparaging gap in sexual activity between prior and current generations.

fucking a girl with daddy issues ranks alongside putting your hand on the hotplate and giving jews the benefit of the doubt in the bracket of "things you only do once"

You seem to fail at being able to understand there's a difference.
Degeneracy is engaging in irresponsible sexual behaviors, reproduction is the act of having sex to produce offspring.
Our grandparents were far less degenerate and had far more children.

>not tying up and spanking a naughty girl on the regular

stop speaking so much truth

desu i never had "sex"
And not because i don't want to but because i just cannot imagine what the hell to talk to women my age, this is a problem i already had with 14 (now 24)

I had sex,and I have the same problem.

Thumbnail is very misleading. Was hoping for more penguins

You don't have intellectual conversations with them you just fuck around with them and talk about stupid stuff.

>America is in decline. Americans are having less sex, the share of Americans who say they never once had sex in the past year is rising, and—perhaps most surprising—this revolution in sexual behavior is being led by the young.
women whore themselves more than they used to it's just that they only hope on chad dicks and betas are left to fap away their time in solitude

Thank you, solidified the sentiment of almost everyone here. Society is rotting. We are in the die out phase of civilization.

Twas potery

Just use drugs, kids.

They make you forget about using pills and condoms, you forget it more if you mix cocaine with weed and alcohol.

You can fuck only once a year and still birth humans.

if blonde white skin-purple eyed bitch does not want to have baby, just kidnap her until birth and make her dissapear, and voila! you have healthy kids and you raise them with their asian mother and asian siblings

their new asian mother *

>have created an entire generation of men and women who never learned the necessary interpersonal skills to effectively communicate and mate with the opposite sex.

This. The generation of decadence before us never passed down the social script on how this all works. There was a reason for arraigned marriages, parents organizing parties so their children could meet potential partners, etc... All of this was lost in a generation, and now we are left with the aftermath of losing connection with those around us. We are becoming less and less the humans of past generations.

We’re in the mouse utopia, that’s why.

You know he doesn't mean treason to the state, right?

I can't imagine dating or fucking a girl at my university. You never know if she is some crazy skank who will #metoo you later on. I just avoid them altogether. I don't speak with them really at all. And with porn and other diversions, it's not even a big loss.

>listening to NPR
>talking about an upcoming episode about porn
>think that's a tad conservative
>they start talking about porn giving people the wrong idea about sex
>their solution is new sex ed: "porn literacy"
fucking imbeciles all of them

People wouldn't even be going to porn if it wasn't for how fucked up it is in the dating scene. These retards only attack the symptom because they fear looking at themselves in the mirror and themselves losing leverage.


A smaller SHARE of Americans are having sex. Women who are at least average, and elite men are having tons,

It's not just that, porn is addictive. Married men watch porn too.

no its cuz all the woman are turning into heartless bitches that only use the guy for money. Also, they only like someone with the most money or the person who looks the best. Anyone else cna fuck off to them.

Jew demand you fap 21 times a month and have more sex.
Keep sinning dumb christians.