Isn't against their own interest?
What are they afraid of?
Why wageslaves are against Basic Income? /UBI/
Muh contribushuns to society
Because then they'd be even more of a wageslave after UBI fucks up the market.
>not owning your own company
Opportunity has different meanings i guess.
Because I'm not a leech who wants to live off welfare.
>Become your own boss!
Doing what? There is a business for everything.
>Invest in crypto currency!
lol k
What could be more liberating than knowing the government has total control over your finances? People who want UBI are lazy and short-sighted.
I remember when I thought bukowski was a genius. I was a retarded teenager. He was nothing but a drunk and a mediocre writer. The epitome of self destructive hipsterism.
> hurr durr just start a business and become a moolyonair
t. everyone who has never even tried to start their own business and has no idea what is involved. Keep reading those self help aspirational books faggots, maybe the penny will drop one day.
Simply because they're the epitome of what the (((System))) mind virus does to the host.
It's the prison without bars as their imagination is so severely impeded upon that they can't even imagine another state of being.
It's natural to them to fight and smash even the smallest spark that'd ignite the blueprints of the (((System))) which reside in their mind.
What could be more liberating than having deleted FagBook and having literally 0 friends now as a consequence of it...
The government IS in total control of your finances even NOW.
They're the ones dictating what is legal tender and what not.
>inb4 barter
Not if there is supply, you see supply with automation can make prices go low..
The vast majority of people doesn't contribute, polices work for the money.
Taking care of an ill familiar or children isn't always remunerated..
>Because I'm not a leech who wants to live off welfare.
You will, its a matter of time and luck depending in your profession and what the elites decide.
This quote was supposed to inspire people to take risks in their life, like start a bussiness or go travel or get educated and become somebody, rather than just the "safe" route of getting a normal 9-5 office job.
Neets have taken this quote and turned it completely around and out of context
Why would you have to force feed yourself? That's a retarded thing to say
But I'm making money for myself also and there's a sense of accomplishment. Do you really want your kids to look up to a NEET who's no better than a nigger?
To some extent they do control them, but I'd argue that's a different level of control. I would rather not have to wait for my government allowance every month like some welfare queen .
> People who want UBI are lazy and short-sighted.
I am lazy, but also I want to live.
Would you live exactly as you do if you had enough money to 'survive' doing or trying to do something you like more?
It's another 'rat race' in spain when youth unemployment hit 50% and a million or more youth fleed the country, institutional propaganda told us 'just employ yourself'.
But it's not for everyone and less in a big crisis with no resources.
>The vast majority of people doesn't contribute, polices work for the money.
preaching to the choir, im a NEET since 2012
>Why would a man want to wake up at 3 in the afternoon, get up, not dress, and sit in a place where you essentially sit there and decay in squalor, and bring nothing helpful to the table?
Bukowski is literal trash, he ran his own rat race by calling out people in their own races. Hes a fucking rat in the maze like everyone else, but shames some just because they go for the cheese. If he had any balls, he would have shot himself like a real man, instead of writing countless works complaining.
No you don't. You want someone to give you everything because your parents failed raising you. You contribute nothing to society and deserve nothing back. You are just a spoiled child.
>muh wageslaves = voluntary economic transaction in the market
>lets steal the wealth created by productive people and give it to leaches because that works good for everyone
found the modest mouse fan
Actually the creation of money is a PRIVATE matter, with our friends rotchild, central banks owners..
The quote is about the horrible wageslave life.
Original intentions may be anachronistic today.
The ubi is a basic start, don't you think you most of the people trade some of their free time for education, work or any way to increase their income?
>The ubi is a basic start, don't you think you most of the people trade some of their free time for education, work or any way to increase their income?
Will you? I wouldn't if I don't have to.
kys ma negro
ubi = venezuela
if we're going to give people money, it should be on the condition that they have smart children only via genius sperm donation. just handing out money to stupid people will create an idiocracy.
The people who wake up at 3 in the afternoon, and do that are ill.
With a better society their relatives would try to get them out of their depression don't you think?
Your original message also said 'short sighted'
Well that's what you are.
My parents may have failed with me but it's not curios that 50% of the youth is unemployed and millions had fleed? is as if there were no jobs in my country.
Yes, have you been a neet for a long time? is quite boring.
You would try different possibilities.
Because I want my children to look up to me. Nobody can look up to a welfare receiving faggot.
statistically its likely you work a service sector job, 80% of America does. That means not mining any resources, growing any food, fishing, nothing of that sort. Nor are you creating or manufacturing any assets, making nothing for society.
without you working nothing would change the QOL for society. Your self worth is unjustifiably inflated.
anyways, I still hope for civil war 2.0 or the economy crashing
The question is not why are X against UBI, but why are Billionaires the main proponents of a UBI system? Could it be that it placates the masses with enough material substinance that they become dependent and grateful to the system for their existence? How is that different from Communism, which failed precisely because it demotivates the masses - specifically men? It is a tacit admission that men are now obselite as a gender/ force of history. How can men have any self respect knowing they are being given gibs and not being self made? The UBI the Billonaire class are pushing gibs us tokens to spend to keep their industries with a customer, but do they gie the customer the ability to have a stake in the company? Is it a ploy to permenantly cement the Billionaire class as overlords by defacto blocking access to the "means of production", i.e a stake in these industries.
Then finally, what about radicals and dissidents in a UBI system? What happens why a man tries to make it alone? He will be prevented as the system will be run by AI and he'll be a token using consumer in a system that will inevitably lead to propaganda about humans being useless, and the state/ system starting Brave New World reproduction restrictions/ controls.
Billionaires want UBI. Think about that.
It's not socialism or comunism.
Capitalists and libertarianists support this idea.
Welfare receiving faggots is what millions will be in some years.
Having enough to live would make people give the better of them.
No because I can get what I want to do in life done without much money.
I've done a bit of everything (cattle farmer, electrician, construction worker, plumber, media design, etc.) but am in graduate school now.
Because they pay for UBI while slackers receive... Do you think money grows on trees?
By the way, I wouldn't work if we had Universal Income because it's a retarded socialist idea that I refuse to pay for. I will leach off of it so it collapses quicker and we can get back to rewording productive people in society like what's suppose to happen in capitalism.
>Capitalists and libertarianists support this idea.
No we don't because it doesn't work. It's most likely founded on concepts of the Marxist school of economics and Marxist economics don't work. It's probably even too socialist for most Keynesians (by the way, Keynesian economics only works in the short term and destabilizes society while passing our children the debt for our lifestyle)
>It's not socialism or comunism.
Yes it is.
not on trees, its just made up out of thin air by bankers via fractal reserve banking
read this Billionaires are not the only proponents of an UBI, but yeah they think it will be better for them..
What is the point, do you see an alternative ? maybe comunism?
>It is a tacit admission that men are now obselite as a gender/ force of history.
Well that's the thing.
>How can men have any self respect knowing they are being given gibs and not being self made?
Self made men are a meme, everybody had something a position, a gifted mind, money etc..
You are overthinking, first solve one problem then we can join the revolution..
How in the hell could a man enjoy being intoxicated 18 hours a day, sitting in his house alone, while writting shitty pulp novels?
> (You)
>No because I can get what I want to do in life done without much money.
>I've done a bit of everything (cattle farmer, electrician, construction worker, plumber, media design, etc.) but am in graduate school now.
That's been impossible in my country for a decade.
It's who you know or get the fuck out.
at least he didn't have a boss named Mr bergstein shouting down his ear, he also got to write his shitty novels too, and people obviously bought them
So stop working now.
Maybe you can get some neetbux or whatever.
Times change, technology makes and will make things easier.
If you can be replaced by a machine that does your job better and cheaper, would you still be working?
>No because I can get what I want to do in life done without much money.
So it's everyone else's job to bankroll you?
>but am in graduate school now.
So you're a spoiled millennial who has never lived outside of school but think you have it figured out. Got it.
what if you got enough not to ever work..
what is the purpose of life in THAT case ???
it's impossible
I enjoy my work, it gives me strength, it gives me purpose.
Love what you do, and you'll never work a day in your life.
You missquoted.
Your purpose is working?
Everyone would have to find their purpose as now they do, the difference is in the 'basic' starting point that everyone would have.
Then prove it, trying it in a relative big scale would give us a better view on if its already doable.
t. bureaucrat
>So stop working now.
We don't have universal income yet
>Times change, technology makes and will make things easier.
>If you can be replaced by a machine that does your job better and cheaper, would you still be working?
Just like cotton pickers were replaced by mechanized farm equipment. Just like how blacksmiths were replaced by a machine shop. Just like how the milk man and ice man were replaced by cheap refrigerators and shopping stores. Just like how the signal engineers on the trains were replaced by modern communication equipment. Just like how the coal shovelers were replaced with modern diesel engines, etc. It is you who isn't getting with the time and thinks the world always stays the same. It is you that see's doom and gloom in the economy because you don't see that economics aren't stagnet things and people are smart creatures that adapt without a central planner. People adapt to modern technology and everyone's lives are better off because of it. You just can't see that because you cling to an economic school of thought that leads to central planning and socialism because you think you are the only smart person in the world and the only one who can solve these issues.
>. People adapt to modern technology and everyone's lives are better off because of it.
Not true though.
Ya I totally deserve to live in a society that utterly pampers me for contributing in absolutely 0 tangible ways.
We need to stop advancing. We have to much technology and absolutely no fucking clue what to do with it, or what the ramifications of doing it will be.
The point was, that you don't want to pay for socialism.
Well stop paying, just stop working. When you are poor enough ask for the gibs.
The technology will make more and more people obsolete, engineers and educated people too.
There won't be 'new' jobs for millions of people who most likely are not in the 'highly' un -automatable sectors
Anyway my point of view is not based on technology but on ethics, why do you prefer having millions of poors and then worry for having a police, penal, and justice system, gibs etc..
When you could spend an affordable % of GDP in UBI
Then stop using internet..
Technology is responsible for the actual standard of life.
Because the basic income has to come from somewhere and it will come from there salaries. You're a fucking tard. And if nobody works then we will have no GDP, our country will be unable to pay off all the debt it has accumulated, and we would run out of food. Christ, how fucking dumb are you?
Mah guy!
>basic income
>my country can't even afford to give my single-father handicapped uncle welfare
Every day this thread gets made, and every day I tell the dumb fucking mouth breathers on this board that UBI isn't socialism
Only niggers are proud of not working
We can't even afford to fund social security and welfare for 21.3% of the country and you think we can fund UBI for every adult in the country? How fucking retarded are you?
You don’t have to be a millionaire to be a success. I employ 3 people and have 7 figure revenues annually. I’m not a millionaire, per se, but I live very comfortably and I pay my employees very well.
NEETS and other losers can get fucked. I don’t work so you can be lazy slobs. I can’t wait for welfare reform in 2019. You sacks of shit are about to have to deal with MUH ANXIETY and MUH DEPRESSION while providing for yourselves. Gonna be glorious.
Ham on rye is a decent book but you're right the majority of his stuff is utter shite
There is a conservative case to be made for Ubi. There are some conservatives who have an idea of how they want government to look and others with an idea of how they want society to look. If you're in the category of caring about society then there's no reason you can't reluctantly come to support Ubi. The idea would be that we eliminate nearly the entire welfare state including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, the Affordable Care Act, etc...and replace it all by giving every adult age 21 and older $13,000 a year in monthly installments with a mandate to spend at minimum 20% on health insurance. We would also eliminate the federal minimum wage because what's the point? Yes it would be expensive, although it would cost less than the current welfare state is projected to cost in only a few years time.
In Sam Harris's podcast where he famously spoke with Charles Murray about IQ he also got Marie to talk about his conservative support for Ubi. Murray is a "society" conservative. I urge everyone to listen to the entire podcast especially the bit were Murray talks about the importance of agency, in particular moral agency. He acknowledges there would be "bleed off" but it's worth it. He also talks about the possible long-term necessity for Ubi given the coming automation Revolution and the rise of AI. We can't afford to have a 100 million unemployed people running around feral.
An ubi is not just adding expended money.
It reforms other gibs, and makes profound changes in the way society lives.
In other words, it may be cheaper than the actual system.
Because someone with less money or of a different skin tone might also benefit from it.
And I'll be damned if anyone poorer than me or darker than me gets a nickel even if it means I get a dollar.
My hatred and need to feel superior outweights my financial needs and general inclination to build a better life for myself and my family.